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I don't know where we are. I fell asleep halfway there and now I don't know where we are. At least we arrived to the colony named Oasis without Elijah crashing us. No offense to Elijah but he only just started learning how to drive when he came to our colony. The colony is numerous high rises and one castle in the middle of the whole mess. Everything is burnt or burning. I look at Elijah to see how he is holding up. At first glance he seems fine but if you give him a second look you'll notice his fists have turned white from clutching the steering wheel. I place my hand on his shoulder.

"Elijah-" I start.

I don't know how to finish this sentence. I can't promise the safety of his family. I can't promise the safety of his friends. I can't promise the safety of his home. We drive through the city. Everything looks abandoned. We are about to drive out of the city to make camp but Elijah spots something. He stops the car.

"Lorelei, stay with everyone," He tells me.

I don't know what he saw or didn't see but whatever it was it was important. I slide into the driver's seat and America slides into the passenger's seat.

"Hey, I haven't talked to you in a while," America tells me.

"Hi America," I reply.

"I was meaning to ask you about what's going on with Alivia and Indiana," She tells me.

"Why? You jealous?" I poke at her.

"No but I just don't understand it," She tells me.

I look at her to try and find a blush on her face but I can't see one.

"Indiana is the father of her baby," I tell her.

I had to have Alivia explain it to me again because I forgot it but I'm surprised America didn't hear about it.

Her mouth forms an "oh". 

"I only see Indiana as the little five year old he was when we met. It seems he's grown up." America tells me.

"How old were you when you met Indiana?" I ask.


"Dang America you are old," I poke at her.

"Shut up. You're just a child, little girl," She says back.

Does it bother me that all my friends on the ship were all over five years older than me. A little bit.

30 minutes pass. 60. 90. 120. Elijah doesn't come back.

"What is going on with that boy?" I ask.

America doesn't say anything. 150 minutes. I can't stand it anymore. I open the car door and burst out of there. I wander down the streets until I bump into him. Literally.

"What in the worlds were you doing?" I fume.

"Saving you," He replies.


"The people of my colony are living in bunkers under the city. I was coming back to get you guys."

"Well then let's go," I tell him.

We run back to the cars. We talk with the other drivers and we are going to walk to the entrance one group at a time.

Our car goes first. So that's how Elijah, Ashtin, Willow, America and I end up walking through the burning city.

We walk into what looks like a store entrance. Everything is burnt in here but what isn't? Elijah leads us to a supply closet. He pulls a shelving unit aside and it reveals a door. We walk into the darkness. The ceiling is dripping water. We walk down a ramp.

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