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"I promise."

Those two words were more than enough for Yuliy to take a deep breath and convince himself to get his head back in the game. Gazing into (name)'s eyes as she backed her head away, Yuliy couldn't help but get lost in the color. Then the future came into mind. After he killed Yevgraf and got the Ark then what happens next? Yuliy didn't think of it till now.

Hearing Ryoko gasp, Yuliy and (name) looked to the side seeing a large wave of vampires coming their way. The Sirius grunted in annoyance.


Mikhail shouted from behind. Directing their body towards him, both (name) and Yuliy directed their attention to him. Seeing as how he had his brother's attention (including (name)'s), Mikhail pointed to the two humans; "you and (name) fight the vampires off with these two! I'll go after Yevgraf" the snow-white haired man demanded darkly. "Besides, I was the one who took the Ark from you in the first place- the least I can do as a big brother is get it back." Was what he said before Yuliy raised his voice.

"No. You can't in your condition!"

"Yuliy! Listen to me-"

"Nii-san, we can at least go together! We'd have a better chance of winning!"

Back and forth the brothers went and the three bystanders were sure that if they didn't speak up soon, it would never stop. The first to speak was Iba, "sorry to break it to you, but we don't have time to argue" and he was right. There was no time to argue since the vampires were closing in. (Name) sighed, "Iba's right. Right now we need to think of a way out of this situation." "It appears that it won't be so easy" Ryoko gazed around. Unease pooling I'm the air.

The situation was absolutely pitiful. Two half-humans, two humans, and a turned vampire had been surrounded by vampires more than twice their own numbers. 'A power in numbers' is something that would suit this critical situation well.

Being surrounded by hostile vampires, Mikhail sighed a "right" which ended the argument then and there. A largely built vampire made his way towards the group bearing his weapon as he wished them a "graceful death". "Gee thanks" (name) mumbled sarcastically. As anyone can see, she wasn't having it.

Thankfully, before he could attack, the sound of a plane was heard. When the airborne invention got closer, they shot at the red-skinned beasts. Dust and sand flew everywhere but the group was lucky enough to see an insignia on one of the plane wings, "V Shipping?" Iba questioned. "It's Professor Willard" (name)'s eyes brightened upon the mention of V Shipping. More gunshots were fired by Dorothea and Philip as they aimed for the vampires below. All to save their friends.

Then the largely built vampire from earlier threw his weapon in the direction of Fallon who was probably the one who was driving the plane. (Name) was about to go fight Yevgraf's slave but her injury had gotten in the way. Grunting in pain, she gripped her stomach that Yevgraf punched; Yuliy noticed this and placed a hand on her shoulder, "(name), you need to sit back for a minute" he instructed but (name), being the person she was, denied his aid. "I'll be fine in a second" she said. It's not like it wasn't the truth. She was inhuman- she healed faster.

Yuliy gave her space and focused his gaze back at the plane- just to see if it blew up or not. Thankfully, it didn't. With his attention somewhere else, Mikhail stepped up to (name) as he leaned down to whisper in her ear, "can you fly?" He asked. In a split second, (name) knew what he had in mind. Nodding a 'no', Mikhail breathed in "then grab on" he offered his hand and with a second of hesitation, the (h/c)nette took it. She was always hesitant when it came to leaving Yuliy. She wasn't too comfortable in doing so. Maybe it was separation anxiety? Heh, what was she? A dog? How ironic.

Gripping (name)'s smaller hands, Mikhail pulled her in close as he held onto her waist and motioned for her to hold onto his shoulder. Then the two vampires flew off leaving Yuliy. (Name) gasped upon not feeling the ground beneath her feet while her stomach churned at the fear of falling. Hearing her gasp, Yuliy turned to look at (name) only to see her not there.

He then saw (h/c) hair flying around making him look up seeing (name) fly off with his older brother. In a single instant, Yuliy ran after them. He wouldn't be left behind. He refused to. The taste of being left behind was sickening.


Spinning around, the Sirius caught whatever was thrown at him in reflex. It was a sword. Ryoko's sword. "I believe in you!" The brunette exclaimed as she waved her arms. In a bit of a rush, Yuliy raised the sword, "thank you, Ryoko!" He shouted as he started to run in the direction of the blimp.

Little did he- or anyone else, know was that Yevgraf was seconds away from devouring the Ark. Its yellowish-orange glow had tempted him the moment he saw it in the hands of...

"(Name)." Yevgraf's voice ran dry upon letting the name roll off his tongue before a sick grin plastered itself on his face.

"She's a bit too much like you, (m/n). Then again, that's one reason why I truly loved you. That's right. This is all for you and our shattering dreams of the future."

And he did it. He devoured the Ark. He was close- so close to fulfilling his goal. The taste of victory was drawing near and he loved it.

Yevgraf loved it.

(@ ̄ρ ̄@)zzzz(@ ̄ρ ̄@)zzzz

Hey! So short chapter, I know but.... yeah I got no excuse.

So remember 'Herro' when I asked you guys to help me? Still need help with lolol! Or if you got any better ideas then please share them!!! 

Please and thank you

Believe me, I want to publish ALL. OF. THEM. BUT I CAN'T!

˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚

Time for another mental breakdown 

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