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A few hours had passed as noon came into play. Yuliy and (name) had just woken up and now ate together in the room as they conversed, "I kind of wanna go buy some candy" (name) said finishing her meal. The Sirius in front of her sighed at the half-vampire's childish comment, "don't you still have some candy from Shanghai?" Yuliy asked not showing his amusement with (name)'s pouting face. Getting up and going her bag, (name) pulled out a bag of candy she bought in Shanghai and other places; "I have some New Year candy from Shanghai, some caramel cubes from America, and some Polo Mints and Fizzy Cola Bottles from Britain- I'm running out of candy, Yuliy!" (Name) wailed out dramatically before stuffing a caramel cube into her mouth.

Yuliy bursted into a fit of laughter, "that's more than enough to last you a few months" if sleeping and waking up beside Yuliy didn't make (name) blush then his laugh did. It was so rare of Yuliy that this is the second time in four years that she's heard it; with her flushed face, (name) stomped her feet onto the floor and picked up both of their plates "you would never know! I'm going to take our plates downstairs!" She fumed before leaving the room.

Now by himself, Yuliy's bright eyes slightly dulled. Yes, he did rant to (name) about what he wanted to but there was something he didn't tell her about- the Ark of Sirius. More than likely, (name) didn't know about the Ark and Yuliy wanted to keep it that way for now; after all, it was the Ark that caused the death of his family. 

While waiting for (name) to come back, Yuliy decided to clean his staff of the dirt and dust that Agatha's body might've left. When Yuliy was wiping off the blade the door opened exposing Philip, "this part of the Imperial capital is rather silent, isn't it?" Philip asked trying to strike up a conversation; "you're right" Yuliy responded mindlessly. 

Feeling awkward, Philip decided to switch the topic to Saki, "Saki's relatives are going to take her in. I'm sure she'll be fine." The blonde announced to the older tee with a shrug. A flip in Yuliy's head as his mouth went off, "she won't be fine. Her father meant so much to her as if he was her only family." Philip's expression slumped understanding Yuliy's point of view. At first, Philip tried to reason with Yuliy saying how the Sirius made the right choice; just when the blonde turned to Yuliy about to say he would've done the same thing, Philip notices the soft expression on Yuliy's face. 

"You're not your usual self."

Yuliy bluntly stated making the fourteen-year-old stammer over his words as he stomped his way out. Once again, Yuliy was alone, "I wonder what's taking so long?" He asked looking out towards the window and beyond letting his mind drift. 

'Important... family.'

(Name)'s POV

After taking the dishes downstairs and not seeing the maid, I decided to go into the main lobby. There I crossed paths with Ryoko, "ah, Naoe-san, good evening" I greeted with a faint bow; when I looked up Ryoko had greeted me back "good evening, (name)-san. You can just call me Ryoko." Respectfully, I gave another bow and had accepted Ryoko's suggestion. 

Ryoko had accompanied me on my trip to the kitchen where the maids and butlers were discussing dinner for tonight. The visit was quick; all Ryoko and I did was greet the workers, placed the dishes on the table and left. Simple. 


Sudden shivers went up my spine at the voice. Turning around, I saw it was Dorthea ut there was something different about her... she was holding books. "Hello there, Dorthea-san" Ryoko greeted with a polite bow not noticing the woman's change in aura. Dorthea had greeted Ryoko before turning to me, "(name). Since we're in Japan and you've had a two moth reak ad we're not doing any missions at the moment, it's the perfect opportunity to... START YOUR STUDIES!" Dorthea cheered as she introduced the pile of books in her arms.

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