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"You bastard child! You shouldn't have been born!"

A small child at the age of seven crouched helplessly on the floor of the small house as a woman with (h/c) hair whipped her senselessly with a whip. Cuts were made through the small girl's clothes each time the whip thundered down. Pain flooded through with each slash making the child weak and cry out in pain; "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, mommy." She whimpered.

The woman referred to as the girl's mother frowned, "don't call me 'mommy'!" She would shout before forcing the whip down harder. Minutes passed which felt like a lifetime but the (h/c) haired woman stopped, her crimson eyes filled with the upmost hatred while she sneered down at the crying girl below her. Without a moments waste, the woman grabbed the girl's wrist, dragging her all the way across the room where a door remained closed. Opening the door, the crimson eyed woman tossed the young girl inside before going in herself and grabbing a metal shack that was connected to a bed. Wrapping the unattached end to the girl's ankle, the woman then turned and left without a word.

Alone and cold, the seven-year-old laid whipped on the floor but this wasn't anything new. This abuse had gone on for years. It was like an endless cycle- a loop. A loop that she could never escape from.

Now the scene has changed.

The girl wasn't chained- maybe because of how badly beaten she looked- and like a wave, the pain came washing in. Her gradient (e/c) and crimson eyes teared up in pain as she attempted to pull herself to her feet upon the sounds of shouting.

"Because of you we're being chased by vampires!"

"You told me you loved me! You should be prepared for anything! Even if it's getting chased by my brethren!"

The sounds of shouting got more frantic and more violent as vulgar words were used.

"You charmed me, you seductive bitch!"

"You were the one to charm me with those kind looks of yours! Truth is you're just some idiot who didn't know how to leave someone alone."


After the shatter of whatever it was that was thrown, silence ringed in the air. The listening girl shook in her spot as she anticipated what would happen next. Before that could happen, a new setting was placed- yet it was the same. The same room. The same damn room.

And instead of hearing another argument between parents or getting beaten, instantly, there were sounds of shattering glass. The shouting of none other than the parents of the house shouting at the intruders. Soon, right outside the room door was the melody of a battle. Things were thrown, smashed, or ripped.

The sounds were nerve wracking but the young girl with gradient eyes didn't dare to open the door. Not until there was a silence. When the silence dropped, she thought it to be safe so she grabbed the doorknob, turning it slowly before pulling the door open a peep. Seeing the house completely wrecked made the girl's eyes widen- along with that, blood glowing ash were everywhere.

Hearing coughing mixed with wheezing, she turned to look to her right before gasping in shock. Intimidating red beasts filled her horrid house and in the middle of them all was a tall man who was paler than the moon. Within his grasp was the neck of the girl's mother. Her father had been pinned against the wall with blood flowing through him as he hanged there dead.

Hearing the sounds of an unknown voice, the man turned his head. For a second- a single, haunting second, his crimson eyes met the young girl's (e/c) and crimson ones. The man grinned a sinister grin, "So this is your creation. How cute." Then he did something unthinkable. He threw the woman against the wall where she was instantly shot with wooden stakes, pinning her to the wall much like her husband. A horrid sight indeed, but it almost amounted to nothing as the unfamiliar man got closer and closer to the, now, eleven-year-old.

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