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(Name)'s POV

After some time, I had gotten a warmer jacket and a new pair of gloves from a clothing store I found a few blocks away. The jacket was (f/c) and had cotton inside to keep in heat and had a zipper while my newly bought gloves where the same as my last pair.

Everything was going fine. But something I've noticed is that my throat was dry and has been since I woke up this morning. I thought that after breakfast, it would be better considering I drank tea and water throughout the whole meal.  

Apparently not because my throat's been screaming for something to drink. Due to my "dehydration," my head began to spin; it got to the point where a migraine partied away inside my head. Stumbling my way to a nearby cafe, I took a seat and asked a young woman for a glass of water. Maybe taking a break will help.

When the woman came back with my glass of water, I thanked her courteously. Chugging down the glass, I let out a sigh. Unfortunately, my throat still begged for the consumption of something. What the hell was up with me?

Placing money on the table, I made my way out of the cafe and decided to rush to the hotel where the others were. Feeling an impact against my body, I looked up seeing an older man "oi, watch where you're going" he grumbled but I didn't pay attention. The only thing I paid mind to was his exposed neck. Damn did it look tempting right now. 

Realizing what I was thinking, I gasped and bowed to the man apologetically before scrambling off in fear. In fear of myself for I knew what was going on- how could I forget? The symptoms were so obvious. Dehydration, dizziness, even a sense of nausea started to act up. 

My body was craving blood.

Since I'm only half vampire, I can live longer without consuming blood but I do have some vampire D.N.A which makes me crave blood once a year. And that time is now. My want for blood was consuming my being whole. Usually, I would find some person in the alleyways and take some of theirs.

Problem with that is: I'm out in plain ass day; there are Jaegers around; we could get some serious attention- and we didn't need that. No one else knows this. I've tried my hardest to keep it a secret from them and it seems to have gone well. But now I was a little worried because chances are, someone was going to figure out.

But would Yuliy accept me if he figured out? Would he still trust me with the trust I would kill for?

I'm scared. I'm scared that if he finds out he won't trust me, believe me, or accept me. Sure, we've known each other for years and have built up a bond like no other but that doesn't stop the fact that there are certain things we don't know about each other and some things we keep hidden. When was the last time I feared rejection?

No One's POV

(Name)'s head spun as her chest tightened and her breathing picked up. She felt her body failing. She felt that familiar thirst for blood. That hunger that made her despise her very being. 

Sometime later, (name) had arrived back at the hotel. As she got closer she felt her body get hot feverishly and her stomach churn in severe discomfort manufacturing a deep inhale of pain from her. Exhaling with strain, (name) slowly made her way inside; once she got inside, she was met with confused gazes from two smoking men, "hey, (name). You alright?" The blonde asked. "Y-yeah, Bishop. I just bumped into something before I came in" she responded with a closed-eyed smile.

Even though she didn't let Iba and Bishop see her screaming eyes, her thin voice worried the two. Maybe she was really tired...? They didn't know but neither of them wanted to intrude so they just watched the (h/c)nette stride past them. 

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