Missing Him

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(Name) had arrived in Shanghai a few hours ago and tried to go to the address that the professor had handed to her. Bus after bus, (name) continued to search for the address but to no avail; even when she asked for assistance she was either, given the cold shoulder or was given directions to another bus that was suppose to lead her to her destination.

A frustrated sigh left the girl's lips, "why can't someone just lead me? Where even is this place?" Looking around, all she could see were people walking around, cars driving about, buses passing by, and large buildings being passed. Jumping off the back of a bus she was on, (name) started to walk on the streets; hand in pocket while her other free hand held onto the instrument case she carried along.


"I guess I could stop for something to eat." The half-vampire chuckled to herself; gazing around until she saw the sign tray would lead her to a cafe, (name) paced her way to the building. With a push of a door, the teen walked in and was lead by a woman to a table with two seats. The menu was filled with an amazing variety of food but even so, (name) wanted to eat something quick and go back on the search for Willard's friend; "just a bowl of Xiaolongbao and some tea, please" the sixteen-year-old smiled at the waitress who bowed with an "of course" before grabbing the menu and walking away.

(Message to any of my Chinese or intellectuals; if whatever I put in here about Shanghai isn't right then please tell me. I'm just Googling this stuff.)

The air was light as it was not heavy; of course... there were groups of people in the corner smoking, drinking and whatnot but that didn't bother (name). After all, Shanghai was a hard drinking place. A different waitress has brought the teen's tea and left; now having a drink, (name) felt her stress wash away- maybe she would get a drink before leaving and not tell Willard about it. All and all, everything was alright, (name) was eventually given her food. Some of the drinkers and smokers left.

Yeah, it was pretty good. Quickly finishing her meal, (name) placed her money on the table as she got up to leave, "hey! You, girl. That jacket of your's looks nice and my girl here seems a little cold. Mind giving us your jacket?" A man near the back asked. Turning to look at the man, (name) just sighed "if you're a man, why don't you give your girlfriend your jacket?" She asked turning back to leave.

Sensing something coming towards her, (name) tilted her head to the far left. Looking at what was thrown at her, the (h/c)nette recognized it as a table; gazing at the man once again, she noticed his glare.

The man stomped up to (name)'s smaller frame "you wanna question me, runt? Think you're too cool to respect your elders? Why don't I just rip off that jacket from your dead body?!" Shouted the man as he threw a punch to which (name) easily dodged. Now like a raging bull, the man continuously threw punches (ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA! ORA!) without any hesitation.

"Just give up the jacket? Why would you be so insisted on keeping it?"

A woman from the place where the man had came from scoffed. Clearly, she was the one who needed the jacket; grumbling, (name) answered back with a "the reason why I'm so insisted on keeping this is because someone gave it to me" before grabbing the man's arm, pivoting on her foot and throwing the man over the shoulder. If (name) wasn't showing her fustration and anger before then she was showing it now; the man had been thrown onto the ground (sense you didn't want to pay for reparation funds) with an enormous thud surprising, not only the staff, but the other fellow customers who tried to ignore the commotion.

'He's still alive. That's good, I didn't want to pay for his funeral.'

(Name) sighed to herself as she leaped over the unconscious male, heading to the exit without another problem. Or so the other customers and staff thought. In all honesty, the girl was upset- no, enraged by the fact that someone wanted to take away something she held dear: her jacket. 'Yuliy bought it for me after feeling guilty for not knowing my birthday.' (Name) smiled to herself as she thought about the Sirius.

Suddenly, a frown graced its way onto (name)'s features. She reminisced the incident from last night when she and the Sirius survivor faught. They've faught plenty of time before- sometimes it even got physical, but for some reason this particular fight messed with (name). Why?

' "What if you don't come back?! What am I suppose to do then? None of us have the power to bring you back to life! I've been with you for four whole years! I'm so used to everything about you! How am I suppose to live a life without you?! Huh?! TELL ME!" '

That's what he said. His exact words; and his exact words made (name)'s heart skip a beat. Tears started to slip out from her (e/c) orbs; bringing her hands up to wipe away the slips of salty water. Meanwhile, bystanders gave the crying teen an odd, skeptical look wondering what the heck she was trying to do.

Taking a deep breath and after successfully wiping away the waterworks, (name) put her hands up, cupping her face "alright, I'll get this mission done- go back to Japan and tell Yuliy I'm sorry. You can do this, (name)" a few words of self-encouragement never hurt anyone. Pulling herself together, the (h/c) haired teen proceeded to walk... then jog... then run... and then sprint. She sprinted with her head held high and her resolve powerful.

The thought of Yuliy encouraged her to work hard so she could go back to him- to his arms that would hold her at night; to his smile that would brighten up her world. Maybe she was just missing him, but (name) craved for Yuliy's touch and presence.

She'll do it.

Do it for him.


Finished another chapter!!!! I feel like I'm rushing through the chapters but that's only because there is so much going on in the anime that I have to try and add stuff that might fit.

This is still episode 6 and I'm trying to slow the series down a bit so if there's something that seems out of place, just know it's me trying to make this book longer.

Oh, I forgot to say this in the last chapter but I'm done with testing (I did pretty good) and will now start the new semester when I get back to school on Wednesday... yay~

Btw, this new Wattpad update is weird, at first I couldn't tell what was a draft and what was published (I usually look for the red color to tell me if something's a draft); and when I tried putting on my kaomoji (the weird faces I put on at the end of the chapter) it sends it to the far right making me a little confused.

But that's my opinion!! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ what do you guys think of the update?

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