Getting To Know

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Finding themselves at a new exit, Yuliy was the first to step out. The moment he did so, laughter was heard, "I found Yuliy!" Looking towards the voice seeing none other than Larissa and Tamara. "Where's that cowboy guy and half-breed girl?" Tamara chimed; "who cares about them? I hope they're dead!" Larissa said darkly.

Bishop cursed the girls before raising his hand signaling to the two humans behind him to stay still. With (name) in front of him, Bishop waited for her signal to go; "when in danger, don't think of anyone but yourself" he advised.

"Ne, Yuliy! Look! We brought Misha with us!" Larissa smiled as the shadowed figure of Mikhail showed himself. Upon seeing his brother, Yuliy called out to him only to get a groan in response; "something's not right" (name) mumbled as she gazed at the older brother's form.

"Give me... the Ark."

The white-haired man grumbled before repeating himself "give me... the Ark!" He shouted as he lunged himself at Yuliy. Bringing out his daggers, Mikhail began throwing attacks, "are we fighting to the death? Let me join in the fun!" Tamara giggled as she and her twin flew down on each side of Mikhail. Continuously calling out to his brother, Yuliy felt his chest ache for his brother's vile state. "Misha was punished for not listening to Yev-sama" "he's been doing what he wanted this entire time" the twins explained in turns.

When Yuliy fled the vampire trio, (name) ran after him diligently; "damn! They jumped the gun" Bishop cursed under his breath.

Now with Yuliy attempting to avoid the trio, he used his staff to leap himself on a higher level of the underground cave only to be intercepted by Mikhail. His eyes were pure red and his teeth were bared just like (name)'s that night. Using his daggers to attack Yuliy, Mikhail broke the chains that connected the three-sectioned staff together before pushing the younger one against the rock wall and shiver a dagger in Yuliy's right shoulder earning a cry of pain.

Hearing Yuliy's cry, (name) jumped from rock to rock to reach the top but before she could get too close, she saw a shining orb fly in the air as a red substance dropped off it. 'Was that the Ark?! If so then on it was Yuliy's...' her thoughts trailed off as she saw a red highlighted figure. 'Bishop? Holy hell, he can fly!' (Name) watched in astonishment as Bishop took a hold of Larissa's leg as he shot her in the head.

Shaking her head, (name) remembered she had to get to Yuliy. Hoisting herself up one more time, the half-vampire saw Mikhail raise his right in attempt to kill his brother. With superhuman speed, (name) ran to stop his attack. She was successful in stopping the assault but she had sacrificed her arm that the dagger was stabbed through. Seeing familiar (h/c) hair and smelling the scent of blood that was not his own, Yuliy's sapphire orbs widened; "(name)!" He choked out.

Turning to the Sirius, (name) offered him a glance prior to shoving Mikhail away from Yuliy. A few painful grunts left the seventeen-year-old's mouth as he fell to the ground. On reflex, the younger teen kneeled down to the aid her partner, holding his body up to support him. Seeing how Mikhail didn't move, Yuliy used this time to call out to his brother again, "nii-san, I spoke to father. I know everything. I know what the Ark is and why father took the Ark." Placing a hand on (name)'s, Yuliy used that as a signal to reassure her.

Taking her hand away, she and Yuliy nodded to one another, "I'll be with Ryoko and Iba" she whispered before dashing off. The battle of the brothers was finally starting.

(Name)'s POV

As I leap away from Yuliy, I can't help but worry about him. Then again, this was my Yuliy we were talking about- he'll be fine. Besides, no matter what, I won't be too far from helping him. When I met up with Ryoko and Iba, they gave me confused looks, "we thought you were with Yuliy-san" Ryoko said. I nodded my head telling her that Yuliy would be fine, "I trust he'll be fine" was what I said before walking in the direction of our exit.

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