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The next day when (name) woke up, the first thing she noticed was a familiar scent. 'Yuliy?' Her (e/c) eyes fluttered open to see the familiar light blue jacket that Yuliy wore. (Name) sat up and stretched her muscles hearing various pops; the morning air was crisp and was on the cooler side, but (name) knew it would get hotter later on. Standing up, (name) made her way inside where she bumped into Ryoko.

"Oh, you're that girl from yesterday. Yuliy and I saw you through the window." (Name) said as she thought back to yesterday when she and Yuliy argued about her instrument case. After a few seconds, Ryoko recognized the girl in front of her as well; the brunette also recognized the jacket that belonged to Yuliy. 

Out of curiosity and maybe a bit of jealousy, Ryoko looked at (name) and asked: "Pardon me but why do you have Yuliy-san's jacket?" Whether Ryoko heard it or not, the jealousy was slightly evident in her voice which (name) caught on to rather quickly but brushed it off.  "Last night, I fell asleep on the roof. I guess Yuliy placed this over me. Seriously though, he gets cold so easily- that idiot." 

Seeing someone talk about Yuliy so casually was strange for Ryoko. Yuliy had an aura that made him almost unapproachable, yet here was someone who casually called him an idiot. This made Ryoko wonder how long the girl in front of her knew Yuliy; "u-um, could you tell me more about Yuliy-san, miss..." now that Ryoko thought about it, she didn't know the name of the girl in front of her.

Realizing Ryoko's predicament, (name) giggled "the name's (name). It's nice to meet you, Naoe-san." (Name) smiled before going back to the subject at hand, "and if you want to know more about Yuliy, I suggest asking him yourself. If you're too afraid to do that then I'm afraid I can't tell you anything." (Name) said protectively. She knew how Yuliy is and respected how he was- so if he didn't want anyone to know about him, she would respect that and not tell anyone his habits, motive, backstory, etc. 

Ryoko's spirit seemed to drop at the thought of not learning anything about Yuliy. (Name) wished Ryoko a good day before making her way past her to find Yuliy who, fortunately, was still in the room. When the door opened, he looked up from the scenery outside the window, "morning, (name)" Yuliy said as (name) threw his jacket at him. 

"Good morning... and thanks for last night. You didn't have to, though." 

(Name) mumbled while walking to the table to grab a teacup filled with fresh tea. The smell as strong as the tea from yesterday but the taste was savory; "I'm guessing we'll be busy today," she deducted in a serious tone. Yuliy nodded his head "yep. Professor Willard and Dorthea went to the police station to get more information." Yuliy said as he put on his jacket. While the two waited for further instructions, they conversed about each others' weapons and what they could or couldn't do. Simple conversations like these made the two closer despite the two arguing.


The sun began to fall and the four that sat in their room had gotten the call from Willard that they intended to meet up with each other at the station. Fallon drove the three to the station where they were told of the situation. Before setting off, Philip, Dorthea, and Willard got into one car while (name), Yuliy and Fallon got into another; once the officers started to drive, Dorthea and Fallon followed suit. 

"You know, I bet it's them." (Name) said looking out of her side of the widow; "it seems likely," Fallon said as he remained focused o the road. Yuliy glanced back at (name) seeming convinced "I mean, think about it. That prison was hard to escape from right? I skimmed through the documents and none of them said that Kuratake had an accomplice. Besides, the documents said that he only went after young men. Why would he change his target?" (name) analyzed seriously. She had a point as well. 

When Fallon started to drive near a certain street, Yuliy and (name) had smelled something- something familiar. "Fallon, I'm getting off here," Yuliy said, not letting his eyes leave the streets. Fallon nodded his head, telling Yuliy he'd get the others; "I'll stay with Fallon" (name) informed the half-werewolf. Fallon went to the side and stopped, letting Yuliy get off and (name) to take his seat. Once Yuliy left, Fallon took off on the road, leaving Yuliy behind.

After telling Willard and the others what was going on, Willard made a plan to trap whoever the vampire was; "we don't have a lot of time, let's go." Willard instructed as he and Dorthea went to the roof of the building where Yuliy waited. (Name) had joined them but she would be at the roof beside of them; finally, Fallon and Philip were to drive in front of the vampire to trap him/her. 

It didn't take too long for the plan to be placed into motion. A woman with a pink dress and a pink hat had run out of the alleyway, cutting/slicing away at the officers. Dorthea had shot at the woman letting Fallon drive in front of the vampire; "good job," Philip complimented as he aimed his gun. Just before he could shoot, someone shot at the car. A car had made its way to them, inside there were men in lack with black sunglasses. Before anyone could stop the woman, she had gotten into the car and drove off while Fallon followed in pursuit. 

(Name) had jumped from roof to roof, trying to get as close to the car as possible. Spotting Fallon and Philip, she jumped towards the car; lading on top of it without a problem. Not too long afterward, Yuliy had joined in on the action as he also landed on top of the vehicle as well, "hey Yuliy, glad you could join us" (name) greeted only to get a nod from the Sirius. The half-werewolf instructed Fallon to get closer to the car; when Fallon did as told, Yuliy took his chance to jump on top of the car while (name) did the same except she landed on the back of the car, holding tightly to the top. 

"Yuliy! Stop the vehicle!" (Name) shouted; Yuliy raised his weapon, bringing it down, cutting past the hood and into the chest of the vampire driving. In result, the car made its way to the wall of the bridge. With swift reflexes, the two jaegers jumped off the vehicle as the car soo crashed; the crashed car became engulfed in fire as a vampire burst out. (Name) took care of him quickly while Yuliy fought with the woman in pink. 

Landing critical hits, Yuliy continued to pursue the woman- "Yuliy! Don't pursue her any longer!" Willard shouted catching the attention of (name), who had successfully killed off the vampire she dealt with. (Name) looked around noticing something shiny in the distance- a gun. (Name) gasped and ran after Yuliy, "(name)!" Dorthea exclaimed but (name) kept running. When Yuliy jumped in the air, (name) ran with a pace she ever ran before. 

Just before the gun had fired, (name) jumped into the air, "Yuliy!" She shouted to catch his attention. The moment he looked beside him, the sound of a gun firing had echoed in his ear, the sight of blood along with the sound of a familiar voice gasping in pain made Yuliy's striking blue eyes widen. 

(Name) was shot.

Yuliy forgot the woman as he stretched out his hand for (name). Another gunshot was heard, this time, it was Yuliy who got shot. The pain jolted and spread throughout Yuliy's body as he heard both his and (name)'s names being called out. Noticing he was closer to (name), Yuliy grabbed her shoulders, bringing her closer to him. Yuliy had hugged (name) close to him, hoping to break her fall. 


They were both falling down before descending into the water.

Down. Down and over they go.

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