Lorelei: Darkness

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"You can come in again Lara," My dad says to her.

My mom walks in with her hands folded and head in a slight bow like an a slave.

"Happy birthday baby," She says to me.

"You had a present for Lorelei," My dad says in his smooth even tone.

She nods and opens her bag. She pulls out a small box the size of my palm. She places it in my hands.

"Open it," She prompts.

I take the box and undo the silk ribbon. I pull the lid off to reveal the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. It isn't big or extravagant but it's one jewel shaped like a teardrop. The jewel seemed to be every shade of blue swirling and twirling in the jewel.

"Do you like it?" My mom asks.

"Mom, this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!" I exclaim.

"It's made of the jewel we were sent here to harvest. Alurra. Allura is filled with energy that turns blue when cool. It is supposed to be white like the sun but it can be dangerous so it is contained in the Cyroglass." My mom explains.

I take it out of the box and my mom places fastens it on my neck.

"Thank you mom. For such an amazing gift," I say.

The ground shutters beneath us. Than the walls cave. The ceiling falls and I'm knocked unconscious. I feel myself being carried. People are sobbing and screaming. Than I fall asleep again.

The first thing I feel is pain. And the lack of. Right above my elbow is screaming in pain but below that I can't feel anything. I open my eyes and bright white light clouds my vision. I wake up in a white pristine room that has one doctor and two nurses. I recognize the place. It's the hospital on the eighth floor. The doctor sees I'm awake.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Somebody activated a bomb," He said.

"It detonated a floor beneath you but it was in the air vents so it caused maximum damage."

"Is my mom ok?" I ask worried.

They give each other a glance.

"Your dad is in a coma."

"Is my mom ok?!" I ask more fiercely.

"She died of head trauma two days ago," He said.

She died of head trauma. The words ring in my head as I lay in my hospital room. I took note of my injures. I have a metal leg and elbow. Burns and cuts run up and down my body. My door opens. Alivia walks in.

"Hey," She says.

"Hi Liv."

"I would ask you if you are ok but I already know the answer to that," She says.

I chuckle quietly.

"I do look pretty tough know huh," I say.

Alivia nods and laughs.

ive!" she says as she runs up to give me a hug.

I hug her tightly and keep her close. She is the only person I love left and I don't want to lose her.

"Do you want to get out of here?" She asks.

I nod. I hate being kept in here. She grabs my crutch. And helps me walk. We walk through the garden.

"Do we have a lead on who blew up my parents?" I ask angrily.

"Calm down a little Lorelei. We will discuss that when we can handle it," Alivia said.

I blow out a large breath and try to calm my heart. When I feel I am ready to continue I ask. "How long have I been asleep?"

"One week," She replies cooly.

I try to keep calm. The ship has been without a commander for a week. I'm surprised we don't have a riot already.

"What about my dad? How is he doing?"

"Not good I'm afraid."

I sigh. My life has been turned around in the span of a week.

"Please tell me we have a lead, Alivia. Please?" I say sorrowfully.

She sighs and debates whether she should tell me.

"When I got to the scene the medics told me that you and your family got injured by bombs. I ran downstairs to the fifth floor. I ran through the surprised groups of people and found the doorknob to the armory on the floor. I started to walk in when the door exploded. It was a small explosion but it was enough to take my leg. She lifts her pant leg to reveal the silver leg underneath.

"Twins," I say as I reveal mine.

She laughs.

"So did the doorknob blow up too?" I ask.

She nods.

"All the bombs?" I ask.

"Gone," She replies.

Than a doctor walks up to us.

"Commander Jameson is requesting Lorelei Jameson's presence in his hospital room," He says in a formal voice.

"I have to go know," I say to Alivia.

I walk with the doctor to my dad's room. We walk in and I see a man who doesn't even resemble my father whatsoever. He is disheveled and burned and hardly awake.

"Lorelei? Is that you?" He asks.

I glance at the doctor. He shrugs.

"You look so much older love," He says.

I am honestly and truly scared. I don't know what they have done to my dad but it freaks me out.

"Come closer Lorey," He says to me.

He hasn't called me Lorey since I was five. I walk towards his bed.

"You are special Lorelei," He says to me.

I have no idea what he is talking about but ok.

"Hold out your hand Lorelei."

I do and he holds out an android. It climbs off his hand and up my arm onto my neck.

"It's called the Commander. It will tell you everything you will ever need to know. Now find your XO."

Suddenly I feel a ping in my neck as it inserts itself into my neck.

"Go go," He tells me.

I feel drawn to a certain point I don't know why.

I walk out of the room and I hear a flatlining from inside. I try in desperation to get the door open but it won't open. I pound on the window and see as they try to bring my father back. I slide down the door and sob as I see my father close his eyes. Tears fall down my face. I might not have always liked my father but he still was my dad. I had lost so much in a few days. I feel numb as I stumble towards the pull.

I feel it strongest outside the cafeteria. I walk in and find Alivia. She smiles.

"I was wondering when you would find me," Alivia smiled.

"So your my XO," I say.

"Yes! I was so excited when they told me. I couldn't wait for you to wake up," Alivia said.

"I'm glad you're my XO too," I say.

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