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With the sun up and its rays of light squeezing through the curtains of their shared hotel room, Yuliy watched (name)'s sleeping form. He had gotten up a few minutes ago, not feeling sleep tug on him any longer. His sapphire orbs didn't leave as it admired her features; the way she took soft breathes, her gentle expression as she cuddled her face deeper into Yuliy's chest. It all made the Sirius head over heels for her. 

Being so immersed in (name) sleeping, Yuliy jumped at the sudden sound of her voice, "you know it's rude to stare at people" she mumbled, opening her (e/c) orbs that were gleaming in the sunlight. Giving a nervous chuckle or two, Yuliy offered her a short apology.

Now that she was up, the two decided to get out of bed and get ready for the day "maybe I'll buy something warmer to wear later. It's getting colder" (name) said on one side of the room while Yuliy stood on to other. Back to back, facing the wall away from each other, the two got dressed.

Putting on her jacket, (name) turned around to grab the brush before going up to Yuliy who sat on a chair with his hair undone. Placing her hand underneath the first layer of her locks, (name) raked the brush through his hair, being careful to not yank his hair or pull a knot too hard. 

The feeling of (name) brushing his hair soothed Yuliy. Her fingers would occasionally touch his scalp or his neck sending shivers down his spine. She put the brush down to grab a hair band, going back to Yuliy's hair, she raked her fingers through the locks, gathering them together behind Yuliy's neck before binding them with his hair band. 

Standing back to signal she was done, (name) grabbed her instrument case, throwing Yuliy his. He grabbed it with ease and followed (name) out the door after picking up his jacket that he laid on the bed. 

Bishop met up with the two soon after they left their room, "oh, morning you two!" He greeted with a bright smile complimented by a cigar. Yuliy and (name) greeted the blonde with a "good morning" prior to leaving the building; "by the way, don't worry too much about the old man. We'll think of some way to make him talk" Bishop spoke up, addressing the issue of last night. 

"Oh, this is the place!"

A familiar voice chimed, catching the attention of the two non-Jaegers who turned to see the one with the familiar voice.

The girl they recognized to be Ryoko eventually turned her gaze, catching sight of them as well. "Ryoko-san?" (Name) blinked in shock upon seeing the brunette- but she wasn't alone. A man with black hair and black eyes stood behind her. 

"Yuliy-san! (Name)-san!" Ryoko called out as she approached the two, "oh? A friend of yours?" He asked the two who nodded their head "when we were at the capital, her father let us stay at his mansion" (name) explained briefly. Bishop nodded his head in understanding and introduced himself to the two humans; in exchange, they stated their names before the group stepped inside the cafe. 

Being seated at a table, Bishop, Yuliy, and (name) sat on one side while Ryoko and Iba sat on the other. As the group received their food and started eating, Ryoko told the story of how she met Major Iba, (name) would occasionally give a little chuckle; "that's a mistake you made all on your own" Iba sighed. The brunette didn't seem to be affected by his comment though, "well the mistake was worth seeing as how I got to meet you, Yuliy-san!" She seemed pretty chipper in the morning making (name) envy her energetic state.

But for some reason, what she said made the (h/c)nette feel uncomfortable. Was it because she stated her joy in seeing Yuliy? Sure, she and Ryoko weren't close but why did Ryoko seem to be more immersed in Yuliy? Back when she first arrived at the Naoe mansion too. Ryoko's jealous tone when (name) casually called Yuliy an idiot. 

Gently shaking away her thoughts, (name) focused back to her surroundings. The subject had went from Ryoko's story of how she met Iba to how Japan's military was also on the search for the Ark; "it's not that big of a surprise" (name) said as she tilted her head. "I suppose so" mumble Yuliy with agreement.

The Major had informed Yuliy and (name) about how it wasn't only Japan- but also the Western military. This made the (e/c) and red eyed teen fear what would happen- not to the Ark but to Yuliy. If he got the Ark, they would go after him.

On another other hand, if they know the Ark isn't reachable, they would choose against it. It was a risky gamble that everyone was playing and the payment was with lives on the line.

"So that's why father took the Ark and..." Yuliy trailed off. Intrigued by his statement, Iba grinned; "besides that, why did Professor Willard talk to you?" (Name) interrogated sternly.

She didn't really like this man. One reason being that he was also after the Ark, and second, the fact that he was a military officer. "We just owe each other, that's all," he replied. Seeming lost, Ryoko looked between the others "um... Yuliy's father?" She wondered hoping to get clued in.

Everyone was getting tense and Bishop was sick of it but didnt hold it against them. He understood it. The tensitity. "It appears, Yuliy's father came here. Unfortunately, that ikeman's senior won't tell us anything" Bishop informed. Nodding, Ryoko looked back at Yuliy, watching him and (name).

Once again, the question of how close the two were clicked in Ryoko's mind. Back when she first found about Yuliy being a Jaeger, (name) was there too; she was fighting. Comparing herself to (name), Ryoko wondered if Yuliy was more into the strong, independent girls. But they were always together so did he like the clingy ones? No, he didn't even like people. At least, that's what she came to believe.

Unknowingly to her, Yuliy caught sight of her gaze. Speculating. Searching for answers. For what? He didn't know nor did he desire to figure out.

When Iba suggested he go talk to his senior himself, the three were surprised. Although, it did make sense and seemed logical so they were fine with it. Perhaps if someone from a familiar setting came to talk, the man who lived in the forest would tell them something useful. It was a shot they weren't going to throw away.

"Whether this Ark is something necessary to the country is what I decide myself after I see it." Iba announced to which Yuliy fired back, "the Ark belongs to the Sirius." Fanning the flames between him and Iba. Ryoko lifted her hands in attempt to stop the dispute but was beaten by (name) who placed her hand on Yuliy's shoulder, speaking his name with warning.

Grunting, the Sirius survivor turned towards her saying an "I know" suggesting that he knew he needed to keep his cool. Letting go of a small sigh, the vampire let her hands fall on Yuliy's lap earning looks from the three spectators.

Looking into her unique eyes, Yuliy felt himself ease up "if the Professor trusts him then we should have some faith. I'm not saying I fully trust him either but what choice to we have?" Her voice was soft- and she had a point. Yuliy couldn't argue back. He heaved a "fine" and just like that, everything became chill.

For now.

Until the moment this thin string of trust snaps, everything will be able to be deemed as fine.


Hi! How ya doin? Lol, I literally said I might do slow updates but here I am- a few days later and publishing a new chapter.

Welp... what can you do?

It is currently 5:12 am, Sunday morning! I should be sleeping but for some reason I am awake and kicking! I've been watching ice skating/dancing videos on YouTube for hours.

I've also been learning Chinese these past couple days on DuoLingo and all I have to say is that I have so much fun! If you have an account in DuoLingo then comment it so I can friend you!! ε٩( ºωº )۶з

Watching those duet ice skating/dancing videos make me want to make a Yuliy fan fiction ice skater AU lololol!!

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