Tense and Release

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There Yuliy was, his shirt gripped in the hands of (name) who had tears threatening to leak her (e/c) and red eyes. She seemed to have caught her breath because her wheezing had stopped though her anger still remained. 

Processing her earlier question, Yuliy gazed into (name)'s eyes; "you know I don't think like that- not after all this time. These past few years with you have been unforgettable moments in my life..." as Yuliy went on, his voice got quieter until the point he mumbled the last part; "I would never trade it for anything".

As touched as she was, (name) still felt hurt that Yuliy would ever think of leaving. Then again, maybe she was just being selfish. He wasn't her property so why was she getting so butthurt over him leaving her behind? 

She hated the uncomfortable squeeze her chest gave. Specifically, her heart. 

"Then why? Why would you try to leave me? Why does my heart hurt when I think of you leaving me? We've been through so much- getting hurt isn't a problem!" As (name)'s voice raised so did the pain in her chest. Her chest squeeze into an uncomfortable knot that yearned to come undone.

And it got worse.

Yuliy knew the (h/c)nette was strong but if Yevgraf is going to get involved, she won't stand a chance- she couldn't even get the Ark. "I know you're strong but with Yevgraf, it won't be easy," he didn't mean it to be rude; he only meant to inform her of the thing he felt insecure about most.

That didn't stop (name) though. Her grip on Yuliy's shirt tightened to the point where her fists became white, "and?! That doesn't mean I can't at least give you some manpower! Why can't you rely on me more?! Tell me! Tell why! Yulichka!" (Name) called out desperately.

Hearing his name being called out like that and seeing (name)'s eyes filled with emotions made the Sirius' eyes opened. It reminded him of a few nights before when he had confronted Willard ad he realized something:

Why didn't he rely on her more?

Yeah, he trusted her with his past but he had never relied on her for many favors. He didn't want to rely on the half-vampire too much. Conceivably, it was for his own sake; if he got too close he knew he would never leave her if the time came when one of them departed. But maybe... perhaps he's already crossed that line.

If he's already crossed that line then there's no going back. He knew this and he accepted his fate; for if the time came, he would throw everything away to protect (name).

A sigh left his lips as he leaned his head to where his forehead touched with (name)'s, surprising her for a moment. Sapphire eyes closed gently; his expression soft and calming that the (e/c) eyed teen could feel her anger die down slowly; "damnit. Why do you know the quickest ways to make me not hate you?" (Name) grumbled making Yuliy chuckle. 

"Everyday with the same person for four years is quite a long time to learn about them." He said with a grin. The contact between foreheads sent warmth to each other as (name) loosened her grip on Yuliy's jacket which seemed to have wrinkled it. 

Eventually, (name)'s hand went up to cup Yuliy's face feeling how cold it had become upon standing outside for quite some time. Within time, the tension started to ease between the two who gazed into their colored orbs, "ready to go?" Yuliy asked kindly to which (name) answered with a small "yeah," before they separated.

(Name) rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed by her earlier outburst. Why was she being so emotional these past couple days? She didn't claim herself to be an emotional person. Maybe her sleeping schedule was messed up? No, it was the same as always. She wasn't pregnant nor was she having a phase of depression so what was it?

While making their way to the port, the (h/c) haired teen let out a sigh; "listen, Yuliy. I'm... sorry- really, I am. For some reason, I've been a little emotional" she apologized as she rubbed the nape of her neck with her cool hand. 

A nod left Yuliy, "don't worry about it," he said before a smile littered his face "things have escalated pretty quickly since we've gotten to Japan" he mentioned in a matter-of-fact way. Knowing where he was getting at, (name) giggled saying how true it was. 

Now on the port and boarding the ship, the two found a spot where railings laid out a clear spot as if waiting for the duo. Yuliy leaned his arms on the metal rails while (name) leaned her back against them. Their minds on nothing else but South Sakhalin- the place where Yevgraf's location was reported to be. 

Taking a quick peek beside him, Yuliy looked at (name) who tilted her head backwards to gaze into the sky (or the good ol' berbs who be flying above the ship). Her nose developed a faint red just like her cheeks, abruptly, her words slammed into his head. 

"Why does my heart hurt when I think of you leaving me?"

'Wait! What did she mean by that?' Yuliy wondered to himself gazing more intently into (name)'s snuffing figure before she sneezed. The Sirius felt his face blushed hearing the girl's sneeze as he watched her sniff and rub her nose "it's too damn cold" she mumbled. Letting out a chuckle that was carried by the wind, Yuliy responded with "well that's no surprise. It is winter," making (name) pout. 

The ride to South Sakhalin was peaceful. The two spoke small talk and not once did Yuliy ask about what the (h/c) head said earlier. He felt like it was just something she said to move him, 'that makes my head spin in question even more! Did she mean something by what she said?' The Sirius could feel his heart pound a pace or two faster at the thought of (name) liking him. 

How he would've liked that. Then, the image of Mikhail filled his head- that's right- he was at war so there was no time to think about love at a critical time like this! Still... it was a nice thought-


Yuliy shouted in his mind as realization punched him in the di- gut. His face exploded in red and his head fell onto his crossed arms over the railing while a grunt escaped his mouth. One thing now invaded his mind and it didn't seem like it would leave any time soon.

'I'm in love.'  



SO honestly, I think I half-assed this one because I'm still a little burnt out and I have been feeling pretty sick- sore throat and all (I'm in women's choir too so that's not fun). Please, I cannot stress this enough- please stay healthy! 

Take vitamin C! Inhale some zinc pills (jk, don't do it)! Stay away from them sickies. Eat lots of food and drink lots of water (something I should do right now) because the flu/cold are spreading quickly. 

With that being said, thank you for reading! Stay healthy because I love and care about you!

ε=(。♡ˇд ˇ♡。)

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