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It seems like the man was deeply upset because the moment he asked about Alexei, he stormed back in the direction of his house. The three followed in pursuit.

Questions ringed in their heads concerning what the man knew about to Ark and how he knew Yuliy's father. Though, by the looks of it, the man wouldn't give the information so easily.

But Yuliy was determined, 'maybe if I ask him, he'll tell me something' he thought. He just had to know what this man knew- what he kept hidden. "Please wait. You knew my father?" Yuily called out with Bishop and (name) following with wandering curiosity.

The snap in the elderly man's voice as he entered his house was brutal. Feeling disrespected for his new companion, Bishop glared "listen here, old man. If it weren't for him, (name), and I, you wouldn't be here right now. The vampires would've gotten you." Eyes widening, the elder looked at (name) and back to the ground mumbling something almost inaudible; "so you're his child" earning a big question mark to light up over the trio's head.

"(Name), was your father's name (f/n)?"

(Name)'s eyebrows furrowed in suspicion "yes" she answered before asking why he wanted to know. Never before had she seen this man; she had no contact with the outside world as a child. "Figures" sighed the man. He looked to be mentally debating something- something big. "Listen, this might be sudden, but..."

"I'm your uncle."

(E/c) eyes expand bigger than saucers. Over and over, the man's words echo themselves into her head as if trying to process the words individually. Yuliy and Bishop shared her shock; they had not expected this man to say something so upfront and sudden.

Finally taking in the man's words, the half-vampire stayed silent for a second before blurting out "we came to ask what you know about the Ark- nothing more, nothing less". The tone in her voice sounded forced. To her, she didn't care of this man was her family or not- she lost her family years ago and found a new one with the Jaegers. They were her family now.

Letting out a defeated sigh, the elderly man nodded his head "forget about it" he said. Yuliy urged him to tell his tale though.

Seeing how the Sirius wouldn't drop the conversation, he heaved another sigh "I was traveling around the world in search for the Ark. That's when I met him. Alexei. When he told me he was a Sirius, I was surprised; he even invited to Dogville with open arms. I met the family too- you were pretty young so I doubt you remember" "I don't".

As the former general spoke his tale, the trio gave him their undivided attention. "After learning he and the Ark disappeared, I desperately chased after him. Eventually, he ran all the way here to Sakhalin; then he..." he trailed off making the air of suspense rise.

When Yuliy pondered about his father's well being and asking where he was now, the former general blew a cloud of smoke. Once again, he told the group to forget about the Ark- that they couldn't get it; "Alexei made it that way" he said.

Just when Yuliy was about to ask what he meant, the man shouted for them to leave. Before the seventeen-year-old could walk up to the elder, (name) placed a hand in his shoulder. Turning to look at her to try and reason was futile. Her (e/c) orbs demanded Yuliy's cooperation, stopping Yuliy in his tracks.

Exhaling deeply, they turned around, making their way back to Bishop's car that was a little beat up. Upon entering the scratched vehicle, the atmosphere had also appeared defeated; "well, we're alive thanks to you two!" Bishop chimed, trying to lighten everyone's fallen spirits.

Being answered by the silence, the blonde continued speaking.

(Name)'s POV

Despite my sudden feeling of emptiness, Yuliy's curious state, and Bishop's talking, I was so confused. One- about that man being my uncle; two- why did the vampires attack him? Yes, he had information about the Ark but chances are, Yevgraf has already found it. So what was it they were after?

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