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"(M/n), what are you doing here?"

A tall, pale man who sat on his bed, holding his face asked as he looked up to see a woman with (h/c) hair and crimson eyes enter the secluded room. Walking closer to the man, the woman named '(m/n)' inhaled slowly, "Yevgraf, dear. My group and I just finished cleaning the dungeon." She said with a solemn voice. "Ah, all the infected have died, I see" Yevgraf's voice shook and (m/n) could practically feel his desperation.


Her voice ran warm from her tongue to Yevgraf's ears as he heard the nickname the female vampire gave him years ago. As he looked up to her, the (h/c) haired woman brought his face to her chest, hugging him tightly.

Yevgraf's muscles eased as he inhaled her scent but his mind couldn't help but flash back to all those vampires who had suffered this disease that was deemed unknown by all. He felt helpless. Powerless. Useless. And failure. All the feelings he hated into one. How he wished to dig this feeling out of his chest and burn it with his own hands.

He had lost too many people from this cursed illness.

Feeling the tears prick his ruby orbs, Yevgraf opened his mouth which ended up with his breath hitching. (M/n) held him tighter while rubbing the man's back soothingly, "shh, it's alright. We're going to be okay. It'll be okay, Yevvy- I promise." She whispered more sweet and meaningful words in Yevgraf's ear as he covered his eyes with his hands. He despised showing any signs of weaknesses. Crying was one of them. But with (m/n), he felt that showing a bit of weakness was okay. He knew she would never judge him negatively and that eased him- but at the same time, made him worry. Mostly about her and their future. Not knowing when he, (m/n), or even their future child might die was a nightmare Yevgraf wanted to end.

He was scared.

Hearing sniffles from Yevgraf made (m/n)'s red eyes widen. Yevgraf hardly ever cries. His sniffs filled with despair revealed to (m/n), Yevgraf's desperation. It broke her heart seeing her fiancé acting in such a weak state. She wanted to take away all of his worries and troubles. She wanted them all to disappear. Maybe then will they be able to settle down and have kids.

"I promise I'll find the Ark."

Yevgraf started as he tripped over a hitch in his breath. The yearning voice became suffocatingly toxic to listen to, but (m/n) knew that she was the only person Yevgraf would ever cry to. He needed her and here she'll be; "it's alright, Yevgraf. You don't need to push yourself." She spoke softly.

Gripping (m/n)'s shoulders, Yevgraf pushed her back revealing his red, puffy crimson eyes. Something about his eyes showed perseverance, desperation, conflict, and urgency. "I swear I'll find the Ark. Once I do, I'll heal everyone of this curse. I'll make sure our children have a bright future. I'll make sure everyone will get to live a peaceful and happy life. I'll do whatever it takes to get the Ark- even if I have to give up my soul. Just you wait, (m/n), I'll get the Ark and save us all." Yevgraf's head then fell back to (m/n)'s chest as his voice cracked;

"I promise."

(E/C) and crimson eyes flutter open as (name) slipped back into consciousness. Looking around, studying her surroundings, she recalled being in Yevgraf's chambers. As she sat up, her head spun with the memory; "that... that must've been the promise Yevgraf made." (Name) told herself.

Then she started to feel pity. Yevgraf's true goal was to save the vampires but the stress and frustration must've slowly eaten away at him over time. And without telling anyone of his problems must've added on to that as well.

It's Complicated {{Yuliy X Reader}}Where stories live. Discover now