Party That Started

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"(Name)-san... are you a vampire?"


That was the only thing ringing in (name)'s mind. She planned to keep her race a secret as a precaution- she didn't need anyone hunting her down. But why? Why did Bishop have to bring it up now?

Upon hearing the (h/c) head's silence, Ryoko felt her heart shake. (Name) wasn't denying nor was she confirming it. The suspense was driving Ryoko up a wall; "(name)-san. Are you... a vampire?" The brunette repeated in a shaking voice. There was no use. (Name) couldn't deny it since Bishop was there; at the same time, she didn't wanna lie. Ryoko was bound to curiosity so she would've figured out sooner or later. Right?

"This feels like when I first became a Jaeger."

(Name) joked as she placed a hand over her face. Noticing the slight shaking of the younger teen's shoulders, Yuliy gave her a easing gaze which (name) fortunately caught. Taking a deep breath and taking a hand through her hair, (name) let out a forced grin to hide her unease. "Yeah, I'm a vampire- well, half-vampire to be exact." She rubbed her neck anxiously.

If she were to say the first thing on her mind, it would be "don't shoot or stab me because I'm a vampire, I swear to God." But could you blame her? She didn't want to be hunted down by people she's aquatinted.

She wasn't the only one with raging thoughts though; Ryoko's mind boggled at the new found fact of (name). '(Name)-san is a vampire? Yuliy fell in love with a vampire?! Does he know? He said their trust was a barrier. There's no way he didn't know and he still... loves her?' The thought of Yuliy falling for a vampire despite his hatred towards them perplexed Ryoko. It didn't make sense. But when she looked at Yuliy's eyes, she noticed they were gentle, kind, understanding, and concerned.

There's no way he didn't fall for (name) with eyes like that.

"I knew it." Iba sighed as he sent a glare (name)'s way which, in return, gained a death stare from Yuliy. The half-vampire looked at the General with an unreadable gaze; "I didn't know you were a half-breed but you're eyes aren't like any humans I've ever seen. Only vampires have red eyes." His reason was reasonable and came off as more of a reliever to (name) unlike when she looked at Ryoko. The brunette's eyes were judgmental making her uncomfortable.

Being forgotten, Bishop growled "did you bite him or not?" The blonde asked for clarification. He wanted to be sure even if it was obvious- he wanted to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

Seeing as how she didn't have a choice in the matter, (name) sighed as she averted her gaze away from the group, ashamed to look at them. Despite Yuliy being understanding of the situation, (name) still felt guilty of her actions; she didn't mean to. But the only way to clear the air was to speak truthfully, and she did; "yes. I bit Yuliy that night- but believe me, I didn't mean to. I would never hurt him. If I had the choice to go back and change what happened, I would. I care about his stupid self too much to hurt him. I swore to myself that if I ever tried to turn him, I would never forgive myself!" The (h/c)nette cried out, locking her eyes with Bishop.

"I care about his stupid self too much"

"I... CARE... about his stupid self too much"

'She... cares about me... too much?'

Yuliy's face flushed. Now wasn't the best time to be nervous but he couldn't help it; (name) was too cute!

Was Bishop satisfied with the teenager's answer? Oh yeah. He definitely was for two reasons. One being the honesty that poured straight out of (name) and her cursed eyes. Two being Yuliy's hilarious reaction upon hearing a simple phrase. Unfortunately, that's wasn't all he wanted to know. There was something that he needed clarification for; "Yuliy. (Name). If you two knew I was a vampire, why did you consider working with me? (Name), why'd you expose your secret to me in the car then?" Why did they? Why did two former Jaegers trust a complete stranger?

Isn't it obvious?

"Your eyes."

(Name) answered first with Yuliy following soon after, "within your eyes were feelings of regret- perhaps from not being able to save your teammates. There was also guilt from becoming a vampire and being the only one that survived." His voice calm and collected. As if switching out, the half-vampire came back in "at first I was a little skeptic but looking into your eyes, I'm sure both Yuliy and I could tell you weren't lying or pretending." "Your eyes made us want to trust you." Both said simultaneously.

Royal blue eyes widen as the words spoken were processed through his head. All this time he lied to them and tricked them into helping him get the Ark; yet they trusted him. For some reason, he felt... he felt content. Was it weird? Certainly not.

A defeated chuckled escaped Bishop's lips. Indeed, he lost. "Hehe, both of you sound like some freaky twins who're telepathic. What am I going to do with you two?" The western man joked. Taking a seat on a nearby stone, Bishop spoke of his dead colleagues; "they'll never leave my head," he began, "and since I'm a vampire, it's going to stay this way forever." The blonde man's voice then dropped as his eyes took on a slightly darker hue. "Then you have that disease that could wipe out the vampires. Hearing that was unexpected good news for me- (name), I'm not so sure about." Knowing where he was getting at, Yuliy looked at (name) fearfully.

Surely she wouldn't get the disease... right?

She was part vampire, sure. But she was also part human; the chances of the illness killing would be 50/50.

So why was he scared? Why did Yuliy fear the disease and what it might do to (name)? Her human side would surely fend off this unknown plague. Shouldn't it?

"But then there's news that the Ark of Sirius could stop it. How could I ever allow them to try and grasp something as powerful as that into their hands?!" The look in Bishop's eyes were serious. Serious with reason.

Directing to everyone in the cave, Bishop began to scold Yuliy. "This isn't your problem anymore. Everyone here got involved long ago and we're willing to aid you; so stop acting so cool. Let us end this too." With what started as a scolding ended up as an offer of arms. An offer that was too familiar with the Sirius survivor. Glancing at (name), he noticed her giving him a smug look. One that said 'see? Told you so' making him chuckle to himself.


Yuliy agreed as he took steps towards a sitting Bishop. When Iba questioned Yuliy upon letting a vampire help him, Yuliy gave him a quick glare "I've worked with (name) for years. He's no different; besides, I'm not working with a vampire" Yuliy said confusing the general, brunette, and blonde.

"I'm working together with Bishop."

Hearing the Sirius' acceptance for himself made Bishop kinda like the kid. 'He's a good one' he noted to himself. The air was clear with clarity, determination, and satisfaction as the group gathered together. Despite their backgrounds, race, and occupations, everyone pushed them aside. Now was the time of alliance. And this alliance would be hard to break.

"Ladies and gentlemen." (Name) grinned,

"It's to get this party started."

(^◇^;) (^◇^;) (^◇^;)

Aye goobers, it's been a while since I updated- like two weeks? But I'm back!

Actually it's that time of year again *insert suspenseful music* exams (ʘᗩʘ')

I'm on spring break now but that won't last long. I'm just ready for summer vacation rn.

Btw I've been playing Onmyoji for two days and I'm on lvl 13. ANYONE GOT ONMYOJI?! HOOK ME UP AND PM ME SO I CAN GET A REWARD FOR HAVING A FRIEND PLEASE







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