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I like Lorelei and all don't get me wrong but I would much rather wake myself up. It was about 0500 when Lorelei started shaking me awake. I don't want to get up.

"What do you want." I groan.

"Elijah just tried to get me to stay with him and his mother here."

That woke me up. This plan won't work if Elijah is still here.

"What do we do?" Lorelei asks me.

"We stage an intervention."

"An intervention?"

"Yes an intervention."


I laugh a little. Lorelei is kind of ridiculous sometimes. However I think I am even more ridiculous.

"So how would we go about staging this intervention?" Lorelei asks.

"First we need rope."

Lorelei smiles. Is it bad that I am actually excited for the intervention? No. I am excited for helping my friend via tying him to his bed and making him see clearly again.

Lorelei and I run off to go find rope and I run into a very tired looking Tori.

"Oh hello Tori." I smile.

She takes a sip of her coffee.

"Oh hello Indiana. You are up awfully early this morning."

"Got to start the day as soon as possible." I grin.

"I like the spirit Indiana." She smiles.

She walks along still sipping her coffee. She looked exhausted. How late do they keep her?

Eventually I find some in the supply closet and run back to my room. Lorelei has some in her hands too.

"Let's go." I tell her.

We race down the hall towards the Fighter's room.

"He looks so peaceful when he sleeps." Lorelei exclaims.

I pick him up. He is a lot heavier than he looks. I grunt with effort. We walk to the hospital. We find an empty hospital room and dump him on the bed. I stretch my back.

"Oof. He is heavy." I groan.


We get to work tying him to the bed. When the knots are sturdy we play the waiting game. We sit in the hospital chairs and wait for Elijah to wake up. When Elijah starts stirring in his sleep we put our books down to go stand by him. He opens his eyes and blinks a few times.

"Lorelei, Indiana, what are you doing here?" He asks.

He pulls against the ropes.

"Why am I tied to the bed?" He demands.

He struggles to free himself from the knots. I mentally high five myself for making such amazing knots.

"Someone want to explain what's happening?" He demands.

"You want to explain Lorelei?" I ask.

"Gladly. Listen Elijah. The colony has a plan that is greater than any of us. If you and I stay behind together the plan will be messed up. The colony will lose the war and thousands more will die. The Brights will do more Trials on a larger scale."

"We only have about a 1000 people here." Elijah reminds Lorelei.

"Elijah this war isn't only about us." Lorelei sighs.

"What do you mean?" He asks.


"Lorelei dang it tell me what your aren't telling me." Elijah demands.

"You are going to do what the Colony tells you to do."

"Why are we listening to the Colony?"

"Because they are keeping us safe." I tell him.

He doesn't look at me.

"Elijah. Please go back to the Colony."

"Fine. I'll go. Only because you want me too."

"Thank you." Lorelei says kissing his head.

"My pleasure." He mutters.

We untie the knots on his arm and he looks at us. Lorelei and Elijah walk out of the room and I am left with a handful of rope. I walk out and Leopold is staring at me.

"I see you had an interesting morning." He tells me.

"We staged an intervention."

Leopold nods.

"I need to discuss something with you." Leopold tells me.

I follow him to his fancy doctor's office.

"What do you need to discuss?"

"Your mission. You already know you are staying here correct?"

I nod.

"Great. You will be staying here as Lorelei's protector but you have other jobs as well. You will be recruiting for the Extorian Rebellion, helping Extorians escape and spying for the Colony." Leopold explains.

"Will Lorelei have these jobs as well?"

"Yes these three are Lorelei's main jobs but you can help with them too."

"Now I need you to swear that your voice won't be biased." Leopold told me.

"I swear?"

"No. Like you mean it. Come on Indiana."

"I swear." I say boldly.

"Your fourth and final job is the most difficult job yet. Eventually it will get to dangerous for you and Lorelei. You have to decide when that is. Now your own feelings can't get in the way. You have to honestly decide whether or not you think that you two are in danger." Leopold insists.

"Will we have any help on the inside?" I ask.

"Yes. I will be staying with you to help." Leopold assured.

"Thank heavens." I exclaim.

All of a sudden the alarms go off. Leopold gets a glint in his eye.

"They are here." He smiles.

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