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I don't care what people say but I know that America is lying to me about something. I have known America since I was 2 years old. She isn't talking to me which means she is definitely hiding something major from me. I am determined to figure out what it is.

"Hey Alaina. What's happening?" I ask.

Alaina is America's right hand person after I had my baby.

"A war."

"Well I knew that silly. I meant in meetings."

"You have been to all the meetings I have." She tells me.

"Come on Alaina cut the crap. I know America is hiding something from me." I tell her.

"Alivia, why would America hide something from you?"

"I don't know Alaina. Why would she?"

"Are you accusing me of something?"

"Does it look like I'm accusing you of something?"

"Yes it does. I don't know why you are attacking me like this after all I did to help you."

I scoff and turn away. How dare she. I know she is hiding something from me. I get on the com to Headquarters. I need to talk to Lorelei.

"Hey can I speak to girl named Lorelei."

"Sure thing. Hold on." The Bright on the line answered.

I wait for about ten minutes before Lorelei gets on the line.

"Hello?" She asks.

I haven't talked to Lorelei in a long time.

"Lorelei. There you are."

"Alivia is that you?"


"Congratulations on your baby." Lorelei told me.

"Thank you."

"Did you need to talk to me?" Lorelei asks.


"What do you need to speak to me about?"

"I think America is hiding something from me."

"What do you want me to do about that?"

"Have you heard anything on your side of the war." I ask.


I know she is lying.

"Oh well that's to bad. Thanks anyway."

Since when has Lorelei lied to me?

I don't even know who to talk to anymore. Maybe Elijah will help me.

"Can I speak to a man named Elijah?"

"Sure thing. Hold on."

Fifteen minutes later Elijah gets onto the line. What is going on over there? They are taking longer and longer to get ahold of people.

"Alivia?" He asks.

"Yes it's me. I wouldn't be talking to you if it wasn't a giant issue." I assure him.

I'm pretty sure Elijah doesn't like me but Lorelei likes him so I guess I like him too.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"There is something big going to happen soon." I tell him.

"Yeah. We are going to go home."

"There is something America said during one of our meetings that really got to me."

"What did she say?"

"Actually it's more what she didn't say."

"Okay. What didn't she say?"

"The atmosphere in the room was weird. It was like everyone was holding their breath and waiting for something. America kept leaning over and whispering to Alaina. She was clearly hiding something from us and it had to have been huge." I explain.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Try and find out about it over there. I know people know over there. Lorelei knew but she wouldn't tell me."

"Well this is the first time I've heard about this." Elijah told me.

Well that's an issue.


"Sorry I couldn't have been more help."

I got off the coms after that. I went back to the closet where Willow was watching my baby.

"Thanks for watching my baby." I tell her.

"Thanks for allowing me to." Willow replied.

She was about to walk out but I needed to talk to someone outside the government about all of this.

"Wait. Please stay." I tell her.

Willow turns around and sits back down.

"Do you need something Alivia?" Willow asks.

"I need to talk to someone outside of the government about something."


"What do you feel the atmosphere is around here?"

"I'm not really sure. I mean it changes everyday and we are also underground."

"I feel like we are on the brink of something big but America isn't telling us about it. Or at least me."

"Oh for sure." Willow tells me.

"You really think that?"

Willow nods.

"Oh my stars Willow! You are my new favorite person."


Luna Rose wakes up from her nap and cries. I tend to her while Willow shares her experiences around the bunker.

"Actually. You know what. Some of my friends were talking about it as well." Willow recalls.

"Really. I want to speak with them." I tell her.

"Oh okay." Willow tells me.

So that's how we ended up with our "Club". Willow, Luna Rose and I walked down to the main area. Willow leads us to her friends.

"Alivia this is Ashtin, Imogen, Kenzie and Rebekah. Everyone this is Alivia and her baby Luna Rose." Willow introduced us.

"Hi Rebekkah." I tell her.

"Alivia." She acknowledges me.

"Oh good you two know each other." Willow exclaims.

We glare at each other. I guess Rebekah was mad we kind of ditched her. But I mean she was out for Elijah and everyone knew it except Elijah.

"We are all here because our thirst for the truth of our situation. We all know things have been weird lately and the government officials (America) won't tell us what is going on. According to our rights we are allowed to find the truth about what is going on using some unusual methods." Willow explains.

Wow. If the world we lived in was different that girl could've been a public speaker however that's not happening.

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