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I don't know what to feel. This is a problem. Elijah is so confusing sometimes. He said that our first kiss was a heat of the moment thing but then kissed me. Was he scared of losing me after seeing how hurt I was over it? Or does he actually like me? My heart flutters at the thought. I'm sitting in my tent because I don't know what to do. It's raining outside still. It hasn't lessened since I came into my tent. Elijah asked me if I would like him to remain with me. I would have said yes but he looked physically exhausted. Which is to be expected because he got little to no sleep last night and spent the whole day digging some stupid trench. I sent him to his own tent for him to get some sleep. So now I'm sitting here alone in my dark tent. I am refusing to use the electricity until everyone else has it. I can't have that luxury while the others don't. Elijah is doing it too. He is such an angel sometimes. If only more people were like him. I doubt we would have to have even left earth if more people were like Elijah.

"Hey," A voice said entering my tent.

"Hi Alivia," I say.

I force a smile but it doesn't reach my eyes.

"I heard some rumors," She said.

"You shouldn't believe everything you hear," I say hollowly.

"So I guess that you and Elijah kissing was fake," She said.

"No it was real."

"Than why do you look so sad?"

"Because it's rainy and gloomy outside and it's a bad sign."

"Since when are you superstitious?" She asked trying to keep the mood light.

"What was it like?" She asked.

Alivia hasn't been kissed before. I feel bad for her. She has always looked out for me before anyone else and it prohibited her fromever dating. Although many boys have tried she always shot them down.

"It was the most amazing experience," I exclaimed.

We talked and laughed for the rest of the night.

My com suddenly went off several times.

"Twelve missed calls," It cheerfully beeps in my ear.

"Replay," I say into it.

"Keofi. Hey Commander there is something coming up on our radar. Do you want to come check it out?"

"Keofi. Commander it is fast approaching. I suggest you come check it out."

"Keofi. Commander! It's almost here. I highly suggest you come check it out,"

"Keofi. Commander its here I am putting the colony in level two lock down."

"Keofi. Commander! I request your presence to be here. We need you before we do anything,"

"Keofi. Screw it you aren't answering me. You can fire me later but we are advancing,"

"Keofi. We are almost to the subject. I highly suggest you come join us."

"Keofi. It is a male. We are bringing him in for questioning. He isn't one of us."

"Keofi. He isn't one of the other colonies either."

"Keofi. We are just going to leave him in the ship's brig until you answer your com."

"Hey Lorelei, why aren't I allowed to go outside?"

The last one was from America. I run out of the room. I race towards the ship. I run upstair with in a fast hurry. I throw the doors open to the ship's brig. Keofi and the other shippers are pacing in the brig. I can't see who is sitting in the brig.

"Who is he?" I ask.

"We don't know," exclaimed second shipper Akia.

"Move," I command.

Everyone moves out of my way and I see the person in the bridge. He is a scrawny thing. His face is covered in dirt and tears trail down the side of his face. His skin hugs tightly around his frame in away that doesn't sit well with me.

"What do we do?" Asked Cyrus.

"Well for one get him some food. The kid looks like he'll soon starve to death," I explain.

Two shippers rush to the cafeteria no doubt to get the boy a decent meal.

"Let me in," I say.

Akia taps at the keypad and the door opens. I walk in and everyone busies themselves with anything they can.

"Hello," I whisper.

The boys neck snaps up so violently that his neck cracks. Then he slumps on the floor again.

"Who are you," I say in a calming voice.

"Indio," He mumbled.

Indio. I haven't heard that name except in history books.

"Indio. Where did you come from?" I ask.

He stays slumped on the floor. The two shippers come back with the meal and Akia opens the door. His head comes up with the smell of food swirling in the room. He looks at the plate in my hand hungrily.

"Where did you come from?" I ask.

"We are Nomads." Indio said.

I hand him a piece of meat.

"Do understand the game? You answer correctly and you get food," I reply.

We ask questions until the plate is empty. He is about to go back to sleep on the ground when the shippers give me another plate of steaming food. I gain his trust. He warms up to me and smiles a crooked grin at me a few times. Elijah walks into the room. His face is contorted with worry. His face melts back into the face I know when he sees me.

I finish up with Indio and walk to the cafeteria with Elijah. He eats in silence. I don't have the heart right now to ask him to tell me what is troubling him. We sit in silence. I glance up at him from under my lashes a few times but he doesn't seem to notice. In fact he didn't seem to notice anything at all. Even me calling his name. I am kind of scared now. I don't know what to do do I call the doctor. 

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