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We have been waiting for Aliva and Indiana for a while now. We have played seven games of poker now and I am in debt. Not that we had anything to bet anyway. Elijah has a knack for this game. Although it was obvious that he had never played in his first game.

"How are you this good?" America asked.

"I am over a thousand dollars in debt!" She exclaimed.

Elijah just smiled. Alaina didn't play the first few rounds. She just observed. She started playing after the fifth game. She had a knack for the game as well.

"Well crap! How are you locals so good!" I exclaim.

"I call cheats," America announced.

"You can't prove it," Alaina taunted.

After another game America gave up.

"Yall are cheating. I just know it," America said exasperated.

Alaina just smirked. We talked and got to know one another for another few minutes. Finally I spotted Alivia exiting the ship. I get up and sprint towards her. We all are running. Elijah and Alaina gets there first. We all stop at the sight. Indiana is in front and and Alivia and a blond haired girl trail behind. I get a good look at the girl. She has a small frame, long blond hair and the most electric blue eyes you have ever seen. They stop in front of us.

"Found her," Indiana says.

Rebekkah squints and her eyes dart around the area. She can't seem to focus her eyes.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask.

"Nothing's wrong with me!" She shouts.

"Sorry," I mutter.

"You should rest," Elijah says in a soothing voice.

"The last thing I want to do is rest." She says.

She says this but I can tell that some of her fire is gone.

Elijah goes to find a bed for her. I sit on a bed of my own. What am I going to tell people? It's not like they won't notice a new person in camp. Elijah knocks on the door of my tent. I open it and invite him in.

"Do you need something?" I ask.

"I need to ask. Earlier when I saw your wound on your neck I knew it wasn't an ordinary cut. Then you told me about your friends taking the android out of your neck."

I nod.

"That android. It was made by Rebekkah wasn't it? It was the invention the captain made her kill herself over right?" He asks.

"Yes," I reply hollowly.

He stands there for a while obviously contemplating what to do with this information.

"Are we sure that unfreezing is the best thing to do right now?" He asked.

This question makes me sit up in my tent.

"Do you know what it feels like to be cyrogenically frozen?" I asked.

He looks at his feet.

"No," He finally replies.

"It sucks. According to the data taken by the scientists who invented the technology the people fade in and out of consciousness and in the few seconds they are conscious they feel immeasurable pain."

I am standing up now. He still towers over me by a good foot but I am mad right now and I have been told I am quite frightening when I am mad. He flinches. That's all I need to relax my stance.

He's still looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry," I immediately start to say.

"No, no. I shouldn't have had such a vile thought," He says.

He starts to walk out and I grab his arm.

"Stay, Please?" I ask.

He looks at me and smiles. Sometimes I wonder about what my parents would say if they could see me now. I doubt they'd approve of me and a boy chatting in my tent with no adults around into the late hours of the night. Hey I am a fifteen year old, I need to get into my fair share of trouble. Elijah is a respectable young man and he wouldn't hurt me like that. We have talked about several different topics and it turns out we have a lot in common. It was like three in the morning and we were drunk on that instant coffee type stuff we found in the third deck. There was something different on his face. He was kinda shy looking. When I caught him gazing he blush a light shade of pink. I felt myself returning the gesture with my own blush as well. It went on like this for a while.

"I'm sorry," He finally says.

"For what?" I ask.

"For staring at you. I just can't get over how different you look. But I like it. Change is good," He says.

"You look good too," I breathe.

"You are the most beautiful girl in the worlds," He says.

"Than kiss me," I whisper.

He leans in and his lips brush mine in a way that sends tingles up my spine. The brush deepens into a kiss. Its starts out soft but than gets urgent. He kisses the breath out of me. He finally pulls away.

"I shouldn't have done that," He says.

I start to protest but he gets up and leaves my tent. I sigh and go to sleep. I get up early the next day. Too early. I didn't want to get up but America was shaking me.

"Is it important?" I ask sleepily.

"Yes! This is the most important talk of your entire life." America explains.

I sit up when I hear this.

"So how was it?" America asks.

"How was what?" I ask.

" You and Elijah," She implies.

It takes me a minute to process what she was impling.

"What? No He didn't-we didn't. No. America go away I'm sleeping," I complain.

"Because he kept you up all night rocking your world?" She said in a playful voice.

"No America. I am still a virtuous women." I explain.

"How are you living in the 1800s still?" America asked.

"I don't know. But I am 15! I can't be doing things like that especially since I have a colony to look after," I say.

"So you would if you weren't Commander?" America said.

"I'm tired America. Let me sleep," I whine.

"Well Lorelei your boyfriend has been up and at it for two hours. He is really helpful. He set up the electricity." America said.

"How in the world is that boy not tired?" I ask.

"So you admit that he was in here late."

I sigh exasperated.

"Get out America. At least let me get dressed." I explain.

She leaves and I get ready for the day that the superhuman Elijah has already been up and at for two hours.

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