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After my false alarm labor I have been hanging out with Rose more and more. America has assumed the role of a working mother. She had started fostering Eden after Lorelei got taken.

Now that things have began to be less hectic we finally get to talk to each other.

We sit at the same table at the cafeteria but it feels weird because we are missing a bunch of people from our table but we also have new people here too. We have Willow, Sage, and Rose sitting here with me America and Alaina.

"What is our plan to get our people out of Bright Headquarters?" Alaina asks America.

"We have re-established communication with our people via a Bright Rebellion. We are planning to get everyone out except for a select person who will stay behind and collect information." America tells us.

"What will we be giving the Brights in return for them helping us? Sure they are a Rebellion but surely they want something from us," Sage says.

"We are getting them out of Headquarters as well as our people," America explains.

Willow gets wide eyed.

"Isn't that dangerous for the person staying behind?" Rose asks.

"The main goal of the person left behind is to turn more Brights to the Rebellion. The longer they stay there they less dangerous it becomes for them," America explains.

"Who is staying behind?" Sage asks.

"We haven't decided yet," America sighs.

We all sit in silence. I know I don't have any say in this but I just can't believe they are going to make one person stay behind with those savages.

When lunch is over I head over to my bed. I lay down and try and sleep but my baby is kicking too much.

I wince as I have a contraction. I try to level my breathing as much as possible. It doesn't work. I gasp as another spasm of pain goes through me. I scramble for my com. I blink back tears. My back hurts.

"Sage I need you!" I yell into it.

"Hold on. Let me finish this surgery I will be with you shortly." He tells me.

I fight back a scream. My doctor is in surgery right when I need him most. I grab my com.

"America get in here!" I say biting my tongue.

No answer. I press another call.

"Rose get into my room or so help me I might murder you!" I yell.

"Is the baby coming?" She asks excitedly.

"No I just wanted to watch a TV marathon with you. Of course the baby is coming!" I yells sarcastically.

"Ok I'm coming!" She says as she scrambles toward my room.

She opens the door and sees me sweating on my bed clutching the sides so hard my knuckles are turning white.

"Where is Sage?" She asks in a hurry.

"He is MIA," I tell her.


"Um. Grab my hand," She tells me sticking out her hand.

I grab her hand and squeeze as another contraction comes.

"Hello Alivia," She greets me.

"Hi Rose," I say strained.

"Nice weather outside isn't it?" She asks.

"Yes indeed. It is supposed to get chillier in these next few hours." I tell her.

She changes tactics.

"Breathe in and out. Like this," She tells me.

She takes a big calm breath. I try and mimic hers but my breath is to shaky.

"Can I call Indiana?" I ask Rose.

Rose hands me my com. I dial the secret number on it and someone picks up.

"Extorian Rebellion." They answer.

"Can I talk to a man named Indiana?" I ask.

"Hold on." They tell me.

I wait for what seems like an eternity. I can hear my heart pounding in my chest.

"Alivia?" He asks.

My heart skips a beat or two.


I forget everything in that moment except us.

He is silent for a little.

"Alivia what's wrong?" He asks me.

"I'm in labor."

I barely manage the words out. He stays silent for a beat.

"Oh my stars! Really?" He says excitedly.

"Yes!" I exclaim.

Just as I say that my body is hit with a spasm of pain. I suck in my breath.

"Alivia where is Sage?" Indiana asks.

"In surgery," Rose replies.

Now Indiana sucks in his breath.

"Rose are your hands steady?" He asks.

Rose looks shocked.

"You want me to deliver her baby? Alivia would have better luck delivering it herself," Rose tells Indiana.

"Don't worry Rose. I will walk you through it." Indiana assures her.

I never thought I would end up having a 16 year old deliver my first child but I guess this is where my life has lead me.

"Push," Indiana yells at me.

"Agghhh," I groan.

"Push harder," Rose shouts at me.

"Arrggg," I yell through my teeth.

"Alivia I love you okay," Indiana tells me.

"It's almost over!" Rose yells.

I push again.

"Ahhhh," I scream.

Then the pain is over. The whole room is silent except for a little baby's cries. America runs in.

"America go get some towels and two bottles of water," Indiana tells her.

"You did so good Alivia," Indiana tells me.

"Yes," I breathe.

"Alivia will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Indiana asks.

The whole room is silent. Even the baby is silent.

"Yes. Yes I will," I breathe.

"I love you Alivia. I've loved you since we met," Indiana tells me.

I look over to Rose. She looks like she could literally burst.

"I love you too," I tell him.

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