A Moment

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Still airborne, Mikhail had gotten a hold of Yuliy while (name) held onto the other side of her fellow vampire. The scent of blood had been strong in the air along with sweat. Tensity had been relieved thus leaving a sorrowful atmosphere.

"Mikhail, your wound." Yuliy directed grimly. (Name) had a frown on her face when she thought back to Mikhail's course of actions. For a moment she felt ashamed of herself for feeling a sense of pity for both brothers. It wasn't like she could understand how they felt- she knew she could never feel the same sibling-love. Although, it would've been nice to experience a sibling's love. Someone who loves you no matter how mad you've made them or what choices you've made.

"Ah, it isn't too bad," was how Mikhail began responding to Yuliy. His voice was soft and weak while his eyes seem to soften; "but I'm glad" he sighed. "At last, I'm free from this cursed contract. I'll finally be released from the vampires' blood. The same that killed mother." It was obvious from the look on his face and the tone of his voice that, not only was he relieved to be released from his contract with Yevgraf, he was also free from the curse of the vampires. He wouldn't have to drink blood or live in the vampires' cruel world of hierarchy.

Not anymore.

(Name) was happy for Mikhail but deep within her heart, she envied him. He would be free while she would remain a monster that was continuously hunted by men and women alike.

Landing on the airship, Mikhail opened the palm of his hand revealing the Ark in all its glory. "This will be important to you, Yuliy" he weakly raised his arm to give Yuliy the orb of light. (Name) had released the ivory-skinned man and excused herself, knowing fully well that this was a brother-to-brother moment.

With (name) awkwardly leaving, Mikhail chuckled, "I can tell she's helped you out a lot as well. It might not be much but this is the most I can do for you." Hearing his brother say this, Yuliy looked into Mikhail's icy-blue eyes that dulled with each passing second.

"I want you to live alongside the Ark. Live, Yuliy. That's something you can do. Live."

(Here comes the waterworks)

Yuliy nodded his head. Tears filled his eyes as he tried his hardest to hold back. He was losing someone. Someone close to him. In a pessimistic way, he felt like he lost. He lost in a way that he wasn't able to save someone dear to him. Yet he won because he defeated the enemy with the help of (name) and Mikhail.

It was something only they could do.

Lifting his hand to meet Mikhail's cold ones, Yuliy met his gaze with his brother's as he said "I will. I'll live on and prove the new pride of the Sirius." Not a hint of hesitation at all. Yuliy's voice was as clear as the stars were that night and Mikhail couldn't help but feel a warm sense of pride.

'You are my pride, Yuliy.'

Was what he wanted to say, but decided not to. Mikhail was sure that his younger brother knew this already so he was assured that he needn't say it. Instead, he said "you certainly are strong" without regret or remorse. He was at ease.

Realizing that he wasn't breathing, Yuliy called Mikhail's name. The fact that his brother had passed had flowered before Yuliy as he stared into his older brother's empty gaze. An empty feeling began to open along with a slash of psychological pain in the chest.

With a shaking voice full of sorrow and pride, Yuliy embraced his brother's body while replying "of course I'm strong. I'm your little brother after all." Judging by the shaking of his voice, (name) could understand what happened. She wasn't too far away- just on the other side of the ship. But she could practically feel Yuliy's pain from where she stood. She knew about the brothers' relationship and how close they were so it wasn't a surprise that this would be how the Sirius would react.

Although, the pain of losing someone as close as family was something she never experienced so, in a way, she knew she couldn't comfort Yuliy in the way he needed. But she would be sure to tell him to rely on her for anything and reassure him that whatever is on his mind and whenever he wants to talk, he doesn't need to hold back.

Cries of pain could be heard behind the half-vampire. The despair behind them made (name)'s heart throb in agony. She did think about going to comfort Yuliy but after hearing him cry out his brother's name, she decided to let him have a moment to himself. She could at least give him that.

Minutes passed with Yuliy's silent crying and (name)'s muted concern. As if the two didn't want to disturb one another, they didn't utter a single word. Not until (name) took a deep breath, "uh-" both her and Yuliy spoke up while turning to gaze at each other simultaneously before looking away in alert.

An awkward silence.

'I need to say something.'


"You go first."

"No, go ahead."

Yuliy nodded his head upon the younger teen's offer to speak first since he had an idea that if someone didn't start, no one would. Glancing at his brother's lifeless body in his arms, Yuliy raised his hands to close his brother's dull icy blue eyes. Inhaling deeply, the Sirius hugged his brother, for what could be, the last time.

Opening his mouth, ready to convey his thought to (name), Yuliy suddenly felt his throat close up as his mouth dried up. He became at a loss for words.

He wanted to tell the her that he had a plan to speak to the officials of both vampires and humans. He wanted to create a compromise regarding peace within the races. And in doing so, he planned to go alone. So many people have contributed and aided Yuliy in his search for the Ark and now that he's gotten this far, he felt that it was time he took off by himself for he didn't want to be thought of as someone who solely depended on others and couldn't do things himself.

"(Name), I..."

Yuliy began to say but was interrupted when he saw (name) sprint towards him. Sapphire eyes widen in surprise when Yuliy felt (name) wrapping her arms around him and Mikhail. At first, Yuliy was confused by the half-vampire's actions until he felt the impact of the blimp hitting the surface of the water.

♪~( ̄、 ̄ ) ♪~( ̄、 ̄ ) ♪~( ̄、 ̄ )


I know things have been complicated and strange but believe me, I know. As some of you know (if you follow me), I got my license the other day so now I'll be looking for local jobs. Because of that I might not update as much- especially for my newer books to come. You guys have dealt with my bizarre updates so I know how patient you are; but for the thousandth time, accept my apology on future updates.

I'll see you (hopefully soon) when I update. Byeee~ (ஐ╹◡╹)ノ

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