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Glancing back and seeing (name)'s eyes closing briefly, Yuliy focused back on Yevgraf. When Mikhail saw his brother, he gasped "Yuliy! What are you doing here?" Which Yuliy answered instantly with "I already told you that no matter what you do to me, I'll stay with you!" The Sirius shouted out.

Amused by the quarrel between brothers, Yevgraf chuckled, "Yuliy Jirov. How nice it is to see you again! Have you decided to become my pet dog after all?" His smug face made Yuliy want to wipe it off with Ryoko's sword. "The Ark doesn't belong in your possession!" 'Not only did he take the Ark, he hurt (name) too. I'll never forgive this corrupted man!' The seventeen-year-old glared at Yevgraf who didn't seem all that fazed but rather... even more amused.

"Why do you say that? Don't tell me it's because it belongs to the Sirius! Don't make me laugh- your kind failed to use its enormous powers for over five thousand years and sealed it instead!"

As Yevgraf continued to preach about the powers of the Ark, (name) could feel her wounds close slower than usual. Was it because of the damage she received? Most likely. Watching Yevgraf float towards them, the group was surprised when he landed on the ground with groans of pain. The man gripped his head, accidentally knocking off his hat; "what is happening? Is this part of the wisdom?" He asked no in particular.

Everyone felt that something was off and it was more than likely due to the Ark. "Something is flowing out of the Ark." Yevgraf stepped back as his body transformed into someone- no, rather something totally different. Soon, Yevgraf's form was gone and there stood a totally different one in his place.

With a grin, the figure spread its arms revealing its wings before glancing at the vampires that hanged around only to throw them out of the window past Mikhail. Now spotting Mikhail, the figure was known as Yevgraf, flew towards with intentions of attacking. Luckily, Mikhail caught on quickly and flew away with Yevgraf following.

"What the...?"

Yuliy couldn't help but question as he watched the two male vampires fly away. "He's been swallowed" turning both their heads, (name) and Yuliy were surprised to see Willard aboard the air ship. Not only that but he man had a wound on his side. Yuliy was quick to rush to his side while (name) grunted in pain upon turning her body too frantically. When Willard started to explain what happened to Yevgraf, Yuliy briefly stopped him to tie his scarf around the wound. "Yevgraf couldn't control the power that was contained in the Ark," the professor started to explain before asking why Yuliy had broken the seal of the Ark.

Without a second thought, Yuliy said that it was because he promised his father that he would live on with the Ark and that it was al to prove the new pride of Sirius. "Your new pride..." "it is to coexist with other species. Humans and vampires alike." The last part made Tamara look down at him with shock. In return, she got a small grin and nod from the Sirius. (Name) chuckled a breathy chuckle, "idiot, that's what we are." She started to say until she felt that itching feeling return causing her to cough. This time more vicious than the past ones.

Yuliy, Willard, and Tamara looked at her in shock. Since Tamra was closer, she went to place a hand on the half-vampire's back. It was then that she noticed something.

"Hey, Yuliy. When did (name) start coughing or showing any signs of illness and how bad are her coughs?"

Why was she asking? Did she know something about (name)'s condition?

Yuliy thought back, 'when did she start?' He asked himself. He couldn't exactly pinpoint the moment when- wait. 'When we were about to leave...' Yuliy looked up to Tamara, "before we left the town- so... I believe yesterday. But her coughs seem to give her pain and make her weak." His little explanation was enough for Tamara to panic for the safety of her savior. "Yuliy, (name) has the unknown illness. She's- she's infected" her voice shook with every syllable.

Choking on his saliva, Yuliy stumbled over his words "w-what? You- you can't be seri- serious right?" Thankfully, Willard being his intelligent self, stepped in. "Since (name) is only half vampire, the disease shouldn't have as bad of an effect on her." But this didn't calm Yuliy as much as he thought it would proven by his frantic tone, "but she's still sick. I should've kept a closer eye on her!" Again, that feeling of guilt of not being able to protect (name) was beginning to drown Yuliy. It was too suffocating.

"Compared to Mikhail, I think I'll be fine."

(Name) spoke with a ting of grimness in her optimistic voice. Yuliy tensed knowing that she knew all along about his brother's condition. Just as Yuliy was about to say something, (name) interrupted him by saying "don't you have to go help your brother? I'm pretty sure he can't fight Yevgraf all on his own now that he has the powers of the Ark." What she said was true but Yuliy felt reluctant to leave. Yeah, she was part human but she still held a chance of dying and Yuliy didn't want her to pass while he was away.

He was afraid.

Afraid of leaving her with the grip of death crawling up her ankle.

But when he thought about his brother, he knew (name) was right. So with a sigh, Yuliy gave in, "alright," he began as he stood up and made his way over to (name) who was readying again the wall. Tamara gave them space but watched nonetheless as Yuliy bent down, grabbed (name)'s hands in his and placed his forehead on hers. This action seemed to have grown common between them these past few days.

"(Name), I want you to stay here and rest. I'm so afraid you'll be gone by the time I return. I swear I'll come back for you, just wait for me." Despite him trying to not let his voice shake, (name) could hear the desperation and fear as it urged to be heard. Even for a moment, she wanted to put Yuliy's nerves at ease. She felt like he needed it. Clenching her teeth in pain, (name) reached her hand up to hold Yuliy's face as she shot him a smile, "as long as you come back to me alive and in one piece, I'll even wait forever if I have to."

An aching feeling pinged in Yuliy's chest as it mixed with a sense of warmth. 'That's right,' he thought 'even if it takes forever, we're both willing to wait for each other' he thought confidently. And he was right to do so because that was true.

Now with his worries seizing to exist, Yuliy smiled warmly, "I'll be right back" he spoke his farewell softly before getting up. (Name)'s hand following as far as it could while she watched Yuliy leave her. Her soft smile didn't leave her face.

"And I'll be right here, waiting."

ଲ(ⓛ ω ⓛ)ଲ ଲ(ⓛ ω ⓛ)ଲ ଲ(ⓛ ω ⓛ)ଲ

Wah wah wah! Hello my goobers! So we're here. Episode 12! (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू) I'm kind of proud yet sad because I'm getting SUPER close to the end of this book.

It's hard to think about since this story has become my child ⁽ƈ ͡ (ुŏ̥̥̥̥םŏ̥̥̥̥) ु

Anyways, I totally forgot- but remember I have the Q&A out and won't end it until the end of this story. I just wanted to remind you since I came across it while scrolling down to this chapter lolol Σ (੭ु ຶਊ ຶ)੭ु⁾⁾

I'll see you next time, goobers!!! As always, thank you for reading.

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