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Well I don't know how I got dragged into this. I was just minding my own business. Packing up my room and getting ready to move out. Than I ran into Lorelei, America, Alivia and two other people. They paired off and Alivia was left without a partner. I joined her because she looked lonely. As it turns out Rebekkah froze herself because she didn't want to commit suicide. I asked why we were doing it and everybody stayed silent. Lorelei told us that we were going to search the ship for the secret room. The thing is I don't think it exists. If it did how did the Commander end up in the hands of the captain again? As far as we know these could just be ramblings of a scientist gone mad. I just went with them to make Alivia happy. We ended up searching decks 1-3. The third deck is still splattered with blood from removing the Commander out of Lorelei. It feels weird being down there again. It was one of the worst things I ever had to do. Especially since we are taught to protect the Commander since birth. I could tell that Alivia didn't like it anymore than I did. We searched everywhere in the third floor but we couldn't bring ourselves to the the wall where Lorelei's blood is dried all over it. We finally had enough and went to the second deck. I haven't really been to the second deck very often. There isn't much down there. A few hatches. A couple labs. And a bridge. We think it is part of the ship's escape pod. We search for the secret deck but couldn't find it. I was ready to give up. I mean what are the chances the secret deck's entrance in in the first deck? I sit down and order a pastry from the wall. I munch down on it. I sit in the chair in the bridge. I can tell that Alivia is pretty tired to so I get up and let her have the chair. I sit against the wall and continued eating my pastry.

"I wonder if the other groups are having more luck," Alivia thought allowed.

"They probably aren't. Rebekkah probably went crazy after her experiment failed and made all this up," I say.

"But according to our logs Rebekkah died at 18."

"She probably did. Maybe they diagnosed her as crazy as Robert Sanderson but didn't want to label the maker of the Commander crazy."

"But that would mean they change the historical records,"

"It's not the first time it's happened," I sigh.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I mean when you spend as much time in America's study as I have you notice irregularities ,"

"I was meaning to ask you about that. Why do you spend so much time in America's study?" Alivia asked.

My face gets red. I need to think of a reason. Quickly!

"Umm. My parents died when I was young. I didn't really know what happened to them. America helped me through it. We became extremely close friends. I helped her become the historian. I never loved history as much as she did but it still has a place in my heart. However I hate it when I find out history is fake." I lie.

She can't know the real reason.

"I'm so sorry about your parents," Alivia said.

"It was a long time ago," I mutter.

Alivia hugs me. She is actually really comforting.

"We should check out the last deck, yeah?" She says.

I nod.

We get up and walk down the last group of stairs.

I haven't been down in the first level but Alivia has.

We walk through the many many rooms and I don't notice anything off except for in the room labeled History. I walk into the room labeled Personal Recollections. Everything in here is burned. Except for a bookshelf off to the side. How curious. I push the bookshelf and it moves easier than you would have expected. It reveals a door.

"Hey Liv! Get in here!" I yell.

She walks into the room muttering under her breath about being scared half to death. She looks up and her eyes get the size of the sun.

"Is that-?" She asks.

I give her a big grin. She runs over to me and hugs me tight.

"You found it!" She exclaimed.

She grabs her com out of her pocket.

"Lorelei doesn't need to know yet. Let them finish searching for it," I say.

She puts her com back in her pocket. I shove open the door and it reveals...more stairs. We climb for what seems like hours. Finally the stairs end. Another door. I throw it open and we walk into the room. It's not a very large room. There is glass all over the floor. We step around the glass and walk over to the old bookshelf. I push it. As it moves there is a gust of extremely cold air. The room is tiny. If you stick your arms out you could touch the walls. In front of us is a occupied Cyrochamber.

"Hello crazy pants," I murmur.

I press my hand against the glass. I wipe away condensation. Trapped inside the ice is a 18 year old girl.

"We need to reanimate her," Alivia said.

"Thanks captain obvious," I say.

"We just press that button," She says.

I reach for the button.

"Wait! If she did this correctly than she'll be naked so leave," Alivia says.

"If she'll be naked than shouldn't you leave too?" I ask.

"She'll be blind for a few minutes. She will need me," Alivia explains.

"When did you become the expert in Cyrochambers?"I ask.

"Just shut up and leave."

I walk out of the room and wait. Finally after what seems like an hour Alivia opens the door.

She walks out. Behind her is a whimpering girl.

"So this is the infamous Rebekkah," I say.

Alivia rolls her eyes at me.

"To be honest I was expecting a lot more," I say.

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