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We have gotten a lot accomplished in the last few weeks. The electricity is now working and we are working on a more permanent living situation. I have felt very cut off from the world lately though. America and Indiana are trying to figure out what of our history is fake. Alivia is becoming scarce around here. No one hardly ever sees her anymore. Alaina is constantly talking to Indio. The only one I ever see is Elijah. Even then he has been moody and kind of dark. Ever since I found him in that supply closet. So yeah, I feel very cut off. That's why it surprised me to get a knock on my tent's door. It wasn't one of the shippers because they have to call before they show up at my door and I hadn't gotten any coms lately. I open the door and see Alivia. She is crying.

"Oh my stars! Alivia are you okay?" I ask.

She continues to sob. I hug her tight to me. She is convulsing with her tears.

"What happened?" I ask her.

I wait until she somewhat composes herself.

"I did something bad," She whispers.

"What did you do?" I ask.

"I think I'm pregnant," She whispers.

My eyes get wide with shock.

"It's going to be ok. I will take you to our doctor and we will make sure," I say.

She looks so scared.

"I don't want anyone to know." She says shakilly.

"He won't tell anyone. Doctor-Patient confidentiality," I tell her.

That eases some of the worry in her eyes.

"What made you think that you are pregnant?" I ask her.

"I was two weeks late," She explained.

"Who's the father?" I edge at her.

"Not right now," She groans.

"Do you regret it?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

"I don't know," She whispers.

There is another knock on the door. I reach to open in. Outside standing in the rain is Elijah. His long normally wavy hair is wet with rain. He is holding a flower.

"I just wanted to apologize for leaving you alone so much this week," He says.

He takes the flower and places it in my hair. He kisses my cheek.

"I wish I could invite you in right now but I am dealing with drama you don't want to be apart of," I say.

He smiles and nods. He disappears into the rain.

I go to sit down again with Alivia. She is looking at the luminescent flower in my hair.

"He doesn't love me," She says miserably.

"What makes you say that?" I ask.

"He's obsessed with another girl. I thought that maybe he would love me after but he still is head over heels for her." She sighs.

"Obsession isn't love," I say.

"He doesn't love me and I say good riddance to him," She says.

We fall asleep listening to the soft sound of rain. Alivia sleeps like a baby. Judging by the dark circles under her eyes she hasn't slept in a few days. I wish she would tell me who got her pregnant. I wish I could go beat him up. We wake up extremely late the next day. The artificial light beats down on our tent.

"Hey Alivia? You ready to go to the doctor now?" I ask her.

She groans but gets up. We look like we've been through hell. But we groom and get ready until we look somewhat presentable.

It stopped raining sometime last night. It's now hot and humid. We walk through the colony to the doctor's office. The nurses are lounging around. They don't do much nowadays. They look excited when we walk in.

"What do you two need?" They ask.

"We are here to see the obstetrician."

They smile friendly smiles.

"Right this way miss-," They trail off.

"Alivia," Alivia says.

"Come along," They say gesturing towards the back.

Elijah walks in.

"Elijah what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I could say the same thing about you," He says.

He sighs.

"I'm here because I heard you talking in here and I wanted to talk to you. Than I heard someone needed an obstetrician. I got worried for a minute," He said laughing.

I smile at him.

"I'm here for moral support," I say.

He laughs.

He grabs my hand and rubs it with his thumb. I look down at his hand and smile. I lean against him and drift off.

"Lorelei?" Someone asks.

I come to it again and am confused on where I am.

"Lorelei. Goodness girl you were sleeping like the dead," Alivia exclaims.

Elijah is still asleep next to me.

"From the looks of it we might have to visit the obstetrician for you soon too," She laughs.

"No not you too! We aren't sleeping with each other. Well we are but not in the intimate way," I try to explain.

Elijah stirs next to me.

"Where are we?" He asks me sleepily.

"The doctor's office," I whisper to him.

"Why are we here?" He asks me.

"We fell asleep here," I explain.

"Well that makes sense," He yawns.

"I think he needs another nap," I say to Alivia.

"That's a no brainer." She says looking at him.

We help Elijah get to his tent and he collapses onto his bed.

"You lucked out Lorey," Alivia sighed.

"He is pretty amazing," I say.

"Yea I am pretty amazing" Elijah mutters.

"You are retarded," I laugh.

"That may also be true." He laughs.

"I thought you were asleep," Alivia says.

"Me too," He drones.

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