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Indiana is gone. He is in sweet sedative sleep right now. I don't know how I feel about that. That is supposed to be me but I can't leave Elijah right now.

The door opens and the group files into the room. My heart beat picks up and I get a rush of adrenaline.

"Listen we don't have much time people. Your Leader Leopold gave his life for you to live today." One of the people tells us.

I stop cold in my tracks. Leopold is dead? Oh no. I wish I could talk to Indiana but he is under strong sedatives right now.

"Let's move. Let's move." One of them yells at us.

Before I can even blink we are moving down the hallway in synchronized harmony. I listen to the pitter patter of feet down the hallway. If I don't I don't know if I can survive.

We enter the training room surprisingly very easily. We find the Fighters already holding their weapons. Elijah and I grab handguns. We grab a bunch of extra bullets. Every Bright is armed with a weapon.

I've got to say we look very scary. I run down the hallway. We hit our first guards. Someone in the front shoots him. We continue our race to the labs. The Brights seem to be faster than the humans but we are all in our peak physical conditions. We face a group of guards. I elbow my way to the front to shoot at them. They fire upon our group. A few Brights drop to the floor. I fire and fire again and watch as my bullet hits it's mark. I feel unstoppable until I get hit.

The bullet grazes my shoulder but it causes a rush of pain to shoot up and down my arm. I cry out in pain. My vision fades a little. I stumble behind and take cover in the crowd of people. Elijah helps me stand.

"You're okay. You're okay." Elijah whispers to me.

"I'll be fine." I mumble.

"You are the strongest person I know. You will make it." He whispers into my ear.

"I hope so."

We finally make it to the labs and everything in here is pristine. It makes the hospital look like a mess. Our makeshift leader leads us down hallway after hallway and we make destruction to everything in out path.

We finally make it to the people and seeing them makes me want to gag. Some are covered in blood. Overs have severed limbs all over the lab. And it smells in here as well.

I look over to Elijah who is wrinkling his nose.

"Smells bad, huh." I tell him.

"Just think. That could have been us." I exclaim.

Elijah looks even more disgusted.

"No. I would never let that happen to you." Elijah tells me.

"It already has." I tell him.

"Welp. I was locked in a cell." He tells me.

I giggle.

We start unstrapping the broken humans from the beds they were strapped in. Some collapsed. Others ran towards some people. We picked up the ones that couldn't walk and helped the ones that could.

The leader tried to make Elijah carry someone but he told him he was helping me.

The leader sighed and found another person to carry the Test Subject.

"Alright everyone let's go!" The leader yelled.

We all file out of the labs. I lean more heavily on Elijah.

"Do you want me to carry you?" He asks.

"No I don't need to be carried." I insist.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yes Elijah I want to do this by myself."

"Okay Lorelei."

Me and Elijah stand in the back so we don't have to be apart of the fighting.

Gunshots start going off. We hold our lines and fight our way to the door. I grab the little black bag out of my pocket and hold it in my palm looking for reassurance for what I'm about to do.

"This is insane. This is insane." I say under my breath.

One of the Loyal Brights hit lockdown mode.

Headquarters going into lockdown in one minute.

We scramble to get to the door. We sprint but we have so many more hallways to go down. I start slowing down. My arm is killing me.

"Lorelei. Speed up. Race me Lorelei." Elijah prompts me.

I try and speed up ignoring the stabbing pain in my shoulder.

I start to see the glass doors that lead to the outside. I slow down and slip out of Elijah's hand.

Five Four Three.

"Elijah I love you." I tell him.

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