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I can hear screaming from Elijah/Lorelei's room. I guess Elijah knows now but I can't be sure. Lorelei is still unconscious. Poor girl has been drugged up for a majority of this year. That time her parents died, Painkillers for the surgery that I performed, they several weeks after her run in with Tove. She has probably gone through hundreds of bottles of painkillers. After Tori walks out of Elijah's room I walk in. He is looking pale except for the bruises that blemish his face.

He doesn't look like he wants to talk to me. To bad for him because I'm talking to him anyway.

"Hey Elijah. How are you feeling?" I ask.

He scowls at me. I com the doctor and ask them to bring Elijah's pills. When the doctor comes with the pills Elijah isn't talking to me.

I pour three mint green pills into my hand from the anti-depressants and two yellow pills from the mental medication.

I hand him the pills and a glass of water. He just stares down at the pills.

"Come on Elijah. Don't make me shove these down your throat," I tell him.

He doesn't look up. Teenagers. Go figure.

"Elijah you'll feel much better when you have these in your system," I tell him.

"Maybe I don't want to feel better."

"You don't mean that."

He doesn't look at me. I don't blame him. He has been put through so much and most people would be even more damaged then he is.

"Elijah, Lorelei would want you to be happy," I tell him softly.

"She's not dead!" He yells.

"Elijah please. She wants you to be happy."

He takes the glass from my hand and gulps down the pills. He makes a sour face. Then I realize that for how much Lorelei is on pills Elijah is on even more. Elijah lays his head back and waits for the relief from his emotions the pills bring.


"Yes?" He says tiredly.

He sounds like he could crash at any minute. Odd. He didn't seem tired a few seconds ago.

"Just get some sleep," I tell him.

He closes his eyes. He enters a state of sleep where he doesn't move. It kind of looks like how Lorelei looks. This wasn't normal. I com the doctor.

"Elijah fell into what looks like Lorelei's coma," I tell him frantically.

Leopold, Tori and the doctor come rushing into Elijah/Lorelei's room.

"Check his heart rate Leopold. Tori, check his brainwaves. Indiana check his blood toxicity level," The doctor orders.

We get hard at work. Elijah was in a drug coma.

"I don't understand," I tell Tori, "I measured everything correctly for humans."

"Curious." She murmurs, "How did you administer the drugs?"

"I just gave him the pills like I was supposed to."

"Wait did you give them to him all together?"


Oh no. You are supposed to wait for 2 hours before administering the other drugs. That could have very well killed Elijah.

"Indiana. How about you just go to sleep for tonight," Tori tells me.

I agree and head to my room but I can't fall asleep. The guilt of almost killing Elijah rests to heavy on my shoulders.

Lorelei would have killed me. Then Alivia would have resurrected me and then murdered me again.

There isn't a moment when Alivia isn't on my mind. She is having our child soon.

I think about names for the child.

I finally drift off eventually. When I wake up Elijah is awake. He doesn't blame me for his misfortune and for that I thank him. I spend the morning with him and the sleeping Lorelei. Tori walks in and shuts the door.

"Her highness Alexandra is requesting Elijah at the arena this afternoon," Tori tells us.

"So soon? He just woke up from his coma." I ask.

"Yes," Tori winces.

"You really don't like my mom do you?" Elijah asks Tori.

"Not particularly, no," She tells us.

I help Elijah get up and into the shower. He still has limited movement from the fight with Lorelei. It was a painful process for the two of us. Eventually we got it worked out and Elijah washed all the dried blood off of himself. When he got out of the shower and dressed we put him in a wheelchair because to be honest he could barely lower himself into the tub and there was no way he was going to walk to the arena.

We got our seats in the arena and Tori wasn't staying.

"If Lorelei even shows sign of waking up you will run here as fast as your legs can carry you and you will bring me to her side," Elijah explains to Tori.

He said he was explaining it to her but it sounded more like he was threatening her. Funny how that works isn't it?

We sit in the white arena. It doesn't seem as blinding as the last time I was here. As everyone piles into the arena I can't help but stare at the regal woman who looks no older than twenty who was also Elijah's mom. She stares at Elijah. I guess she has a hard time believing he is here as well.

"Is that really your mom?" I ask Elijah.

He nods.

He looks sick. I guess that happens when you figure out a loved one has been lying to you your whole life.

"You going to be okay?" I ask.

"Better than I'll ever be," He tells me.

A doctor comes and whispers to me.

"We have gotten the coms to work with Oasis Sun's coms. All hail the rebellion," He whispers.

A few days ago I asked a Rebellion doctor to see if he could link Oasis Sun's coms with ours. I guess he finished. I guess it was a good idea but if I can't be there for my daughter's birth I will at least be comming Alivia during it.

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