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A turn faster than you can say "fuck off Yevgraf" made Yuliy and (name) slide to the side harshly. Up the road was a struggle on its own since Bishop wasn't being quite as forgiving as he was earlier. The drive proceeded on and on- almost seeming never ending. But when the trio caught sight of the red-skinned beasts, they sprung into action.

Driving up to the vampires, Bishop didn't hesitate to hit one with his car while Yuliy and (name) jumped out of the vehicle; "let me handle this you two!" He shouted, directing to the vampires who jumped onto said car.

(Name)'s first move was to ask the elderly man she spotted who sat against a tree if he was alright. "I'm fine" granted the man; "good, then stay here and out of sight." The vampire instructed, leaving him be.

The abrupt ring of children laughing sent shivers up against the two non-humans. Getting into a fighting stance while getting out their respected weapons, the non-Jaeger duo and elderly man spectated their surroundings, searching to find where the giggles came from.







There were no signs of the source of laughter. Until Yuliy looked off to the side where he saw a small, feminine figure with a bright red outline appear. The glowing figure introduced herself as Larisa before another small figure made herself visible and introduced herself as Tamara.

It was obvious they were vampires. Their skin was pasty, their eyes red- AND they were levitating!

Prepping his weapon, Yuliy deflected, what seemed to be, large needles with (name) who followed diligently. The fight was two against two meaning the battle was even with Yuliy taking on Tamara as (name) fought Larisa. "You're Misha's little brother?... Then would you like to become a vampire as well?" Tamara asked with an insane glint in her eyes.

The thought of Yuliy becoming a vampire made (name)'s blood boil. She had promised herself long ago that, no matter what sacrifices had to be made, she would never allow her partner to turn into a monster like her.

A monster that drank the blood of others. A monster that would suffer this curse until their dying breath. She would never allow someone who meant so much to her become a monster she despised the most- herself.

(Name) struck Larisa with a tough kick to the chest. Larisa, in turn, used a needle to cut against the skin of the (h/c) head's neck. Watching her newly made wound heal, Larisa gasped at (name)'s healing ability. The small girl gazed into the half's eyes realizing the red that shone in the moon "your eyes are so different. You're not a full vampire" she began to deduct.

With another rough kick- but to the gut- Larisa flew back; "no shit" (name) glared. Before she could land another hit, the vampire child flew back and turned to her twin "hey, Tamara. This one's a half vampire" she chimed. Tamara looked at her "wow! I've never seen one before" then the conversation went to Yuliy who had skillfully blocked Tamara's attacks.

"Come on! If you become a vampire, you can be with Misha!"

"Shut up!"

Yuliy's strong voice boomed. The twins flew up into the trees causing the two on the ground to back up into each other. Back to back, they looked everywhere for their giggling opponents in the dark.


"Why are you upset?"

"Do you hate us for killing those villagers?"

It's Complicated {{Yuliy X Reader}}Where stories live. Discover now