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As I walk back to the Fighter's room with Lorelei I can't help but feel miffed. Lorelei doesn't actually want to stay here with me. I guess that's okay but I'm just miffed. The hallway is dead silent around us until it wasn't. Loud alarms go off and the hall fills with soldiers. Lorelei practically jumps into my arms.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yea." She breathes.

We run for the Fighter's room so we can stay out of the way of soldiers. The Fighter's room is unusually empty. I sit with Lorelei on a bunk bed. I wrap my arms around her. Even though I am miffed at her I still feel the need to comfort her.

"Do you think we'll be okay?" Lorelei asks.

"I know this is scary but Lorelei we will make it together."

I kiss her hair. She shivers as she leans against me. She is genuinely scared. I brush her hair away from her face.

"What do you think will happen to Leopold?" She asks me.

"I don't know. We have to cross our fingers and hope he is okay." I tell her.

Her com starts to beep and she jumps a little.

"Answer it." I nudge her.

She presses the button on her com and puts it in her ear.




"Sure, I'll be right down."

"Who was that?" I ask.

"One of the nurses. He wants to give me something." Lorelei tells me.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I ask.

"Yes. Definitely." She sighs.

We get up off the bed and walk out into the hall. It isn't it's usual pristine white. The floor is caked with dirt. Probably from all the soldiers marching through here.

"Wow. It looks so different when I'm not being blinded." Lorelei jokes.

I laugh quietly at her jokes.

"Why are you so solemn?" She asks.

"Why are you so scared?" I challenged.

"Fair point. Also we are getting you your pills before we leave and we are heading down to the hospital right now so it seems like a perfect time."

I give her a sour face.

"And that right there is why we are getting you the meds." She smiles.

"Why do I have to get drugged up before we get out of here?" I ask.

"Because I need you to smile." She tells me.

We stop at a hospital room and only Lorelei walks in. I hear muffled conversation. I really tried not to listen in but i couldn't help myself. I place my ear on the door.

"One last thing Lorelei." The nurse says.


"Good luck."

"Thank you sir."

I take my ear off the door and bury my nose into a magazine. Lorelei opens the door and smiles at me.

"What did he give you? Contraband? Illegal substances?" I ask.

"Shhh. It's a secret." She winked.

We walk up to the front desk and request my drugs much to my displeasure.

"Must we get my drugs?" I ask.

"We must." Lorelei insists.

The receptionist laughs at our quarreling.

"You two are the absolute cutest." She giggles.

"Thank you ma'am." Lorelei tells her.

"Your welcome." She smiles.

We sit in the waiting room for the nurse to bring the meds. It takes a long time. When the nurse finally comes she seems extremely flustered.

"Sorry for the wait. I've just been tending to the injured." She sighs.

Injured. I guess I should have assumed. They had to make this arrest seem believable. It still puts a sick feeling into my stomach. I ingest the pills just to make Lorelei happy.

"Thank you." She tells me.

"My pleasure." I tell her.

"Always such a gentleman." She says faraway now.

"For you Lorelei, I will be anything you want." I poke at her.

"And a charmer."

"Lorelei is there something wrong?"

She snaps out of whatever trance she was in.

"Oh just fine." She assures me.

We walk back to the Fighter's room and grab our bags.

"I guess this is it." I say.

"Oh I'm sure we will be back." Lorelei smiles.

Our coms go off. We both answer.

Come to the empty meeting room. We need to discuss the last details of our plan.

We get off the bunk beds and go to the meeting room. All the Extorian Rebellion is already there. Everyone seems about as nervous as we are. They are about to leave everything they've ever known behind.

"Friends. Thank you for gathering here. We are about to stage the biggest rebellion in our people's history!" The speaker announces.

We cheer.

"Before we can officially call it a victory we need to actually do it. Our leader Leopold is freeing our friends from the Colony as we speak. This can potentially be dangerous for him so if he is late he asks we understand."

Some people nod their heads. Listening to every word this man seems to say.

"Now our friends will meet us in this room hopefully with Leopold with them. When they come we will go break out the Test Subjects and the Fighters. We will break the Fighters out first and raid their armory. When we have everybody we will go out the front door."

Everyone cheers. We are actually getting out of here. I look over to Lorelei with a smile on my face. Her lips are pressed together into a tight line. 

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