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I need sleep. That is the one thing I am sure about. I'm not even sure when the last time I had a full night of sleep. Luna Rose is a wonder. However the wonder that is Luna Rose doesn't like to sleep when I want to sleep and it's a problem. Luna Rose started to cry in her makeshift crib and so I picked her up and rocked her in my arms.

I miss Indiana. I need to sleep. I miss Indiana. Two things I'm sure of.

"What do you want?" I ask my crying baby.

She just continues crying. Luna Rose and I moved out of the common area because she is too loud. We got downgraded to a closet. So now I am sitting in a closet with a crying infant.

I start weeping. This isn't how I expected my life to be when I had my baby. Indiana was supposed to be here. We were supposed to be a happy couple. Luna Rose was supposed to have a more stable life. Everything has fallen apart.

Tears roll down my cheeks staining them. I hug Luna Rose tight against me. I'd been told that infants like to be held close to their parents. I can still hear Luna Rose's muffled sobs against my shirt.

"I know baby. It's hard but we will survive this." I whisper to her.

Will we survive this?

"Do you need any help in here?" Alaina says as she opens my door.

She rushes inside when she sees my dark circles under my eyes.

"Can I see Luna Rose?" Alaina asks.

I hand Luna Rose over to Alaina and she takes a bottle out of her bag and proceeds to feed Luna Rose.

Luna stops crying and falls asleep in her arms.

"How do you know how to do that?" I ask Alaina.

Alaina smiles at me and goes into a story.

"When I was thirteen my parents had a baby boy. However they were both extremely busy with ruling the colony and all so they left me to take care of my brother. Everything was fine until he got sick. My parents cared. Don't get me wrong but they didn't care enough. I was the one who waited in the waiting rooms of hospitals. I was the one who stayed up at night taking care of my brother because I knew how much rest influenced my parents' day. When he died I guess children just have a special place in my heart." Alaina explains.

What a sad story.

"Anyway I know you need to sleep so I'll watch the baby." Alaina tells me.

I thank her and immediately fall asleep. This is exactly what I needed. Sleep. I slept for about two hours before I woke up again.

"Thank you for watching her."

"No problem."

I felt refreshed and so I went to a meeting with Luna Rose.

"Wonderful to see you again Alivia." America tells me as I enter the room.

"Wonderful to be back." I tell her.

I take my respective seat near the back of the room with a sleeping Luna Rose. Alaina is also here. She smiles at me as I take my seat. I grin back at her. People murmur their congratulations as I walk past them.

"We need to discuss battle strategy right now. I come from American descent as most people know. We had a giant war to finally become our own country. We called it the American Revolution. We had a general that led our armies into war. His name was General George Washington. He was head of our army but he was also head of a chain of spies. The spies passed the information they uncovered about the British directly to George Washington. Some people say that George Washington's army didn't win the war his spies did."

I have actually heard this before.

"We intend to take a page out of George Washington's book and set up a spy system as well. We will have one person stay behind with the Brights and recruit for the Bright rebellion as well as collect information for us as well. We have a plan in motion but we need to have someone stay behind. So who will we have stay behind?" America asks.

"What about Kourtni?" Someone asks.

"No we should have Lorelei stay behind." Another says.

"What about Indiana?"

No! I almost shouted at them.

"Let's have a vote." America tell us.

I don't want anyone to be left behind but it really isn't up to me now is it?

"Raise your hand for Kourtni."

A lot of people raised their hands. America counts and then pulls out a sheet of paper. She writes a number down on the sheet of paper.

"Now for Lorelei."

More people raised their hands. America counts and then writes the number down on the sheet of paper.

"Now Indiana."

Only three people raised their hands. I breathed a breath of relief. Indiana would soon be home and he will allow me to sleep more often.

"It hurts me to say this because she was a dear friend to me but Lorelei is staying at Headquarters." America says quietly.

It hurts my chest to think that Lorelei is staying with the Extorians.

"Okay now to discuss the plan to get everyone out."

Everyone except Lorelei.

"We are going to send a group of spies to get captured by General Leopold's army. They will get thrown into the security prison and then they will get broken out by General Leopold and they will go save our people in headquarters."

Except for Lorelei.

"Then we will storm out of there with our strength." America explains.

Someone in the front row raises their hand. I never knew this was school but you do you boo.

"Yes." America says pointing at the lady.

"Why does Lorelei have to stay behind?" Lady asks.

"That is a good question Lady Audrey. We need our spy network. Lorelei is an amazing Actress and is best suited for the job. We also need some Extorians on our side because they seriously outnumber us. Lorelei staying with the Extorians is one of the best things we can do in this war." America explains.

"But she is only a child." Lady Audrey exclaims.

"Exactly. She is a poor child whom her people left behind. Poor Lorelei."

Lady Audrey kept quiet after that. I did as well. 

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