Elijah: Cambaar

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"That's it," Alaina says angrily.

I came to Alaina's house and found her extremely mad for reasons I have yet to discover yet.

"What?" I ask her.

"I tried to talk to my dad about the navigation room this morning and he blew me off. Again!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry Alaina."

"I'm going down there and you are coming with me," She says.

Alaina gets kinda scary when she's mad. I follow her downstairs. We stay deadly quiet out fear that we get caught. I ponder over what we would find. It must be the most important moment of our lives. A few minutes seemed like an eternity of climbing down stairs. Floor by floor until we get to the basement. We push the door open. Inside there are a few screens that blink and flash. Why we have a navigation room I have no idea. It's not like we are going anywhere. Then I see what had the Princeps worried. A blinking dot entering our solar system. There is something coming.

"Alaina! Get over here," I say quietly.

She walks over and gasps.

"Oh my gosh! We aren't leaving the planet. Something is coming to us," She gasps.

I can't help but think of the Resource Exchange program that funded our mission in the first place. Maybe they decided to send another group of people to us. Than I remember that we weren't the first ones sent up here. We always assumed that they got lost or that they died out before we got here but maybe just maybe they haven't arrived yet.

"Alaina remember in second grade when we went over the space shuttles that left earth?" I ask.

"Yeah. What about them?"

"What if these people are the people from the first launch?"

Her face changes with the possibility.

"Is that really possible?" She asked.

"Maybe," I say.

Our ship Allura left six months after them but we used the space jumps because they figured out how to make them safe. They must have taken the long route. Our ship took one hundred years to get there. Their ship took them six hundred years to get here. I look back at the navigational charts. The dot identifies as a UFO. I guess it makes sense. We took these from the ship and they got replaced a few times. Thud creak thud. I tense up. Someone is coming.

"Hide," I whisper.

We head towards a closet. Neither one of us dares to move an inch. Not that we could move an inch seeing as we were in a closet. The footsteps got closer and closer until they stopped. They started to move away until Alaina sneezed. They came back with an alarming speed and ripped the closet door open to see me and Alaina huddled together in the closet. The Princeps looked mad.

"What were you two doing in the closet?" He asked.

We were now upstairs in a private room being questioned by the Princeps.

"Maybe we were kissing," I said.

"You guys were huddled together in the darkest corner of the closet and looked scared when I opened that door," He said annoyed.

"Fine we were hiding," Alaina said exasperated.

"What were you doing down in the Navigational room?" He asked.

"Maybe we were navigating. Imagine that," I say sarcastically.

He looks directly at Alaina with a stare so intense that I find myself scared.

"We were seeing what had you so intrigued," She spit out.

"Did you find it?" He asked.

"Yes," I say cooly.

"You guys can go now," He says.

 On our way to Alaina's room we ran into her mom.

"What have you guys been up to. I haven't seen you all morning." She says.

"Oh you know. Just the normal snooping around in places we shouldn't. Finding secrets that nobody else knows," I say to her.

She just laughs.

"Do you guys need lunch?" She asks.

"Sure," Said Alaina.

We walk through their giant house into the dining room where extravagant plates of food have been set out. I seems a little much for lunch but it is what it is. I eat the food and as always it the most rich most flavorful dish I have ever eaten. We thank her for the food and leave to Alaina's room. I sit on her bed like normal. She glances at her watch and panic flashes across her face.

"What is it?" I ask.

"We have to go meet with the mayor of the town next to us in a few hours. I have to get ready," She exclaims.

The mayor of the town next to us is annoying. He expects everything to be perfect but his town is in debt and has had treason in the picture five times since his reign. However the Princeps and his family can't risk losing him since he has the biggest town.

"Wanna help me choose something to wear?" She asks.

"Sure," I say.

I don't really want to help but it beats going home and facing my parents after what the Princeps surely told them I was doing today. We look through the access silks and dresses Alaina owns. From the look on her face she doesn't like this as much as I do. We decide on a long black dress and a dark blue silk. I keep her company while her mom braids her hair into intricate ropes of braids. Alaina looks beautiful and she looks a good five years older with the dress and braids and face of makeup on.

"How do I look?" She asks when she's finally done.

"You look beautiful Alaina, you always do."

I can't tell if she blushes underneath all her makeup. She finally leaves in the car. I race home. I look at the sky. Red. The night is coming.

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