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I am so confused on why I am in a hospital. I don't remember being hurt. I don't remember a lot of things. I remember Elijah but I don't remember where I met him. I also didn't remember Alivia being pregnant. Maybe this is why I am in the hospital. Because I forgot to many things? Possibly.

"Who is acting commander?" I ask Elijah.

Elijah is the only one the doctor allowed to stay. He swallows hard. Touchy subject. I get it.

"Tove," He tells me.

My stomach clenches at this but I don't know why. I don't really know Tove.

"What happened?" I ask him.

This question takes him by surprise. He looks conflicted. I don't know why. The question I asked wasn't a hard question.

"It was a man named Indio. Well he wasn't really a man, he was more not human," Elijah tried.

"Not human," I challenge him.

Is he really trying to pull this with me. How would a not human get aboard the Darkness? It is speeding through space.

"Yes Lorelei. You and I talked about this," He told me.

"You and I talked about the possibility of aliens?"

I laugh to myself. How stupid does he think I am.

"How in the world would aliens get onboard Darkness?" I ask.

"They would walk," He tells me.

"Are you drunk right now? How would aliens walk onto a moving spaceship?" I ask.

"Lorelei you are on the planet," He tells me.

"No that's impossible."

He helps me out of my bed and into a wheelchair.

We go down the elevator. The ship seems empty. Strange. We get to the seventh floor and he walks me out a ramp I've never seen before. Before me is the most beautiful planet I've ever seen. Even though it's dark I can make out dense forests and mountains in the background.

"We really did make it," I exclaim.

"Lorelei, you understand I only did what I had to right?" Tove says from behind us.

I am confused. He shoots Tove a look and she understands.

"Lorelei can you come with me? Tove asks.

"Sure," I tell her.

She wheels me down to a level I hardly recognize.

She brings me to a bioscanner and I place my thumb on it and it opens the door. I hardly get to look inside before they move me out of the way.

I get pushed up the stairs before I saw what was inside. They moved me into a pristine hospital room. I don't want to be here. Outside my room I hear hushed voices. I can barely make out what they are saying.

"She did what you asked now return her to her former title," One voice says.

The other person sighs.

"I can't do that. The people don't trust her. If we give her back her former title the people will revolt," A second voice answers.

"We had a deal Tove. She would do what you asked and you would give her back her title," The first voice growls.

"The deal's off," Tove says in a quiet voice.

The second voice sounds ready to lunge at Tove.

"We will get the people to revolt and you will wish you took us up on our offer," He says even more quietly.

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