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I'm not going to lie. Yes, I am mad at my mom. I understand that this kind of information isn't something you casually share over dinner but still they should have told me. I'm pretty sure my dad knew. I mean how can you marry someone and not know their species?

Anyway I have been trying to avoid my mom except Lorelei and my mom really hit it off. Lorelei is really bad at reading signs. My mom has already scheduled another dinner with the two of us.

My mom didn't like that Lorelei and I were sharing a room and so she moved me since technically the room was Lorelei's originally. I was sitting in my room when a nurse walked in.

"Do you need something?" I ask her.

"Mr. Leopold has requested me to inform you, Mr. Elijah, that you will be fighting in a week." She told me.

One thing that I noticed about the Brights is that they are extremely respectful, except for when they are fighting a war.

"Thank you Ms." I tell her.

She bows and exits my room. She didn't bow to me because I was loyalty. That isn't common knowledge. The Brights just bow to respect one another and I guess they consider us citizens now. I guess that's cool.

I pull out the com they gave me. I can only call certain people on it but it is still useful.

"Hey Leopold can you get me a punching bag?"

"Sure man."

Thirty minutes later Leopold showed up at my door with a punching bag. We set it up in my room and Leopold started training me. After about an hour of kicking and punching I feel exhausted.

"Should I get Lorelei in here?" Leopold asks.s

"She would probably benefit from that." I say out of breath.

Leopold coms Lorelei and she gets into the room in her exercise clothing.

"Welcome to our training session Ms. Jameson." I tell her.

She smiles at me. She punches and kicks the bag with so much force I feel myself getting prouder and prouder of her by the minute.

"Good work Ms. Jameson." I tell her.

I take another turn on the punching bag and we head down to the actual training center. When we get down there Kourtni is already down there and punching away at her own bag.

I found myself mesmerized by how she can fit so much power into one punch.

"How do you punch like that?" I ask Leopold absent-mindedly.

"I'll show you. Good work Kourtni!" He calls out to her.

Kourtni turns and sees us standing in the doorway.

"Hey guys welcome back. Are you ready to rejoin us after you beat each other to submission?" She asks.

"Yeah. I think we are ready." Lorelei told her.

"Let's duel." Kourtni tells her.

Lorelei doesn't object. She walks over to the arena and begins circling in the arena.

Leopold starts calling out advice to Lorelei. Kourtni has power behind her punch but Lorelei attacks like a viper. Kourtni is ready to pound Lorelei when Lorelei ducks out of the way at the last second and Kourtni's fist collides with the wall.

"Good job Lorelei!" I call out to her.

Kourtni growls and lets out a punch that knocks Lorelei's shoulder out of it's blade. Lorelei groans. She rolls out of the way of Kourtni's punch.

Lorelei pulls her first punch and it connects with Kourtni's jawline. Kourtni backs away clutching her jaw. Lorelei runs after her with an enraged look in her eyes. She jumped onto Kourtni's back and tackled her to the ground. I stare at Lorelei tackling Kourtni on the ground. She is beautiful. Lorelei gets Kourtni into a headlock and she turns purple. She taps the ground three times and Lorelei let's go.

I rush over to her and engulf her into a kiss.

"Wow. Maybe I should fight people more often." She smiles in my arms.

"Maybe," I smile.

"Elijah get over here we are going to train you. Lorelei you are training with Kourtni." Leopold tells us.

I scamper over to where Leopold is standing and get ready for whatever he is going to throw my way.

"Spread your legs shoulder width apart." He commands of me.

I do as he says and we spar. It surely wasn't as epic as Lorelei and Kourtni fighting but surely it didn't suck that bad.

At the end I am high on adrenaline and I run a few miles on the treadmill with Lorelei. After our Adrenaline high crashed we went to the gardens.

"It's so pretty here." Lorelei sighs.

"It's not nearly as pretty as you." I tell her.

She blushes a light pink and it looks so pretty on her. She leans her head on my shoulder and eventually falls asleep. I lean my head against her's and enjoy the moment.

"Stealing intimate moments?" Indiana asks.

"Just enjoying being alive." I respond.

"At least you have your girl." He growls.

I wonder what's got him in a mood.

"What's wrong?" I ask Indiana.

"Alivia was just talking to me about our daughter Luna Rose. That's wonderful for her but I still haven't met Luna Rose yet." He sulks.

I guess that is a problem. I have everyone I really love (except for maybe Alaina) here with me.

"I'm sure you will get to meet Luna Rose soon." I tell him.

"They better hurry it up with that rescue plan. I am about ready to call BS on it." He growls.

I laugh to myself. The plan is real. It had to be.

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