Missing Her

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8:40 am

Feeling the need to wake up, Yuliy opened his eyes to gaze upon the beige color of the wall he faced. Thinking back to last night, he remembered his and (name)'s fight; after that little incident, he went to his bed and slept but woke up early this morning, hearing footsteps get closer in his direction. The Sirius knew it was (name) but felt as if he was chained and muzzled as he couldn't say anything; 'I didn't even say bye'  Yuliy thought solemnly. 

Whether Yuliy was mad at himself for not saying goodbye to (name) or the fact that he and (name) fought last night before she left and didn't make up, Yuliy was down in the dumps. With his mind filled with nothing but thoughts of how to apologize to his dear friend, the Sirius survivor made his way to the flowers to clear his mind.


The flowers began to wilt. The teenage boy squatted down in front of dying life feeling somewhat relieved that they were at least free from their misery. For now. "Will the next generation of flowers bloom to your satisfaction, Yuliy?" Turning his attention to the voice behind him, his stunning blue eyes fell on none other than Willard. Yuliy mentally relaxed himself as he felt the need to bombard the professor with questions like: "why did you send (name) by herself?" "Why didn't you ask the rest of us?" "Why did it just have to be (name)?" "What does my chest hurt when I think about her?".

Yuliy opened his mouth to speak but no words came out- his mind blanked out and his mouth became dry; "Yuliy?" Willard's brow arched with curiosity. Doing some math in his head, Willard finally understood what Yuliy seemed upset about- the fact that (name) wasn't here and that they didn't make up from the fight last night. 

A smirk made its pathway to the professor's face, "how upset are you that I sent (name) alone?" He asked with closed eyes while Yuily's widened. Was he that obvious (Yes you are, hun)? Soon, without further ado, the Sirius told Willard of his worries- how he felt angry because the professor didn't ask anyone else if they wanted to go with (name); how he felt betrayed because (name) didn't tell him of the mission; how he felt guilty about how he acted out of turn; how he yearned for him and (name) to talk it out. 

All of his worries came undone. Like the untying of a ribbon- the length of his distress had been revealed. 

"Yuliy, have you ever thought that you might be in love with (name)?"

Sapphire eyes widen as Yuliy's throat tightened. Now thinking about it- he and (name) had been through so much together- they've experienced so many emotions with each other. 'Am I... in love with (name)?'  Yuliy asked himself; despite not knowing the answer himself, it seemed plausible to him. What about the others? Did they know?

As if he could see the steam coming out of the Sirius, Willard chuckled deciding to change the subject, "what about your brother? Did you see him?" This seemed to snap Yuliy out of his intense thinking, "ah... yeah, I did. He said if I remained a Jaeger then we were no longer brothers- but enemies. He even mentioned the Ark." The teen had kept going on telling the older man about how he was only a child back in Dogville- how he wasn't told of the Ark. 

In response, the professor behind him concluded that the only reason the vampires were keeping Mikhail alive was to see what he would know about the Ark. Yuliy couldn't seem to process anything today; what was the Ark? What would his brother do with the Ark? What were his feelings for (name)? 

Why couldn't he wrap his head around any of this?

The professor saw the conflict in the teenager's eyes; therefore he asked the question he never thought he would ask, "Yuliy, do you want to quit the Jaegers?" Making the said male's eyes widen as he turned to face the man he looked up to. "If you do then you and your brother won't have to kill each other," to which Yuliy replied that his vengeance is his only reason for living. This resulted in Willard's sudden question of: "then what about (name)?" Stopping Yuliy from speaking.

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