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The morning had barely risen in the land of South Sakhalin; Yuliy, (name) and Bishop had just gotten up with the intent of leaving Ryoko and Iba behind.

(Name) raked a brush through Yuliy's hair while he brought his leg up to his chest to tie his boots. Dropping his leg back down, Yuliy felt (name) tie his hair back as her fingers brushed his scalp and occasionally touched the back of his neck sending shivers down his spine (body aching all the timmmmeeee).

Upon finishing tying the older one's hair, the (h/c)nette walked to the window while brushing her own hair, gazing out said window to see the greyish-blue sky of the cloudy morning. Meanwhile, Yuliy's thoughts filled with questions about his father

"What do I say to my father if I see him? What if Yevgraf already has the Ark? Then what? What are we to do it he has it? According to those who told us about him, he is powerful and is willing to use any means to get the Ark- then how do we beat him?"

He rambled to himself. (Name) heard this though and made her way towards him. Placing the brush down on a nearby table, she went to kneel in front of Yuliy raising her hands up to hold his face. "Yulichka," she spoke his name softly; "you don't need to know what to say to him- just speak. Say what's on your mind. Everything will be fine- also, don't worry about Yevgraf. Whether he gets the Ark or not, we'll get it back no matter what because it belongs to the Sirius- to you. I'll do whatever it takes to get it back " The half-vampire gave an encouraging smile.  

Out of all the sides of the Sirius she's seen, the sad and confused side hurt her the most. It made her want to hide him from everything negative in this world.

Seeing the striking hues of (e/c) and red within (name)'s eyes soften in kindness melted Yuliy's heart that he tried to form ice around through the years. She always managed to squeeze her way through the cracks to his heart no matter how thick he made the next layer of ice. The best thing of all: he believed (name)'s words that were laced with a reassuring tone. And when she called him his Sirius name- oh, when she did that!

He loves it when (name) called him 'Yuliychka'. In his perspective, it was the most satisfying feeling in the world. Just imagining her saying his name over and over again made Yuliy fall in love with her all over again. He just loved it.

Taking a hold of (name)'s hand with one of his own, Yuliy sighed as a smile ghosted upon his handsome features. "You're right. I don't need to worry- not when I have you with me" the Sirius survivor mumbled the last part- (name) heard it anyways. Her smile widened and she leaned upwards, letting her forehead, along with her nose, touch Yuliy's in an Eskimo kiss before saying "we can do this, Yuliy. Believe me" "I always have" Yuliy responded.

The two stayed in their position for a few more seconds prior to separating to stand up, grabbing their stuff, and leaving the hotel the same moment snow began to fall. "It's snowing" (name) opened her hand allowing some fluffs of froze rain touch her skin before letting out a cough from her itching throat; "you alright?" the sapphire-eyed teen questioned with concern only to get a simple nod from the girl. Even if Yuliy didn't want to trust her words of her being okay, they already came this far- there's no backing out now. 

Turning to Bishop who was already at his car, he held a grin "ready to go, campers?" Said trio got into the vehicle as they drove away from the town they rested in towards the mountain that was drawn on Yuliy's map. As Bishop drove on a dirt road beside trees, he glanced back to (name) who seemed to be dozing off. Perhaps it was just him but she seemed a little pale 'she's a vampire, of course she's pale!' The blonde glanced back to the road. 

Forcing his attention from the dozing (name) to the Sirius beside of him, Bishop decided to ask a few questions, "Yuliy, you sure you want to leave those two behind? Isn't it better to have more people to help fight?" He asked keeping his main focus on the dirt road before him. Not averting his gaze from outside his widow, "you, (name), and I am enough" he bluntly stated; Bishop solemnly grinned "I appreciate the fact that I'm relied on so much but I'm worried" the smoking man quickly glanced at the seventeen-year-old.

"You couldn't kill those kids last time. I hope you didn't show them mercy because if you do that while we're fighting, you're gonna die and I don't think your girlfriend wants that." Confused yet flustered by the blonde man's last statement, Yuliy turned his head in his direction "girlfriend? (Name) and I am not dating" he plainly said. The dark blue orbs of Bishop widened in shock as he looked at Yuliy before the road again noticing he wasn't going straight; "WHAT?! Ever since the beginning, I thought you two were together- you guys SLEEP together for crying out loud!" Noticing he was shouting, Bishop looked back to (name) who was sleeping. 

Yuliy took note of this and looked back to see the same thing- (name) sleeping. Thinking the car ride had made her sleepy and that she woke up too early, Yuliy did his best to shake it off as he looked back to Bishop; "we aren't dating. We're just really close" he said in a matter-a-fact tone to which Bishop barked back a bit softer, "'really close' my ass- I see how you act around her. You have a crush on her at least, don't ya?" Yuliy's face burst into a deep shade of red causing Bishop to laugh. 

"Ha! So you haven't told her yet." Bishop belted another laugh "well I don't blame you. As people who kill vampires for a living, it would be really painful to have your lover die." The topic got dark but nonetheless, it was the truth and that was the main reason why Yuliy hadn't told (name) of his feelings directly yet. He was afraid of the pain that would potentially follow; "I don't want to tell her. Not when there's a war going on" the Sirius said and Bishop hummed in acknowledgment "then what about later on when Yevgraf is dead?" The blonde asked. 

Yuliy only nodded solemnly "if we're still alive by that time" he grimaced; for the very thought of one of their deaths was a bit too much for him to even take in. With a sigh, Bishop glanced at Yuliy one more time "I guess we'll see" he mumbled to both him and the Sirius beside him.


I swear I'll get more into the action in the next chapter!

Episode 9 is finally done though so there's that! My aunt is getting married next Saturday so I don't know the next time I'll update (maybe in a few days). 

Umm... I hope you enjoyed this easy-going chapter. I swear I'll do a better job next time. In the meantime, have a good day, Goobers!

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