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Sounds of the train's whistle and brakes screeching against the tracks resonated throughout the air as it came to a stop. (Name) caught herself as her body went with inertia to the sudden stop; "what happened?" The teen asked before going to an empty seat to stick her head out the frame of the window to see a man with red hair, blue marks on his face, mustache and a beard, and two swords crossed on his back. Revealing himself as the leader of the Hyakko Party: Naotora Momose made (name)'s eyebrows to furrow- she needed to contact Willard but that wasn't possible at the moment so (name) looked at the people in the cart she was in, "everyone, please get off and get to safety. The Hyakko Party is coming this way." Luckily for the (h/c)nette, the name of the Hyakko Party was enough to encourage the passengers to get off the locomotive.

Helping the people get off safely, (name) made her way through each car that she passed through telling everyone of the situation. Finishing the third car, (name) interlaced with slaves. (Name) dodged their bullets by taking cover behind the nearest seat; taking out her wire from her pouch, (name) engaged herself in battle. The racket of gunshots and cries of pain went off outside the train causing the (h/c) haired teen to wonder just what the hell was going on; suddenly the thought of meeting up with Yuliy etched into (name)'s head.

(Name), now filled with the determination to get to Yuliy, launched herself out of the seat with her wire in hand. As the slaves resumed firing their guns, (name) dodged each bullet by jumping around the car and creating a shield with her wire. Something that the slaves didn't catch onto though was the fact that she was untieing her right shoe; getting to a close enough range, (name) worked quickly by kicking her loose shoe at the two slaves before her, distracting them for a second. That was enough time for (name) to get her hidden butterfly sword that kept as an extra weapon and threw it into the forehead of the slave on the left before cutting through the slave on the right with her wire.

Both dead bodies became ash, granting (name) the access of leaving the car. Noticing that the train was now moving again, the teen looked out the window before picking up her butterfly sword and ran- but not in the direction of Yuliy. Turning around, she ran towards the front of the train where she was sure to meet up with whoever was controlling the rattler, 'I'll meet up with Yuliy eventually.' (Name) told herself as she hurried to the front.


Stumbling as the train shook with intensity, (name) stopped for a second, "what the hell?" She questioned trying to think of the posibilities. Someone shot a gas tank of sort. (Name) rushed to the source of the explosion hoping to not meet with anymore slaves or people that would prevent her from getting to the car that blew up; "master is dead!" A voice exclaimed. Pushing her legs to a sprint, it wasn't too long till (name) made her way to the car that had its ceiling blown off.

(E/c) and red eyes expand in both horror and shock as she witnessed a monster with a bloodied claw face her direction. The most unsettling thing about the monster was the fact that the thing in front of her had the most spine-chilling aura that any unknown being could give. Transforming into a fighting stance, the teen dashed to the metal binded beast spreading her wire out to wrap onto something until they all aligned against the neck of the monster. Wrapping her end of the wire around her hand until they cut through the glove, (name) yanked the weird towards herself in attempt to cut the head off.

The thing stumbled and fell on the ground while its body slid forward. Keeping her guard up, (name) waited for the monster to die as she started pulling the wire even tighter around the monster's neck; when the creature began to stand back up, (name) tried to pull tighter but the feeling of her wire now almost cutting through the skin of her palm made her wince. With her persistence in vain, the monster used his claw machine hand to seize hold of (name)'s neck, rising her body up along with the act of blocking her air supply in the process.

Pretty soon, the lack of air started to get to the chocking teen's head while she tried to kick the head of the bastard that was suffocating her. Feeling herself losing consciousness, (name) let her legs dangle as her fingers that were clawing at the creature's hand were no longer retaining their strength. (E/c) orbs saw black spots in their vision as it blurred, "(name)!" A familiar voice called out; still, the (h/c) haired girl kept silent, not having the energy nor strength to answer back.

Yuliy brought out his three-sectioned staff, jumping and landing attacks on the being that held the, almost, unconscious girl in his claws. Coming to the conclusion that the thing wasn't a vampire and that he needed to save his (name) and go past the door across from him. Fortunately for the Sirius, the creature dropped (name) on the ground as it now occupied itself with Yuliy. With the swings, deattachments, and reattachments of his staff, the Sirius fought the creature that had known nothing but destruction.

Getting at a distance, Yuliy observed the large hoses that was attached to the monster's back. When it pulled the hose apart, blood flowed out of them; this only meant it could get Yuliy without distance restrictions. Roaming after Yuliy, the teen made his chain connected weapon into one again, jumping as he held the top and spread his legs out. Landing back on the ground behind the beast, Yuliy prepared another attack but was halted by his tripping of the pipes on the ground. A grunt of pain left his mouth when his back collided with a metal object; now on the verge of trying to get himself back up, Yuliy heard a voice behind him, "after all I said, you still came?" Turning around the familiar figure of Mikhail appeared.

Besides his younger brother being there, the limp body of (name) caught Mikhail's attention, "you can't even protect your friend, how can you expect to protect yourself?" He asked. Without a second thought, Mikhail sprinted to the monster, taking out his daggers landing deep and shallow cuts on the grey body of the beast; a slash at the arm caused the bottom half of the creature's arm to fly off. Mikhail then leaped to the top of the train, running off with the monster behind him leaving Yuliy and a not moving (name) in the blasted car.

Regaining his train (ha! Get it?) of thought, Yuliy made his way beside (name), gripping her shoulders gently; "(name). Hey, (name)!" The seventeen-year-old cried out panicky hoping that the girl he was holding wasn't injured too badly. The blast of another explosion echoed in the air and the train went off track causing the remaining people on the train to crash. Holding (name) close to his chest, Yuliy protected the said girl from getting any more injuries then she might already have.

The train screeched against the rock in the earth from the momentum until it came to a stop. Before long, flames engulfed the destroyed pieces of the train; in each other's arms, Yuliy opened his eyes. "Yuliy. If I become like him too, I want you to kill me" the teens' gazes landed on the man that stood on top of the mess, holding the monster's mask that acted as his eyes. Yuliy's mouth opened to question Mikhail's statement, "what do you mean 'kill you'?" "If you have the Ark, then you can do it- you could spare or take a life." Yuliy's brows rise in realization before the engine of the train explodes letting Mikhail disappear. Unknowing to Yuliy though was the fact that (name) was conscious and had been ever since Mikhail had leaped to the top of cieling.

The sadness in Yuliy's voice as he mumbled out his brother's name made (name) chest squeeze. If only monsters like her never existed then Yuliy could've lived an ideal life. If only.

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Hewwwwwooooo!!!! I didn't have an exam today so I decided to publish this chapter (I've been working on this and other chapters during the weekend). I have three chapters I'm working on that I'll publish maybe... Friday or the weekend since I have an exam Thursday and mom's dragging me shopping today and tomorrow.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote, comment and hit the subscribe button!!

(I'm high on coffee plez halp, (○^○))

Btw, what's your favorite Sirius The Jaeger episode? Mine's episode 6 because we see a practically naked Yuliy( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(,, ・∀・)ノ゛bye now!! Stay safe and I love youuuu!

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