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I forgot to take my pills. Oops. However Lorelei is fun. I had fun on this hike. We got in trouble for PDA. It just made us laugh. It was like back in school when you would get in trouble for holding your crushes hand.

It was just comfort that it reminded me of the better times. Anyway we finally got to the sight. It was a camp but not what you would have thought. It was a one person camp. The camp was consisted of a fire pit that was still smoldering from a dying fire. There was a tent made from burnt fabric. We all made ourselves at home at the camp. Was is mean and invasive sure, but it is just like my favorite movie so we're doing it.

Lorelei and I are sitting in the tent playing cards.

"Draw," I tell her.

She comes back from zoning out.

"Oh sorry Eli," She tells me.

She draws and beats me again.

"Welp at least there is one game I can beat you at," She tells me.

I laugh.

"We are still rematching that poker game."

I think for a while. Poker game? When did we play Poker? Then I remember. It was that one day when we brought Rebekkah back.

"Oh yeah. I will surely rematch you," He tells me.

Someone opens the tent door. In steps Tove. Except she doesn't look like herself. She is burnt and disheveled. Probably from living alone for this long of a time.

"Of course there are people in the one place I didn't want there to be," She tells us.

"Your welcome Tove," I tell her.

I still haven't forgiven her for hurting Lorelei. That doesn't make me a bad person.

"You are coming with us," I tell her.

"Tell me something I don't know," She slurs.

"Are you drunk?" Lorelei asks.

"Possibly," She slurs.

"Lets go," Elijah tells her.

She lets herself get pulled along. Half a mile into the walk she collapses and someone has to carry her and so we rotate carrying her.

She vomits three times in the time it take to walk one mile. Not very fun to be the person carrying her. I.E. me.

"Hey, Lorelei. Remind me never to get drunk," I tell her.

"Wasn't going to let you anyway," She laughed.

We finally got back to the compound.

"We should go relieve America of Eden," I tell Lorelei.

We were outside sitting on the roof. I felt we should enjoy this while we can.

"We should," She tells me.

She presses her lips to mine. I kiss her back.

"I mean she has been watching him all day," I tell her.

"I agree," She tells me.

She kisses me again. I press her closer to me.

"Your so beautiful," I tell her.

"I love you too," She tells me.

Not what I said but okay. We finally get back into the bunker. America is sitting with Eden in her arms.

"I love babies," She sighs.

She hands Lorelei Eden and Lorelei places Eden in his bed. America leave us and we just talk for the rest of the evening. We talk until we are so tired we just fall asleep on the floor.

When we get up my back hurts from sleeping on the concrete floor.

"I always knew you would get into trouble Lorelei," A voice says.

"What do you mean?" She asks not fully awake.

I look up and see Tove standing before us.

"You have a child Lorelei," She says.

Lorelei looks up at Tove confused.

"Oh please do you expect me to not see the child in front of me?" She asks.

"Are you still drunk?" I ask.

She glares at me.

"You have to realize that I have only known Lorelei for about seven months. If that isn't proof enough for you this baby is 3 years old which would mean that if Lorelei did give birth to him she would be 12," I tell her.

It was kind of a "duh" moment for Tove.

"Somebody go put her in rehab. She clearly isn't sober enough for math," Lorelei says.

Anyway Tove got taken away to dry out someplace elsewhere.

"Was that Tove?" America asks us.

"Yes it was," Lorelei replies.

"Why did she get taken away?"

"She was too drunk to do proper math."


We spend the rest of the morning hanging out with all our friends. It felt amazing to be with them. How amazing it was to just be normal teenagers for once in our short lifetimes.

We discussed our foster child with Alivia and Indiana. They thought it was a good idea.

"It's good of you to take initiative Lorelei. I always thought your mind had outgrown your body," Alivia said.

Indiana laughed at this. I smile. Lorelei does actually seem to be a lot older in her head.

"When can I meet this foster child of yours?" Indiana asks.

"When can we all?" Alivia asks.

"Actually I already met Eden," America tells her.

"No one likes a bragger America." Alivia exclaims.

America smirks. We all go to the main room where Eden is peacefully sleeping in his bed.

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