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When the girl rushed into the room I immediately got a pit in my gut. Whatever made her rush into the room like this was the beginning of something bad. I was so right. But here's my story on what happened. Again there was something off but I couldn't put my finger on it. I listened intently on her words.

"Grayson," She replied.

Grayson. I tried to put a name to a face but I couldn't but it was a big colony of course.

I walked with Cyrus and Lorelei on the search group when it hit me. This had happened before with a girl named Tinesha. I was thirteen when Tinesha went missing. The government went crazy over it. So many conspiracies blew up. Wild animal we haven't discovered yet. The government killed her for knowing something. (I think Alaina made the last one). No one knew what happened to her. People whispered about it in alleyways but that's all they were. Whispers.

Finally after about three months of investigation they told Tinesha's parents she wasn't coming home. They claimed her dead and had a big funeral. She probably isn't dead though. She might still be missing.

This brings me back to my alien theory. No sooner have I thought this when Lorelei asks what's wrong.

"This has happened before," I tell her.

Her faces distorts to so many different emotions it's hard to tell what she feels.

"Who?" She asks hollowly.

"A girl from my colony. Tinesha." I reply.

"Why didn't you tell us?" She asks tearfully.

"I only just remembered," I tell her looking down.

The whole thing was pretty hushed. I can tell you that the Princeps and my father didn't like us talking about it and ever since her funeral haven't talked about it since. We don't talk again. We lay down in our sleeping bags and pretend to sleep so we don't have to talk.

Eight hours later and we get up. I don't think I even dozed off. I don't think Lorelei did either. We both sit up in our sleeping bags. Cyrus is still dozing in his bag. Lorelei walks over to him and stumbles. She leans down next to him.

"Cyrus," She whispers.

She shakes him awake. He sits up and takes in our dark circles and tired stances.

"Looks like you guys didn't get much sleep," He yawns.

"You have no idea." Lorelei mutters.

We head back to the colony like planned. However there were complications. We got a little lost.

"I give up!" Lorelei sighs exasperated.

I squint towards the distance. I see something strange in the distance.

"Hey guys. What's that?" I ask pointing towards it.

Lorelei squints trying to make it out. Cyrus does the same.

"Let's go see!" Lorelei exclaims.

I run. It's been to long since I've ran. Lorelei looks at me with a mischievous grin. She speeds up and I do the same. Cyrus struggles to keep up with us. We reach the thing. It looks different than what I've ever really seen before but I recognize what it is. Metal. I've only seen Metal on the Gen ship my people came on. But that's not true anymore is it. I've seen Lorelei's people's ship. That's made of metal. But in front of me is something I've never seen before. It's just a tiny cube of metal in front of me. I've never seen metal wasted like that. Something is written on it. I can't understand the language though.

"Woah," Lorelei breathes.

"Still think I'm wrong about the Aliens Lore?" I ask.

She doesn't say anything and keeps staring at the metal.

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