Brother and Brother

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Walking past the shorter (h/c) haired girl, Mikhail let his lips formed into a smirk as he walked into a new cart every minute. That was... until he saw the familiar sight of black hair with a white fluff. 'Yuliy'.

Yuliy had given a little girl back her little sack after dropping it near his feet. Looking up, Yuliy's eyes widen while a soft gasp left his lips. The "vampire" had his hand on top of the seat in front of the Sirius.

Silently and nonchalantly, Mikhail took the seat, sitting before Yuliy, "brother..." Yuliy breathed out.  The smirk had never left the ivory skin of Yuliy's brother, "my, you've sure grown up... Yuliy" just hearing his brother say his name made Yuliy feel content. Surely he wasn't dreaming.

Raising his hand to Mikhail's cheek to clarify his brother's existence, Yuliy felt his throat squeeze as his voice came out almost hoarse; "I knew it. I knew that you were my brother- but why did you run away?" The teen's voice came out desperate- desperate for an answer from the man who sat directly in front him. Mikhail had explained to Yuliy the simple rule of "killing Jaegers on sight" that the bloodied smelling race came up with; the sound of the whistle bouncing in the air as the train entered a tunnel didn't phase the two brothers. Something that did phase one of the brothers was the fact that the older one's eyes turned crimson red.

"So it's true- you've really been turned into a vampire." Yuliy mentioned to which Mikhail nodded his head to, not denying the fact that he has been turned into a the thing ghost e hated most in the world. "It's actually absurd of me to be sitting here with you. You smell them right?" Mikhail directed to the slaves who stood at the cart door with suspicious gazes, Mikhail then told his younger brother of the distrust the vampires held for him before explaining how he was the one that shot him and his "friend" with the order to kill the older one only.

"I had no desire to kill my precious little brother so I missed your vital spots. Pretty impressive of me isn't it- oh but shooting your friend wasn't my intention."

The features of Yuliy's face scrunched up at the thought of (name) getting shot trying to protect him. As if that wasnt enough, Yuliy had questioned his brother's use of a gun- to which Mikhail responded back with "that doesn't apply to me anymore since I've become a vampire," causing Yuliy's chest to tighten. The brother whom he thought died while protecting him, was actually alive for the last ten years.

In exchange for answering Yuliy's question, Mikhail asked the Jaeger's reason of becoming what he took occupation in, the Sirius answered with revenge and how he would destroy the monsters that took away their peaceful lifestyle.

A short "oh" escaped Mikhail's mouth prior to the grin he had before; "due to our different roles, you know that we will eventually have to fight and kill each other." Mikhail's voice darkened.

Yuliy didn't want to accept- not think about killing his brother even though he knew he had a point. His voice was filled with a desperation that even he would question, "I thought you'd been killed- but now here you are, my only living family and you expect me to kill you? What am I suppose to say to that?" The sapphire-eyes teen questioned feeling lost.

With the atmosphere thick with tensity, the two continued to speak; Mikhail told Yuliy as his "older brother" to forget about revenge before the locomotive train zoomed out of the tunnel, blinding the two with the flash of the sun's light. Fustration grew in Yuliy's heart upon Mikhail's "suggestion" to forget revenge.

How could he do that? Why would he forget what the vampires have done to his brethren? If he wouldn't forgive them then how would Mikhail ever expect Yuliy to drop his revenge just like that?

It didn't make sense.

"An avenger's eyes would be filled with hate, anger, dispair, and sadness- but when I look in your eyes I only see the eyes of a spoiled brat." Mikhail's polar ice blue eyes squinted into a half-gaze as he decided to test Yuliy; "do you plan to kill me last? What about that friend of yours? (Name) was her name? What of her- you seem to have known her for quite some time; will you kill her in the end as well?" The white-haired adult grinned a sadistic grin as the black and white haired teen tensed.

"Now hurry and kill me." (Mood) Mikhail continued to test wanting to see what his adorable little brother would do. Leaning till his lips were right beside Yuliy's ear, Mikhail spoke once again; "it's alright, Yuliy. Forget about me, Dogville, mother, and the Ark. You can't become entirely cruel." Yuliy was so taken aback about everything that happened in the last few minutes that he couldn't say anything. He couldn't feel his body enough to spit out the words he wanted to say.

Mikhail stood up, walking out into the isle before giving words of warning to the confused teen, "the next I meet you as a Jaeger than you will no longer be my brother- you will be my enemy." Then he walked away without a glance back.

The Sirius watched his brother's figure getting further away from him; it was only until the door closed behind Mikhail that Yuliy blinked. A heavy weight pressed down on Yuliy's body as he tried to collect his thoughts.

His brother. His mother. His brethren. His home. His revenge.

How could he just forget about it?

Throughout their entire conversation, Yuliy felt one thing- that it was only him and Mikhail. Brother and brother on the verge of going to war.

{zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]{zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]

Another half assed chapter because I'm literally half asleep. I really wanted this chapter to circulate around Yuliy's side (and you'll see more of that eventually) so I tried to not add you in this chapter.

Am I the only one that ships Mikhail X Yuliy?

If people can ship Hikaru X Kaoru then I can ship mah Sirius bois!!!

Well goodnight mah meeps. I'm gonna try to go to bop bed.

(+.+)(-.-)(_ _) ..zz(+.+)(-.-)(_ _) ..zz

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