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We spent the next few days gathering people and building a temporary camp. We grow in numbers everyday but the thing is we aren't even close to original numbers. It is scary. Tatia is now incharge since Tove is MIA. She is leading a group to Sun's Peak to see if we can salvage anything. I decided to go because I couldn't bear staying at the camp for another day.

We walk for hours until finally we get to the smoldering ground that was Sun's Peak. Almost nothing is left. The ship was left practically untouched but that thing is space worthy it couldn't catch on fire. Behind the ship is where we keep the rovers. They were fine. The adobe houses have seen better days but at least they are in better shape than the tents.

"Welp." I say looking out at the landscape, " This is a problem."

"Well no dip," Tatia tells me.

"At least the rovers are here," A person says to us.

I guess that is a win but what are the rovers going to do for us?

We grab all we can from the room inside the ship and take the rovers back to camp.

"We bring tidings of great joy," Tatia says as she hops out of the rover.

The people looked up at her and saw the blankets she was holding. You would be amazed to see how far a little comfort can go. People clam around her as she passes them out. She hands me a blue-green colored one. I gladfully take it. Seeing as how things are going a blanket like this might be worth killing over in the near future.

I take the canned goods out of the rover. More people clamber over to me. They reach to grab whatever I am passing out. This is like we are passing out the immortality elixir.

In our 10th year we are required to read a book titled immortality. In it two people found the cure for mortality but to get it you would have to trade in your soul's immortality. It was a really good book. But the people would sell their cure and they made so much money. The spirits got mad at them for making them bargain away their spirit's immortality and punished them. They now are forced to live their immortal lives in caves. To be honest if that story was true it would be so bad just living in the caves in the last few days. I heard stories about what earth was like and it was like the stuff of nightmares.

Soon I run out of the cans and reach in to grab another box but this time it is a box of clothes.

After thirty minutes of this everyone leaves and we are left to go through what we have left. It's not a lot so it doesn't take too long.

I sit with Sage.

"Want to find out the gender of your baby?" He asks me.

"What?" I ask.

"When we searched the ship I found a gender reveal stick in my hospital.

"You found a GRS?" I ask.

Those took a lot of time making and they aren't really used very often because they take a lot of time to make but I guess we can't really just do an ultrasound now can we?

"Sure," I tell him.

He hands me the stick. It's kind of like a pregnancy test. I take it. I sit on a log a few minutes away from camp and wait for it to show up. This little stick might just change my life. It said it was supposed to take five minutes but these five minutes feel like an eternity.

Finally after what felt like hours of waiting it showed up pink. I was pregnant with a baby girl. My eyes tear up. I was pregnant with a little girl. In this moment I take out my com and call Indiana. I hope he is proud.

It takes a while for him to answer.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Indiana. I wish I could tell you this in person but obviously you are a two days walk from here."

"What do you need to tell me?"

"I found out the gender of our baby today," I tell him.

He is silent.

"What is is?" He asks.

His voice quivers a little.

"We are having a baby girl," I tell him.

There are still tears in my eyes. He doesn't speak for a long time.

"Indiana?" I ask.

"Sorry." He says. "We are having a baby girl," He says.

"Yes." I breathe.

"It just dawned on me how real this is. We are having a girl. We are having a baby!" He tells me excited.

"Yes!" I tell him.

I have never been more happy in my entire life. A little girl just for us.

"Baby name suggestions?" I ask.

"I-I don't know. We need to find the perfect name for this angel," He tells me.

"I wonder who she will look more like?" I ask him.

"I hope she looks like you because you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen," He tells me.

"I hope you take this the way I want you to but I love you Indiana," I tell him.

"I love you too Alivia. I'm sorry I was too blind to see how much I loved you. I know I wasn't the person you deserve but I will try to be the best boyfriend and best father to my angels as I can," He tells me.

I start crying.

"Baby, don't cry. I can't be there to wipe them off your cheeks. I am sorry," He tells me.

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