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The last thing I remember was Niccola turning on the machine. I still remember the tears that lined her eyes as the flash freezing process began. Than in an instant later I melted. How odd. It seemed like no time had passed whatsoever. Hmm. curious. The door opened as the liquid that held me captive slipped off my cold skin. I fell into the arms of a girl. She held my shivering body. I couldn't see anything.

"Niccola? Niccola?!" I said in an urgency.

"You are fine Rebekkah," She soothed me.

"What about the captain?" I asked in a panic.

"The captain is dead Rebekkah." The voice says.

I take a minute to really hear the voice and notice that it doesn't sound like Niccola. I break out of her arms.

"Who are you? What have you done to Niccola?!" I demand.

"Rebekkah calm down. You have been asleep for a long time," The voice says.

"Where is Niccola?" I ask again. The panic seeps into my voice.

"Rebekkah listen to me. You have been asleep for a very long time. Niccola is no longer with us," The voice says.

I can tell whoever is speaking to me is trying to keep her voice steady but the quiver is there.

"Rebekkah can you get dressed?" She asked.

In my panic I had forgotten I was naked. Thank goodness it was just her in the room. The girl walked over to the trunk I had stored my clothes in. She opens it and helps me step into them. I feel like a small child again. My eyes start to work again. They can only detect light right now though. I sit in the cold room. The voice stay silent.

"You girls good in here?" another voice asks.

My head tilts in that direction. The voice sounded masculine.

"We are all good in here Indiana," The first voice says. The door opens and light pours in.

"Hey crazy pants," Indiana says.

I don't know if he's talking to me or the other girl. I kinda cower in the corner.

"So this is the scientist who gave us all that trouble. To be honest I was expecting more," Indiana says.

I want to say something snappy at him but it feels like that part of me is still thawing. My throat feels sore from un-use.

We sit in the secret level of the ship until part of my visions kinda comes back. I still have to squint to see things close up but at least I can see it. We walk off so many flights of stairs that I lost count. The decks look so different from what I remember them looking like. I figured out who the people who saved me from my icey prison are. Their names are Alivia and Indiana. We finally walked off the ship. They explained to me that we landed. Niccola would've loved this.

I walked into the breeze. It smelled so real. My heart leaped with excitement. I wanted to twirl in this air but knowing myself I would fall of the passageway. I cling to Alivia's arm like a lifeline. I don't want to trip fall and die. We finally make it down and we meet Alivia and Indiana's friends. They introduced themselves as Lorelei, America, Alaina and Elijah. I liked Elijah. He was good tempered and a gentleman. I spent most of the day with him. He reminded me of someone I used to know.

"What's it like to be frozen?" He asks.

Elijah asks so many questions. He is a curious boy.

"Cold, but not in the way you would have thought. It's not "it's cold so I'll just turn up the thermostat" kinda cold but more like in your soul you are just frozen. It feels like a million years have passed in the seconds you have been frozen. The worst part of it all is not being frozen or that stuff but its not knowing how long you have been frozen for. You always hope that you only have a month or two left in this icy prison but it's always possible that no time has passed whatsoever." I say.

He looks horrified at what I said. I smile at the thought. I really did make it sound bad. It wasn't terrible though. The dreams were the best though. I dreamt of what My grandma said earth was like. I dreamed of what my mom said the new planet would be like. They were always so vivid. For every good dream I would have a nightmare though. The nightmares were as vivid as the good dreams. If not even more so. They were scary. That Niccola never got my journal into the History room. That one of the captains found the Commander and used it. They were terrifying. Everytime I would have one it would take me longer than usual to fall back into unconsciousness. The next dream would be good. I would dream of the planet or of sunshine. My hope has always been that the readers made a mistake and that we would land in the daytime. Sadly that didn't happen. The night is very dark. One thing I noticed about this group of people is that they are very on edge. They are like a room of gasoline. One tiny spark and disaster. I have been noticing things about the group. Like Lorelei. She is my least favorite of the group. Something about her reminds me of the captain. I like Elijah though. I can tell Lorelei likes Elijah too. But Lorelei doesn't deserve a guy like Elijah.

"Hey Rebekkah. You are being really quiet," Elijah said.

I flush.

"Sorry," I apologize.

He gets up and sits next to me. My heart beat escalates.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I sigh.

"Not used to this century I guess," I lie.

"That makes sense," Elijah says.

It's clear he thinks that I am lying but he doesn't press it.

"I have to go check on Alaina," He says.

I kinda forgot about Alaina to be honest. She is a good person but this whole thing wasn't really her thing so she stays in the background. In fact I think everyone forgot about her. Everybody but Elijah I mean. Again another reason why Elijah is better than everyone in this camp.

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