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I think back to what Elijah had said earlier. We haven't seen Indio in such a long time. I think about where he might be. I come up with nothing. I mean what do I even know about him? I know the basis but nothing else. Whenever I asked about anything relatively personal he avoided the question. I think back to how he arrived. He came fast. I mean fast. This makes me question him. Then it hits me. If anyone knew about him it would be Alaina. I run from the food line I'm standing in to go to the brig.

"Alaina!" I yell.

I am extremely out of breath from running up all the stairs.

"Do you need something Lorelei?" She asks me.

"Tell me all you know about Indio!" I say still out of breath.

Elijah gives me a quizzical glance.

She glances at Elijah and he nods. I guess they made up. Good for them.

She goes in to explain what he told her. Not much more than what I know. Apparently they only talked about Oasis, where Alaina lived. I sigh. We aren't much further than where we started.

I collapse against the brig.

"Lorelei you need to go to sleep. If you continue like this you will die," Elijah says concerned.

"I'll sleep when I'm dead."

Elijah casts me a worried look. I love him to death and I am not going to let him starve.

I walk out of the brig determined to do something. I feel like I might collapse if I work any longer so I walk to where Alivia is setting up a electrical circuit.

"You," I say pointing at her.

She looks up at me.

"Me," She questions.

"I need to talk to you," I tell her.

"What do you need to talk about?"

"I need to talk to you about what you told Indiana and not me."

She looks at me. She analyzes my face.

"Let's go somewhere private." She tells me.

We walk towards the back of the ship.

"Ok we are in private. What do you need to talk to me about?" I ask.

"I umm," She stutters.

I wait for her to continue but she doesn't. I think about what it might be. Then it hits me. All my breath escapes me. I gasp.

"Him?" I ask.

She nods.

"I didn't think you even liked him," I told her.

"I don't like him a lot," She tells me.

My brain refuses to process this. My best friend is pregnant with a child and the child's father is obsessed with America.

I walk away. My neurons firing at a million a second. I need to go to Elijah. Before I get to the Brig two of the shippers grab me and carry me the rest of the way. They toss me in. I curse.

"Welcome to the party," Elijah sighs.

It's a pretty sad party if you ask me. They deal me into their game of Go Fish. I guess one of the shippers took pity on them and gave them a deck of cards. One of the shippers comes up to the thick glass door.

"I'm sorry m'lady but Tove made us. I don't believe you are the one kidnaping all those people," He told me.

"Why would I kidnap anyone," I grumble to myself.

Elijah slides next to me and hugs me. Alaina does the same.

"How are we supposed to eat now?" I ask.

They give each other wary glances.

"We don't know," They say in unison.

I sigh and slump against the wall. We all pretend to go to sleep that night. None of us actually fell to sleep. We couldn't. Our stomachs were growling to much. In the morning we all get up from our restless night. Two shippers stand outside the door.

"Ehem do you need something?" I ask them.

They both turn around. The first one starts speaking.

"We need your fingerprint for a biometric scanner," He says.

"Welp, you aren't getting it," I say.

"Please Lorelei. We need it for the greater good," The second one says.

"By the greater good do you mean Tove? Because I am not helping her. I'm sorry if I'm bitter but she stripped me of my title. Threw my boyfriend and his best friend into the brig and made me work extra time to make sure they eat and to top it all off I got thrown in myself and now we don't have any food supplier." I spit to him.

They stay silent.

"Now are you sure you want to ask me again?" I ask them.

I'm sure I look pretty scary right now. My hair is in messy tangles. Hunger rips at my stomach and My metal limbs are bent into weird angles. It kinda hurts.

They back off like I thought they would.

I put my metal limbs into a more normal looking position. I have Alaina braid my hair. Elijah had crackers on him when he got thrown in and passed us each one. We each enjoy the stale cracker but by the way things are looking right now this is a feast.

Then Tove walks in.

"Lorelei," She says with the voice of an old friend's.

I can't bring myself to give her a smile. I scowl at her.

"What do you want?" I growl at her.

"I just need you to unlock the weapons vault," She says with a fake smile.

I think back to when I first had the commander in my head. We put in a biometric door only I could unlock.

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