Family Issues

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Tick tock.

Tick tock.



That's how the mental clock in (name)'s head counted the time of silence that hung in the air of the cabin.

"What do you want to know?"

The elder spoke up first. Despite his question, he knew what needed to be said; he just didn't know where to start. "Everything." (Name) chimed without hesitation. Her (e/c) eyes were clearer than azure skies; "I want to know everything" she muttered. This was a chance that she couldn't afford to throw away. 

Taking a deep breath and throwing his mind to the past, the gray-haired man looked in the eyes of (name)'s in warning; "if the son of Alexei wasn't here then I would say this is for your ears only. But seeing how close you two were during your fight with those vampire kids, I believe you'll tell him either way" he directed his focus back and forth between (name) and Yuliy who grinned at each other.

"Well, I won't deny that" the half-vampire smiled. The air had lightened up a bit making it easier to breathe so without further ado, the former general commenced to telling the sixteen-year-old the story of her parents.

"From what your father told me, he met your mother on a hillside. He elaborated her features- pale ivory skin, lavender hair and red eyes. I knew exactly what she was the moment he said red eyes but I didn't want to tell our parents about it, too afraid what they would do to if they found out. So I kept it as our secret."

"Months passed and your father stayed out more frequently. It got to the point where our parents got worried so I came up with the excuse that he was hanging out with a new friend he's made. One night, when he came home after hanging out with your mother, he told me he planned to run away to marry her, knowing our parents would never accept her as a part of the family due to her being a vampire. For hours on end, I tried to persuade him to stay- to not elope; that it would only be more stressful..."

"No matter what I told him, he still packed his things and at that point, I knew I had lost. When the night grew old and our mother and father slept, he bidded me a sad yet determined farewell; then he was gone. He and your mother ran far away to, where I guess, you were born. He sent letters every now and then but without a return address so I was never able to return a letter. Not once."

The glint in the former general's eyes were sad. Perhaps too sad because (name) averted her gaze to the empty teapot. Something told her to ask if she could read the letters- just to see what her father wrote about while another side of her wanted tell her uncle about her torture. But seeing his sad eyes made her ex-out that option; "could I perhaps read some of the letters?" She asked in a soft tone.

The elder man nodded his head, giving the teenager each and every envelope "you can read all of them if you wish" he offered. As much as (name) wanted to do so, she didn't want to stay too much longer- she would soon be in her way to get the Ark and fight Yevgraf soon after all.

Politely turning down his offer, (name) grabbed a total of three letters, taking them out to read while letting Yuliy read over her shoulder. Time seemed to ease itself as the two read each line with easy hearts. Not one line was tense and it seemed as if fun poured out of each line.

"Never knew my father was an eloquent writer" (name) muttered to which Yuliy nodded in agreement "he must be an elegant and eloquent person" he responded. Throwing mini comments here and there, both teenagers seem to have similar thoughts about each letter; "he looks like he was having a lot of fine writing" they both said simultaneously.

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