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The Commander is gorgeous for one. Her green eyes look like jade. Her long wavy hair falls past her waist. But then there's her metal body parts. It makes me wonder if there really is danger within the people of Darkness. There's also another thing about her. Her neck in covered in dried up blood.

"Do you want food?" She asks.

I almost can't understand her accent.

"Sure," I reply.

She gets up and walks to where they are setting out plates of food. While she's walking she moves her hair to her left shoulder revealing the cause of the dry blood all over her neck. There is a wound in the center of her neck. Its jagged and looks like it hurt a lot. Especially since it wasn't stitched up right. She realizes what she's done and moved her hair to cover her neck once again. She comes back with two plates of food in her hand.

"Alaina is good with food!" She exclaims as she places the food on her tongue.

Alaina's name sounded so strange coming from her mouth. I nod as I eat a bite as well.

"What did you do to your neck?" I ask.

She looks shocked for a minute than sheepish.

"Oh you saw that," She said quietly.

I nod.

"When I became the Commander I got an android implanted in my neck. It held all the information I need to be a good Commander. I had it in for about a week when I found out we were really close to landing. However my friends found more information on the android and conspired to remove it. They did it in a haste and stitched me up and now we are here," She explained.

I don't know what to think. Her own friends did this to her. Sure it was in her best interest but her friends performed surgery on her.

"Hmm," Was all I could manage.

"Curious. I know," She said.

"So what is it like where you live. I understand that this planet changes climate a lot," The Commander said.

"Well certainly not as nice as this place. We are living in a desert," I say.

"Ohhh. That explains the tan skin," She says.

I don't understand. My skin is normal. It's hers that's weird.

"So what's your name Commander?" I ask.

"Lorelei," She replies.

Than two girls rush up to us.

"Lorelei!" They shout.

Lorelei turns to them.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.

They both nod and hand her a blue book. She reads and her expression grows stone.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

They hand me they blue book and I start to read.

Things haven't been going so well these past few days. Ever since I hid the Commander the captain has been on a murderous rampage. I asked him how I could stop it. He said that I needed to hand over the Commander. I knew that it would be better to let the ship die than to give the Commander to that man.

"You know I can't do that," I say.

He nods and gives me another option.

"I'll stop if you kill yourself," He says.

This man was extremely sadistic. I agreed to kill myself. The day I was supposed to kill myself I found something else on the secret floor. Behind the old bookshelf is a room I have never seen before. It is extremely cold. In the center of the room is a big glass chamber. A Cyrochamber. I know how these things work. The preserve a living human in ice until the ice melted and they wake up. I rushed out of the room and to my best friend Niccola. I told Niccola everything I know. I also told her about my plans to freeze myself to make it look like I was dead. I rushed back to the secret floor. I pushed the bookcase over and walked into the room. I walked over to the machine and turned around. Niccola had sad tears rolling down her face. I smiled a watery smile and mouthed a good-bye. Niccola couldn't handle it and ran over to me and hugged me tight. I hand her my journal and tell her to put it on the first level.

My mind is blown. I have never seen a Cyrochamber before but they propelled us into the future supposedly.

"We need to find Rebekkah!" Lorelei announced.

I don't know what to do so I follow them. We walk past Alaina and so I grab her too. We walk to the ship. We board and the air inside smells weird. The three girls don't seem to have a problem though.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"We are going to find that secret level," One of the girls say.

We break into groups. I go with Lorelei. Alaina goes with a girl named America and the girl named Alivia will go by herself. We run into a boy and he apparently knows all about this stuff and joins Alivia.

"Ok. Elijah and I will search decks eight through twelve. America and Alaina will search decks four through seven. Alivia and Indiana will search decks one through three." Lorelei explained.

Lorelei and I walk up the stairs to deck eight and start searching. We carefully look through each room and look for anything that might be out of place. We go through two floors before Lorelei leads us to a room on the 10th deck. She presses a few buttons on the wall and a pastry shoots out of the wall. She takes a bite. She doesn't seem impressed by her pastry.

"Wall food. Not as good as food made by humans," She laughs.

"Want to try some?" She asks.

I nod. She punches an order into the wall and another pastry comes. I taste it. It at first tastes like the meat pies my mom makes. I gulp down half of it before I slowed down and actually chewed. The meat tasted kinda like meat but I could tell it wasn't authentic. They were cut into small cubes. Lorelei laughed.

"I told you it wasn't amazing," She said.

I finished mine. I check my watch. It had been five hours since we boarded the ship.

"We should probably finish," I say.

She nods and we comb through the rest of the floors. We didn't find anything. We walked out of the ship. Alaina and America were sitting next to each other and talking.

"Geez what took you guys so long?" Alaina asks.

"We had some amazing wall food," I told her.

Lorelei and America laugh.

"Did you guys find anything?" Lorelei asked.

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