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The sun's rays had traveled far and wide, casting its light upon the earth like a spell. Reaching past a certain pair of curtains, the sun graced its light onto the face of two soundless sleeping teenagers. The sunlight accompanied by the dust particles in the air and the faint sounds of breathing made the two look mystical- almost like they were in a fairytale.

About an hour or two had passed by; with the light hitting his eyes, Yuliy's eyebrows furrowed before his sapphire orbs gently opened unveiling himself to the sight of the room around him. Lazily, Yuliy lifted his arm, placing it next to him expecting to feel the warm body of the one who slept next to him. Only... he felt nothing.

Yuliy's mind filled with panic as his body shot up to a sitting position. Left. Right. (Name) wasn't there making Yuliy dread if this was a nightmare because if it was, he yearned to wake up. Trying to be rational, the adolescent pinched himself; eventually, logic flowed into Yuliy's head resulting in the teen to come to his senses. 'Maybe she woke up before me and went to wash up.' Yuliy concluded to himself.

Moments passed as Yuliy had gotten himself ready for the day. Hearing a knock at the door, the teen walked up to the wooden door, opening it almost hastily; seeing the small stature of (name) made Yuliy's guard drop. Inside (name)'s hands was a tray of breakfast, "morning Yuliy. Sorry about my sudden disappearance; I went to go finish my last two assignments and got breakfast thinking you were up." (Name) explained with an apologetic smile.

Stepping to the side, Yuliy let (name) into the room, "no problem; I was wondering what you were doing. I'm glad you got your assignments done" said the taller teen. (Name) had placed the tray down on the table signaling Yuliy to sit at the table to eat the breakfast consisting of rice, beef, and a veggie broth in a side bowl.

While the two started to eat, Yuliy turned his direction to (name). Feeling his sapphire stare, (name) looked up, "is there something on my face?" She asked as the sun's rays complemented her face; Yuliy's face flushed knowing he got caught in the act of his staring. Not like it was his fault though- (name)'s physical appearance wasn't average yet it wasn't over the top; she had her flaws- obviously, but it wasn't like it made her ugly. In fact, they made her quite...


Looking away, Yuliy just mumbled "no. I was just thinking" he answered with a lacing of nervousness. After a second or two, Yuliy's flushed face bloomed in a red plum flower color making the confused (name) throw into a fit of laughter.

Outside the room, Willard heard (name)'s fit of laughter; with a wondrous gaze, a smile sneaked its way onto at the professor's face before he walked right past the laughter-filled room.


After breakfast and with noon rolling around, the Jaegers had gathered to the room where Philip worked to bring Fallon, Dorthea, Yuliy, and (name) many stacks of books; "it's so heavy!" Philip exclaimed slamming the documents on the ground. With Fallon and Philip quarreling, (name) grabbed a document and began to skim over it, "that's strange" Dorthea thought aloud.

Theories were thrown around between the two adults who believed the vampires had gotten all the parts they required, "hey Philip. Can you bring me the investigation file that we borrowed yesterday?" Fallon called out to the child in front of him. When Philip started to protest, Yuliy offered to bring it himself.

"He seems rather proactive."

Dorthea announced to the three other members; "he must be feeling better" Philip responded picking up a slice of cake. The green-eyed woman eyed at (name) who had a soft smile on her face; just when Dorthea was about to ask (name) what she did to make Yuliy feel better, there was a knock at the door before it opened revealing the familiar face of Ryoko.

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