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Something happened. The doctors now seem wary of me. I have no idea why. They told me they were bringing Lorelei to my room but it has been thirty minutes since they told me that. Finally Tori came in to explain.

"One of our apprentices gave Lorelei an extremely high dosage of Painkillers and she is in a drug coma right now," She explains.

I am about to scream! Good for nothing apprentices.

"But she should wake up from her coma after her body gets the Painkiller out her system." Tori quickly stammers.

"I want to go to her," I tell Tori.

She is about to decline when I give her the death stare. Tori whimpers and rallies the medical staff and transport me to Lorelei's room.

When I get there I look over at Lorelei. She is pale and injected with so many needles I lose count. She is being injected with so many drugs it's a wonder she isn't dead.

"What are you pumping her with?" I ask the doctor in the room.

"Caffeine. We are hoping this dosage will wake her up," The doctor tells me.

"Ok," I murmur.

I drift off to sleep. I don't remember what I dreamt about but when I woke up I realized that Caffeine is a drug. I start paging the doctor frantically. I press the button several times not breathing until he got to our room.

"You need to pull the caffeine tubes out of Lorelei," I yell.

The doctor looks bored.

"Is this a matter of life or death?" He asks monotonically.

"Not exactly," I admit.

"Then I have other places to be."

Before I can tell him to stay he is gone. I press the pager on Lorelei's bed. I press it several times.

Indiana walks in.

"The doctors want me to tell you that they don't appreciate you paging them constantly," Indiana sighs.

"Indiana I'm glad you're here. Lorelei isn't waking up because they are pumping her full of Caffeine."

"What do you mean. Caffeine is what is going to wake her up."

"Indiana think about it. Caffeine is a drug. What if it is reacting to the painkillers in her system that makes her continue to sleep."

"Elijah she has only been in a coma for about 2 hours. Let the caffeine do it's work," Indiana tells me.

I have a bad feeling about this. I grab Lorelei's limp hand in mine and rub it like I used to do. Before all this mess happened.

"I will keep you alive. That's a promise I intend to keep," I whisper to her.

I look over at her pale face.

"You will get to grow up in a safe place. I promise. I don't care what I have to do for that to happen."

I look over expecting to see her smirk. Her face hadn't changed.

Tori walked in a few hours later. She didn't wear a smile on her face.

"Elijah we are putting you on mental medication," Tori told me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. If you told me a year ago that in a year I would be on depression pills and mental medication in a alien hospital I would have called you crazy but I guess that's just what my life has come to.

I sit up and sigh. Just another mental illness under my belt I guess. Tori doesn't look at me. I don't understand them. Just a few days ago Tori looked about ready to trust me with her life but now she looks super wary of me.

"What's wrong with me?" I yell.

"Nothing is wrong with you Elijah," Tori tells me.

Just from looking at her face I can tell she is lying to me.

"There is something wrong with me and you won't tell me what it is."

"What am I that makes you so scared of me? Some sorta freak of nature?"

"Elijah stop it. Right now," Tori tells me in an aggravated voice.

"No. You don't think I can handle it do you?"

"Elijah stop this isn't you."

"What do you mean it isn't me. Did I get possesed?" I ask sarcastically.

"This kind of behavior is your mother's" Tori yells.

This stops me cold in my tracks.

"How dare you speak of my mother. She died in the attack on my people."

"No Elijah she is the reason for the attack on your people," Tori tries to explain.

"No it was-" I trail off.

"What is the Highest Order's sister named again?" I ask.


"No. No. It can't be." I whisper.

I think back to what Lorelei said. Maybe they were so close to you that you got used to feeling like that. Then I thought back to Indio. Being around him was weird and not because it was new but because it was like being around my mother.

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