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In a panic, Yuliy ran to his partner's side thanks to the support of Mikhail who fended off Yevgraf; "Yuliy! She needs blood!" The turned vampire shouted urgently before going to strike at Yevgraf with his spear for nails.

Hearing his older brother's statement made Yuliy's sapphire eyes widen, 'blood?' He wondered. Thinking about it, it made a lot of sense really; a vampire who needs to restore their strength goes to drink blood. But (name) being half bred changed certain things. Then again, she looked like she really needed it. It's only been a few days since she drank Yuliy's blood and in that time, he's actually been wondering if there would be a situation when (name) would drink his blood again. For some reason, he felt it made them closer- maybe because he's learnt about something as sensitive as blood consumption. Never before had he seen (name) drink blood so perhaps it was also due to his curiosity. But right now the situation is different, she was injured and was in need to consume blood.

"(Name)," Yuliy called out. Opening her unique eyes in response, (name) felt her body grow heavy. The scent of blood was thick and she could feel each of her wounds reopening which caused the pain to be more agonizing. "(Name), you need to drink blood." Yuliy's suggestive voice caught (name) off guard as memories of a few days prior flooded her mind. The moment she hurt Yuliy- that's what she referred it to- and she was instantly filled with regret and guilt. Gathering her falling strength, (name) gripped the Sirius' arm mumbling "n-no. I refuse... don't... don't worry about me. I'll- I'll be okay- just give me a few minutes" in a pleading tone.

All Yuliy could do was shake his head in disapproval, "(name), we might not have a 'few minutes' and the more fighters we have, the bigger the chance that we can take down Yevgraf. You have to drink." It wasn't intentional but the ravenette's voice ended up sounding stricter than he hoped. It caused (name) to flinch as she tried to collect her thoughts but ended up panicking over it instead.

Yuliy could see the panic, concern, alarm, and pained look in the half-vampire's (e/c) and crimson orbs. He didn't like the idea of (name) drinking blood either but what other option did they have? At this rate, (name) and Mikhail might die, Yevgraf might win, the world could end in chaos, and the Ark's powers would be abused. It couldn't come to that, Yuliy would make sure. Looking at (name), Yuliy clenched his eyes in regret:

"I'm sorry, (name)."

The Sirius placed a hand under the (h/c)nette's head, forcing her face into the crook of his neck. His scent filled (name)'s nostrils, almost suffocating her of a choice. Realizing her helplessness in this dire situation, the half-breed's eyes burned with fresh tears. She hated this desperate, aching feeling residing deep within her that yearned for the taste of blood. 'If only I hadn't been born a vampire' (name) thought with remorse while she opened her mouth revealing her fangs that glistened in the moonlight.

Hesitantly, she brought her fangs down onto Yuliy's clear neck that gave off a sweet scent; "I'm sorry, Yuliy." She whispered, hoping he heard. The puncture signified that (name) had bit the same neck she sucked out of a few days ago.

The sensation of having fangs dig into his neck caused Yuliy to flinch in pain. Now that he wasn't taken by surprise and had a clear mind, Yuliy could feel the pain subside as it turned to a sense of euphoria. Pleasure spread throughout Yuliy's veins like lightning forcing him to let out a shaky sigh. Was this something a vampire was capable of?

Something warm trailed down Yuliy's neck but it wasn't blood. It felt thinner than blood and smelt of salt- tears. The warm liquid sliding down his neck was tears. (Name)'s tears. Reaching his arms around the younger teen, Yuliy embraced her, "it's alright. Keep going. Drink as much as you need." That's what he muttered in the half-vampire's ear as the warm, wet feeling became more frequent.

What did (name)'s face look like? What expression was she putting on? What were the thoughts that ran through her head? How was she feeling? How hard was she crying? Was it because of him? How long had she suffered because of this primal instinct?

Questions like that ran through Yuliy's head while he kept his embrace. He couldn't help but have a small sense of pity for (name). She didn't choose to be a half-vampire yet here she was now, drinking the blood of someone she claimed to be dear to her. How awful she must feel.

(Name)'s fangs slipped out Yuliy's neck as she lapped up any excess blood before separating herself from the Sirius. Lifting her sleeve, she wiped away any blood that could've been smeared on her face and it was then that Yuliy finally saw how teary her (e/c) eyes were. They were like stars in a (e/c) and bloody red sky. But pushing that aside, Yuliy was about to say something when (name) beat him to it, "sometimes I hate how understanding and accepting you are of me." Her voice was a complex mixture of pain and gratitude.

'If only she knew how much I love her.'

Yuliy sighed to himself. Though, he knew now wasn't the time. He would have to tell her later- if they lasted that long. Grabbing (name) by her shoulders, the Sirius leaned his face down before placing a bite on the nape of the flesh of her neck causing her to gasp in pain. "If you want, I'll bite you back so we can be even," was what he said as he brought his head back up with a grin upon seeing (name)'s face bloom a pinkish hue. It was like this like time too- he bit her neck saying it was "pay back". With an amused sigh, (name) felt her lips form into a grin while her eyes relaxed, "I swear to your ancestors that you'll be the death of me" she chuckled before standing herself up.

Her wounds had completely healed and she felt strength being distributed throughout her entire body. Perhaps it was due to drinking blood from another race that isn't human. Stretching her arms upwards, (name) turned towards Yuliy with an energetic grin; "let's go help your brother and put an end to this, Yuliy!"

Yuliy grinned back.

"Yeah! Let's go stop Yevgraf."

@(。・-・)@ @(。・-・)@

See, told you I'd be back soon! I was at my cousin's house and I was stuck with nothing but kids, people, and my phone so... yeah, that's a joy.

Have y'all seen the episode 21 of Dororo? I ended up almost having a panic attack because MUTSU AND HYOGO ARE SO FUCKING PRECIOUS THAT I-

Sorry... I'm a little emotional. I just really love them along with Hyakkimaru, Dororo, and Tahomaru. I wish they didn't have to fight- I blame Daigo. Freaking bitch!

BRUSHING THAT ASIDE... how do you guys feel when someone's watching you make fanfictions? I hate it. My cousin and I are pretty close so I don't mind him watching me from a distance- or anyone for that matter. But when it comes to them looking over my shoulder, I can't help but feel self-conscious that they'll find so many errors. I don't know, it might be me, but when it comes to writing fanfiction around people I get super shy but when it comes to talking about it I'm like "FIrSt yOu NEeD A PloT-" and suddenly I'm an intellectual!

Lolol idk if that's just me or not but ya know... if nothing works out

I have to go now but I hope guys liked today's chapter! Make sure to stay well fed, hydrated, and get lots of rest!

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I have to go now but I hope guys liked today's chapter! Make sure to stay well fed, hydrated, and get lots of rest!

I love you, my little goobers! ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

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