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The guard finally made the call for the doctor after I said she would unlock the door if they saved her life. The doctor rushed into the brig and gasped as he saw Lorelei laying nearly lifeless on the floor bleeding out. He and his two nurses pulled Lorelei up off the floor and onto the stretcher. I walked out of the brig and no one stopped me because the two guards were trying to get a hold of Tove. They rushed her into surgery. They had me do a blood transfusion for Lorelei. They set her broken arm and replaced her metal elbow and leg. They gave her medicine to make the swelling go down in her face. I get kicked out of the hospital room and go sit in the waiting area. Alaina is already there. She is looking at her hands.

"Alaina what's wrong?" I ask.

"This is all my fault." She whispers.

"What is?"

"You were right Elijah. When Lorelei was in surgery I stopped to think about this situation. Everything about Indio is fishy and we haven't seen him in about a week. I'm sorry I was too blind to see," She whispered.

"Alaina it's okay. Listen to me. What are you?" I ask her.

"Human," She tells me.

"Exactly you are only human. Humans make mistakes," I tell her.

"I wonder if Indio makes mistakes," She mumbles.

I have to laugh at this.

We sit in the waiting room for hours. Tove doesn't show up once.

"You know what. I want the aliens to attack us. I want to see Tove fail. Serves her right. She was awful to Lorelei even before all of this," Alaina spits.

I look at Alaina. I have never heard her have so much hatred towards a person but I understand where she is coming from. I am mad at Tove too. She almost killed Lorelei. I can hear what Tove would say to that.

"No, she didn't die because of me she died of blood loss,"

I get bitter. Maybe Indio should attack and make Tove fail. Maybe it does serve her right. She wanted to starve three 15 year olds because she suspected them of something. And then she almost killed one because she didn't give her what she wanted.

Night passed. Then day. Soon a whole 72 hours has passed. I am determined to be here when Lorelei wakes up. Alaina wants to be here too. Alivia and America have been here in and out. Indiana even popped in here a few times. Mostly to take Alivia home. This morning all of us are here. It's like we can sense that there will be a change in her state. Alaina has been learning first aid while she is here. Alivia gets a few ultrasounds and America just stares at Alivia. I guess America wasn't told Alivia was pregnant. Indiana looks worried for Alivia. I guess all is right in the world. Anyway we are all sitting in the waiting room. The tension is high. It is dead silent in here. Then the doctor walks out.

"Lorelei woke up. But that does not mean she is better. She seems to be confused about several things. Some things she forgot altogether," The doctor tell us.

I don't care if she is confused she is awake.

The doctor lets me in first because she remembers the most stuff about me.

I sit on her bed. She looks better than she did. Her face is still bruised but It's not swollen.

"Hi," I whisper.

Her eyes jerk up to me. She studies me.

"Do you remember me?" I ask.

"I recognize you." She tells me.

"Do you remember my name?" I ask her.

She tries to remember but she comes up short.

"Do you remember what I am to you?" I ask.

"I love you," She tells me.

I smile.

"That's right Lorelei. I love you too," I tell her.

"What's your name?" She asks me.

"Elijah," I tell her.

I see a spark of recognition in her eyes.

"You remember?" I ask her.

She nods.

"Can I see my parents now?" She asks.

The doctor and I exchange a look. I shake my head.

"Uh erm you have more friends waiting to see you outside," The doctor says.

Lorelei glances at the door.

The doctor goes to bring the others in the room.

Alivia, Alaina, America, and Indiana walk in. Her face lights up as she recognizes them.

"Do you remember my name?" Alivia asks.

"You're Alivia. My best friend. Of course I wouldn't forget you," She laughs.

"Do you remember my baby?" Aliva asks.

Lorelei stops laughing.

"Alivia you're pregnant?" She asks wide eyed.

Alivia nods.

Then is Alaina's turn. Lorelei recognizes Alaina and that she is my best friend but she can't remember her name.

Lorelei recognizes America but can't remember where America got her burns from. She remembers Indiana but can't remember where from. When the doctor makes everyone leave I stay near Lorelei. The doctor sighs but lets me stay.

"I'm sorry," I tell Lorelei.

"What are you sorry for?" She asks.

"When they put you down in the brig I asked the guards to call for the doctor but I almost couldn't convince them to save you," I say hanging my head low.

"Oh, Elijah. Trying to apologize for the world," She sighs, "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"No I'm sorry for saying what I had to say for them to save you," I hung my head low.

"What did you do?" She asks.

"I made a bargain with Tove. You could be saved if you opened to door," I said my voice laced with guilt.

She did something I didn't expect. She hugged me. She winced afterward but she still smiled.

"You saved me. That's more than I could have asked," She said.

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