Wake Up

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"Are you okay?"

Blue eyes abruptly open and his mouth gasps for air. The first sight Yuliy sees isn't the ceiling or any of the other Jager's concerned faces. Instead, it was a little girl with big brown eyes and short row air. In the blink of an eye the girl is gone and a high pitched voice shouts, "father, he's awake! Father!" Confused, Yuliy sits up before gripping his shoulder in pain; soon a man with brown hair, brown eyes and glasses came into the room to change Yuliy's bandages.

"...There, I'm done now." The man said as he finished up on Yuliy's wound, "however, considering the circumstances I found you and your friend in, I called the police." Yuliy looked up at his savior upon hearing the word "friend". In an almost desperate voice, Yuily wailed out "(name)! Is she okay?" His eyes shook with worry and his sudden burst of energy made the older man look at him with surprise before answering with a "yes, she's fine. When I first found you two, I saw you holding onto her; when I tried to pull you two apart, you wouldn't budge." The man said letting out an amused chuckle. 

For a second, Yuliy frowned but let out a sigh of relief. Relief that (name) was okay. 

The man who had introduced himself as Kisuke Hanada introduced his daughter who was named Saki; along with Yuliy asking if he was a doctor, told Yuliy he was something of the sort. Saki had greeted Yuliy with a formal bow and an "it's nice to meet you!" making Yuliy soft as he introduced himself as well. 

Soon the young girl bombarded Yuliy with questions making the teenager uncomfortable; "Saki, don't give him a hard time" Kisuke lectured. The doctor set his daughter to go put away Yuliy's dishes excusing himself. Yuliy looked down at Saki and noticed a frown had slipped onto her face. Just when Yuliy was going to ask what was wrong, a maid came through the door informing Yuliy that he had visitors. 

Willard had made his way into Yuliy's room while Fallon and Philip stood outside to keep watch in case anyone decided to eavesdrop. The talk between Yuliy and Willard was serious as they talked the blood of a beast that dwelled deep inside of the half-werewolf; "by the way, how is (name)?" Willard asked with curiosity. "the doctor said she was okay, I haven't seen her though so she might still be unconscious" Yuliy answered; a string of regret thread through his voice.

'If only I had kept aware of my surroundings then (name) wouldn't have gotten shot.' 

Willard told Yuliy that the doctor would let Yuliy stay in his home until he and (name) were fully healed. When Yuliy tried to refuse the offer, the pain in his shoulder began to act up making him grip his bandaged wound, "you should take him up on his offer. I'll leave Philip with you two just in case." Willard grinned as he and Fallon bid Yuliy and Philip farewell.

As nighttime came around, Yuliy limped his way to (name)'s room; and indeed it was as he thought, (name) was still asleep. Making his way to her side, Yuliy grabbed (name)'s hand "(name). Why... why did you use yourself?" Yuliy gritted his teeth. The sound of footsteps clicked in Yuliy's ears as he got up and made his way to the door; there stood Saki. 

"Can't sleep?"


"Your father?"

"Working. I can't bother him"

"Your mother?"

"Up in the sky."

Yuliy looked at Saki with shock and offered to read her a story until she fell asleep. When Saki called him Yuliy-niisan, Yuliy's sky blue eyes widen. He'd ever been addressed as a big brother- in fact, it made him think about his own brother. Yuliy walked Saki to her room and picked out a book as he asked Saki about her mother. Talking to Saki made Yuliy feel soft, how she admired her father's hard work. Even though he couldn't relate he felt as if he could understand. 

"Yuliy-oniisan." Saki's little voice called out causing Yuliy to look at the child "what is it?" He asked with a smile; "who is that girl that came with you?" Saki tilted her head while Yuliy gave a light chuckle "she's (name)," "is she special to you?" Yuliy's eyes widened as he was lost for words. He ever thought about it- (name) being special to him- much less anyone being special to him. Except for Willard and... Mikhail. 

"I'm not sure."

Seeing Yuliy at a loss made Saki even more curious to know about the sleeping girl so she asked various questions regarding her. Whether it was strange or not, Yuliy was happy to tell Saki all the different things about (name); even if Saki didn't ask about a certain thing, Yuliy would go on a tangent about it like it was the most important thing in the world. "You know a lot about (name)-oneechan, Yuliy-oniisan!" Saki smiled. 

Yuliy was taken aback- he did know a lot about (name). But that was natural if you've spent four years living with them right? Just when Yuliy was about to answer, he heard a thump in the distance. 'Is it Philip? No, he's sleeping on the ground. A vampire? No, I don't smell rotten flesh. Then... (Name)?!'  Yuliy stood up from the bed and looked down at Saki, "shall we go check it out?" He offered his hand to the seven-year-old girl who gladly took the older one's hand.

Out the bedroom door the two wet to investigate the sound. 

"Ugh... Where the hell am I?"


Yuliy walked to the door that led to (name)'s room. Placing his hand on the knob, he turned it before hearing the click of the door opening and pushed. There on the ground, laid (name) with her had on her head in pain; Yuliy chuckled "morning sleepy head. Glad to see you're right ad early." Yuliy greeted sarcastically before receiving a sock to the face. 

Saki noticed that Yuliy seemed more carefree and casual. Watching the two teenagers made Saki smile, "I'm glad you woke up." Yuliy said with a soft smile; and whether (name) believed it or not, Yuliy was truly happy that (name) was awake.

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