Lorelei: Darkness

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I've been on the first floor of the ship a lot recently. I keep thinking of the Journal that I found. I can't risk it being discovered so I keep it downstairs. It is really interesting. It gives no clues to whatever Rebekkah invented is. All I know is that Rebekkah thought it was dangerous and hid it. I can't help but wonder if the secret level of the ship is the first floor. It's no mystery that the ship has a first floor but it has all the stuff that no one is supposed to know. After a few hours of knowing I couldn't keep it from America anymore. America is the Historian for heaven's sake. She might know where this secret level of the ship is. I run down the stairs and to the History room. I dig through the shelves until I find Rebekkah's journals. I bring them upstairs and to America's study. I look around and she isn't here. Curious. Than a rumble shakes our ship. I fall to my knees. America comes stumbling into the room.

"America are you ok?" I ask rushing to her side.

"Standing too close to the air vent," She mumbles.

I pick her up and carry her to the hospital. The hospital looks extremely busy right now. They are busy admitting burn victims.

"I need help over here!" I shout above the chaos.

Instantly a nurse rushes over to me and I help her put America onto a stretcher. A boy looks at me with worried eyes.

"What's wrong with America?" He asks.

"She was standing too close to the air vents when the bomb went off." I explain.

His eyes get wide. I pull him aside.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Indiana," He replies.

"Listen Indiana. America is going to live. She is a fighter and she will make it past this," I say.

That eases some of the pain in his eyes. I sit in the hospital waiting room. I pass the time by thinking of all the times America stood up for me. America was like my big sister and showed it several times throughout the years. When I was five she was baby sitting me and we were walking through the market when a drunk man walked up to us and tried to hurt me because he was mad at my dad. America smacked him and he backed off. America always stood up for what she believed in and wouldn't accept being told she was wrong. She would never get violent with her beliefs though. She is a Christian. I think Christian is another word for believing in entities. I'm not sure though. She fell in love with the fairy tales that the people told. I read a few but they seemed unbelievable. Like this one where a man split the sea. Unbelievable but somehow America believes and so I respect her for it. Finally a nurse comes out to talk to me.

"She got third degree burns. We had to rush her into surgery. She is expected to make a full recovery though." She says.

I sigh with relief.

"When can I see her?" I ask.

"Not long," The nurse says.

I walk out of the hospital and go down the stairs to see which floor was blown up. I reach the bottom floor and see the door wide open. Smoke is pouring out of that room. I shut the door and lock it. I turn off the air supply. I decided to turn it back on tomorrow when the fire is out. I go to the upper decks and crash. I feel like I haven't slept in a hundred years. I feel like I have just barely closed my eyes when I am dragged out of my sleep.

"Commander." Fifth Shipper Cyrus said.

"Yes Fifth Shipper Cyrus?" I say.

"We have reached Cambaar and are awaiting your command," He says.

I smile

"Get out the Champagne. We are throwing a party," I say.

Later that day we are all rushing to arrange this party. I have already made the announcement to all be in the common room on the upper deck at 2000. Tomorrow is the day we land on the new planet. When everything is set up I really let it set in. We are really landing. We are landing. After the 15 years I have waited we are landing. Finally it hit 2000. People started pouring into the common room. They were gasping and in awe.

"Why are we throwing a party?" Alivia asked.

"We are here!" I whisper into her ear.

She looks at me and gasps.

"Well get up there!" She says as she nods to the podium.

I walk up there and the room silences. Thousands of eyes peer up at me. I feel sort of embarrassed. I try to speak but my mouth is dry.

"Tell them about the party," The Commander whispers.

"I hope you all are enjoying yourselves," I say.

"I know you are all wondering about why I called you up here. It's because I have some great news. Today is our 600th anniversary of our departure from earth," I say.

There are some murmurs from the crowd. Most just finish their glasses of Champagne and go back to their conversations.

"However that's the boring part of the party," I continue.

That regains most of the people's attention.

"As you now know today is the 600th anniversary but it is also the day we arrived to the planet!" I exclaim.

The crowd erupts into cheers.

"We will be planning to land first thing tomorrow."

Another eruption of cheers come from the crowd.

There were so many excited whispers coming from the crowd. I leaned over to Second Shipper Akia.

"Open the windows," I whisper to her.

She nods and hurries away to the bridge.

"In a moment I will have a little surprise for you all!" I exclaim.

The people wait patiently for Akia to open the windows. Then they start to move. Everyone freaks out. Some scream. Some drop to the floor and others grab hold of ledges.

"Friends. Fear not we aren't exposed to the darkness of space." Slowly but surely they calm down and marvel at the beauty of the planet we will land on.

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