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As we round the corners of the hallways I am left wondering why he is allowing us to see Indiana.

We finally enter a door labeled Hospital. Leopold walks up to a girl and whispers in her ear. I unconsciously grab Elijah's hand and he squeezes mine for comfort. They discuss something for a long time.

"Follow us," He says gesturing towards the two of us.

We follow them because we don't have a better plan. We enter a room marked quarantine.

"Should we be in here?" Elijah asks.

"You two should be fine," They say stepping into hazmat suits.

"Wait why are you wearing hazmat suits and we aren't?" I ask.

I am ready to run out of there.

"The person who was in this room had a human disease that you humans have built immunity to," Leopold explains.

Elijah grabs a doctor's mask off a hook.

Leopold and the female Bright looks confused.

"Hey, I'm not taking any chances," He tells them.

Leopold waves it away.

"Listen Tori go grab Indiana from the room he is in. We need him now," Leopold tells Tori.

Tori rushes out of the room in her hazmat suit.

"What is going on here?" Elijah demands.

"You two are high up in the government right?" He asks us.

"Yes I guess but what are you doing?" I ask.

"If how high up we are in the government matters than why don't you grab Kourtni? She was incharge of this operation," Elijah tells him.

"She was to stubborn."

"How would you know? You have only known her for about a day tops," I tell him.

"I have been studying humans and human behavior since I woke up from hibernation 16 years ago. I know when you are stubborn."

That shuts me up. Not Elijah though.

"Hold up. Hibernation? You guys hibernate?" He asks.

"Yes we hibernate during the day. We are nocturnal creatures. I woke up early and I devoted my time to studying you humans."

Tori comes back with Indiana.

"Oh my stars! You guys are okay!" He exclaims.

"Now that all three of you are here it's time to talk strategy," Tori tells us.

We sit down on the bed and take in all of what is happening. Leopold starts to discuss how this war came about.

"This war has been brewing since you first came to this planet. The people saw your arrival as a threat when we first woke up. They wanted to wipe you out but the old Highest Order saw no threat for you being here. His son however hated you being here and swore that when he became the Highest Order he would wage war. The old Highest Order knew he was going to die soon so he passed a law that said 'you can't wage war without a valid cause'. The Highest Order's son hated this law and started plotting. When night came to an end we all went into hibernation. We stayed that way for a long time and when day started coming to an end we woke up however a few people wake up early. Like me for an example. I woke up 16 years early. I woke up believing I was the first one to wake up but I wasn't. When everyone started waking up the Highest Order's son started searching and searching for his beloved sister. After a month without the Highest Order waking up we claimed him dead and had a funeral. His son respected the Highest Order's wishes and didn't immediately wage war. He continued searching for his sister but couldn't find her. He stopped searching the compound for her and started searching the outside for her. Eventually he found her in a little colony called Oasis. He believed that you people had kidnapped her and attacked your colony to get her back. Your people tried to talk sense into him but he was grieving his father and couldn't see any sense. He announced they were at war with the human race." Leopold explained.

"Okay so his sister was living with us humans how exactly?" Elijah asked.

"We can shift forms," Tori interjected.

"Of course you can," Indiana muttered.

"If they got his sister out with the first attack. What was with the other two attacks? He didn't announce we were at war until after the third attack against us," I tell them.

"He must have had motives. They weren't organized. The attack on the ship. More than half of the people escaped into the woods and survived. They had no plan," Elijah realized.

I think for a minute trying to come up with a reason for the third attack something.

"In the third attack. They were looking for something! The soldiers went through the entrance that was hidden. They would have found the other room before the room we were in. Our entrance was in a freaking closet and theirs was a door literally marked 'lower levels'!" I exclaim.

Elijah's eyes get wide. Everything clicks into place. How did we miss this?

"So the first attack was to get his sister. The second attack was, I'm just taking a guess here, trying to scare us into one place. The third attack was getting what they were trying to find. And they succeeded," Elijah tells us.

"It makes sense," Leopold tells us.

"Wait. Sun's Peak only came to Oasis' compound after their leader Nadia went insane," Indiana explains.

"Maybe the second attack was for a different reason," Tori says.

We think for a minute. We can't come up with a reason.

"We need to get you two back to the bunks now," Leopold tells us.

We go with him. I am still shocked by the revelations I had.

"Who do you think was the Bright?" I ask Elijah.

"I have no idea," He whispers back.

"But you have the Bright sensing powers."

" I don't know."

"Maybe it was someone close to you and you got so used to feeling like that that you didn't even notice it. That's what happened to me and recycled air," I tell him.

"Are you comparing this situation to recycled air?" He laughs.

"It's a valid comparison," I tell him.

He laughs.

We get to the bunks and collapse. I am still sore from training yesterday.

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