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I was planning to wait for Lorelei to come back so we could go talk to Leopold and Tori but it didn't work out like that. When Lorelei was still in her shower my mom showed up to our room.

"Is Elijah here?" She asks.

I sit up and walk over to her.

"Elijah we need to talk." She tells me.

We go back to her room.

"You needed to talk to me."

"Yes Elijah when I was watching your fight earlier in the week I realized something. This life you are leading is to dangerous for you."

"You just realized this."

"So you see what I see. Listen I can talk with my brother and you can live here with me. Safe from harm. You can have everything you've ever dreamed of having. I can argue to have Lorelei stay with us as well." She told me.

"Mom. I'm not a Bright. They would never except me into their society."

"But you're not human either." She argues.

"Mom. I have a life I would be leaving behind."

"Please. Elijah just consider it. Just consider the possibility of staying here." She pleads.

"Okay. I'll consider it." I sigh.

"Thank you baby." She hugs me.

I savor the hug. It has been almost a whole year since she has hugged me. I get a whiff of her soap and it reminds me of home.

"I love you mom."

"I love you too Elijah."

I feel guilty. Way to guilty. After I left my mom's room there was a pit in my stomach but now as I get closer to Lorelei it gets larger.

I see her as she exits the locker rooms.

"Hi Elijah. What are you doing down here?"

"Hi Lorelei. Congratulations on your win." I tell her.

"Oh thanks."

It seems awkward with her. Mainly because I don't want to tell her about the talk with my mom. I am so scared that she won't want to stay with me.

"Hey what's wrong?" She asks.

"I don't know."I sigh.

"Do you need to take your medication?"

I don't say anything.

"Okay we are heading to the hospital."

Lorelei drags me by my ears to the hospital. It kind of hurts to be honest. When we get to the front desk the receptionist greets us.

"This one needs medication." Lorelei says gesturing to me.

"Hello again Elijah." She greets me.


"I can get a nurse to administer your drugs for you." She told me.


She called the nurse and tried to fill the silence.

"How is the fighting going?"

"It hurts." Lorelei groans.

I wrap my arm around her and rub her back. She leans against me.

"That's settled after this you are definitely taking a nap." I tell her.

"No I'll be fine." She yawns.

Oh Lorelei. She will work until she drops dead however I won't let that happen. I pick her up and she closes her eyes and falls asleep in my arms.

"Wow I guess someone was tired." The receptionist points out.

"Classic Lorelei. She will continue moving until she can't even crawl." I tell her.

"I see." The receptionist laughs.

Finally the nurse shows up.

"Do you need your meds Elijah?" She asks.

I don't think that is a good question but okay.

"Oh. What's wrong with Lorelei?" The nurse asks.

"Dead tired."

"Oh. Well make sure she actually sleeps."

"Will do."

The nurse gives me the pills and I take Lorelei into an empty hospital room so she can sleep in peace. She looks so peaceful as she sleeps.

"Oh Lorelei I have a dilemma. I love you so much but I'm afraid of what the war will do to you. You are already missing some pieces and I don't want you to lose more. We can stay here and my mom will protect us but I know you'll never agree to that. I can't talk to you about it because I know you won't see things the way I see things. I love you Lorelei." I kiss her forehead.

Her eyes flutter and she opens them a little.

"Elijah is that you?" She yawns.


"I'm cold."

I scoop her up and she falls asleep in my arms again.

"Much better." She says sleepily.

I brush the hair out of her face. Lorelei is so sweet. I know I can't take her away from winning freedom.

"Hey I heard everything by the way." Lorelei tells me.

She is looking at me with her gorgeous green eyes. I freeze and stare up into her vibrant lively eyes.

"Don't hide from the war. Do you want us to be free?" Lorelei asks me.

"I don't know what I want Lorelei. I want you to be safe. I want to fit in. But I can't. I'm this mutant hybrid of everything unholy." I blurted out.

"Elijah. You aren't a mutant hybrid." She tried to explain.

"Yes I am. I am straight out of a sci-fi book." I groan.

"I don't care! I am a lot tougher than I look Elijah." She yells.

"Lorelei I have lost everything that matters in my life. I will not lose you."

"Listen your intentions are wrong but your heart is in the right place so I'll give you an ultimatum. If you really believe that it's to dangerous for me to actually be in the battles than I'll do something in the government." Lorelei tells me.

I kiss her once and look into her eyes. She gives me a smile that kind of melts my heart. I hug her tight.

"I love you."  

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